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07 Jan 16 17:54
Date Joined: 19 Feb 06
| Topic/replies: 7,224 | Blogger: melv's blog
The state of the world economy doesn’t involve us. As long as you don’t mind fact that London wealth and the wealth in the world economy are the same thing. As long as  you ignore the fact that there is no wealth generated in any other part of the country except London.
But George knows exactly what to do.

Ist Borrow borrow borrow borrow borrowWhat could go wrong.
Carry on with the cuts. Despite the fact that more people will have less money they will some how be able to spend more. See borrow borrow borrow borrow.
I really do not know how we have got away will the deluded blllshht. For so long. But the crash msut come and it will look a bit like this. To start with.
Unless you believe George and we will continue to get better healthier and wealthier as long as we just carry on regardless as if there is nothing basically wrong with the whole system.
He is right though the Banks can’t go bust. They are already insolvent; although he won’t mention this fact. Nor will he mention the tsunami of household debt hanging over our heads. Just dive in max out the cards take out the biggest mortgage you can afford. George knows what he’s doing
Pause Switch to Standard View Don’t worry George has it all under...
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