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06 Jun 12 15:15
Date Joined: 03 Feb 05
| Topic/replies: 6,745 | Blogger: Menelaus's blog
Today the US Dollar Index is printing 82ish

It first printed 82ish in 1990. Gold traded around $380/oz

then again in 1992, gold was $345

1995, gold $385

2004, gold $410

2007, gold $700

2009, gold $1,000

2011, gold $1,400

TODAY, gold $1,630

If you can do simple arithmetic, you understand what's going on with gold. If you are a clown who's certifiably brain dead, you hyperventilate every day on here about 0.01pc movements........and claim you profited from it.
Pause Switch to Standard View Gold, massive ignorance and Crocodile...
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Report FINE AS FROG HAIR June 6, 2012 11:10 PM BST
I think the current calculations are  that gold would currently have to go to circa $2300 to match its 1980 value, after adjusting for inflation.
And in that 30 years or so, a long term holder would have earned zero interest.
How's that for a store of wealth ?.
The bottom line is that gold likes bad news and periodically it will have run ups.
If you are prescient (like Menelaus apparently is) you can make some occasional good hit and run profits.
Best of luck o all you " normal" investors out there.
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 3:44 AM BST
gold 1598 and falling- another bad call by you meely- standard fare for you
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 3:47 AM BST
interesting calculation there frogy- proving gold is the greatest financial waste of time ever invented.

no reply from forum ignoramus melly when faced with FACTSCrazy

STANDBY  for his next regurgitationShocked
Report Menelaus June 11, 2012 5:37 AM BST
Why don't you always end your posts with:


Some innocent forumite new to this forum may mistake your daily turd droppings for……….opinion.

If anyone can repost 'BOTTY's post I'd be more than happy to reply to whatever nonsense (safe assumption on my part) he is asking.

And finally, so we can make sure you understand were we've been before we decide where we're going next, can someone post an answer to the following……not you benny the clown, I meant someone with a functioning brain:

If gold typically moves inverse to the US$, and the US Dollar index is a measure of the relative strength of the UD$ against a basket of other currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, CHF and SEK), then why has gold gone from  $380 in 1990 to $1600+ today when the US Dollar had the same relative strength in 1990 as it does today?

Take your time.
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 5:55 AM BST
and  SPLAT!!!!!!!

there it isCry
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 5:56 AM BST
newsflash melly- this is'nt 1990 , its 2012- try to keep up.
Report Menelaus June 11, 2012 10:34 AM BST
I'd be willing to wager a handsome sum of money that a fire hydrant has a better chance of eventually understanding this stuff than you.....and I'd win.

Want proof?

Here it is..

Mrben 11 Jun 12 05:56 
newsflash melly- this is'nt 1990 , its 2012- try to keep up
Report Whippet June 11, 2012 10:17 PM BST
If you can do simple arithmetic, you understand what's going on with gold

So because gold has gone up it will continue to do so forever? Ok then...

Just as well you weren't around during tulip mania or you would have been one of those mugs who traded their house in amsterdam and herd of goats for 1 tulip bulb. Laugh
Report Menelaus June 11, 2012 10:21 PM BST
Come on, take a stab at this bright eyes......and you won't even have to get up from your knees.

The answer is quite simple but unfortunately one that seems to elude lemmings like you......and those who own you.

If gold typically moves inverse to the US$, and the US Dollar index is a measure of the relative strength of the UD$ against a basket of other currencies (EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, CHF and SEK), then why has gold gone from  $380 in 1990 to $1600+ today when the US Dollar had the same relative strength in 1990 as it does today?

Take your time
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 11:22 PM BST
melly- take your time- explain  why gold is some 800$ BELOW its inflation adjusted value as stated by froggy.

take  your time.Plain
Report FINE AS FROG HAIR June 11, 2012 11:24 PM BST
Because of US Govt debt levels according to Menelaus.
But it's not the only driver and, as such, in time could equally be overtaken by other factors to push the price back down.
But I agree with Menelaus in the short term at least on gold.
It is fear driven and we sure have plenty of fear about.
But it's never a store of wealth long term, just always a short term refuge in bad times.
Report FINE AS FROG HAIR June 11, 2012 11:25 PM BST
Our posts crossed.
I was answering Menelaus' latest post.
Report Mrben June 11, 2012 11:34 PM BST
gold is not a "store of wealth" nor is it a "refuge " in bad times. These are urban myths created in a differnt time.

These days gold is just another commodity, a pretty one, but no more special than any other.

The perfect storm for gold has come and gone ,come and gone again.Its still 1600$.

How anyone can believe in the "gold  story" is beyond me- and then we have melly.Tongue Out
Report FINE AS FROG HAIR June 11, 2012 11:41 PM BST
" Urban myths created in a different time ".
Now there's a dangerous phrase.
Almost like saying " This time it's different " .
A big, big mistake often made by investors.
Report Menelaus June 11, 2012 11:43 PM BST
Mrben 11 Jun 12 23:22 
melly- take your time- explain  why gold is some 800$ BELOW its inflation adjusted value as stated by froggy.

If it's true that 'botty stated that, then I'll add him to my list of those lemmings who can't do basic arithmetic......oh wait, he's already on there

Not surprised though that a clueless mug like you takes such nonsense and runs with it.
Report FINE AS FROG HAIR June 11, 2012 11:50 PM BST
Nah I think I'll stick with the statement.
It's well documented out there.
Also please note that Menelaus is de-constructing a statement referring to the gold price 30 years ago, which statement he can't even read on here ( because of his blocking of me ).
As I have said before, he's a very clever boy.
Report Mrben June 12, 2012 12:12 AM BST
again melly you fail to address the central issue, burying it in a diatribe of drivel.

why is gold so low?

take your timeTongue Out
Report Menelaus June 12, 2012 12:12 PM BST
It's your I.Q. that low, not gold.

In between your lunatic rants and 'BOTTY's white space I still haven't the faintest idea what the "central issue" you are referring to is.

I've already answered what I could see, if he said that, his numbers are wrong. If you think I'm not right, put the numbers up and prove me wrong.
Report Mrben June 12, 2012 2:01 PM BST
no one can prove you wrong melly.

You have everything wrong since you joined this forum.

no proff required.Just read a few of your postsShocked
Report Whippet June 12, 2012 7:34 PM BST
11 Jun 12 23:41 Joined: 12 Mar 07 | Topic/replies: 4,993 | Blogger: FINE AS FROG HAIR's blog
" Urban myths created in a different time ".
Now there's a dangerous phrase.
Almost like saying " This time it's different " .
A big, big mistake often made by investors.

Precisely. Like I said, look at gold's chart and it looks like every classic speculative bubble out there. But the guys who are hoarding tampons, liquor chocolates and gold sovereigns under their bed keep screaming "buy buy buy". Why is it going to be any different this time?

Like I said, it is just as well melly wasn't around during tulip mania because he would have been exactly the sort of person who bought 1 tulip bulb at the peak of the market, just like he has been the sort of person who has taken the opposite side of the trade at precisely the wrong moment, whether it be AAPL, QQQQ or even gold itself.

I must admit though that melly's aftertiming is almost exquisite on this. Apparently he has been buying gold since the brown bottom but only thought to mention it recently. Remarkable!
Report Menelaus June 12, 2012 9:37 PM BST
The only bubble you are qualified to comment on is the one's that you blow out of your mouth. Beyond that, you best stay on your knees.
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