Nov 26, 2019 -- 11:50AM, squares wrote:
I didn't see it but surely it should make him determined to improve on the dance and beat the curse/stat.Although tbf he didn't stand much chance with Saffron. Trouble is, most of her other uptempo/Latin dances have been pretty poor but way overmarked to keep her in the contest. Finally she was scored realistically.
It wasn't great obviously but they were hung out to dry, no theme, zero production, slowed down version of the song. It's not just that it was the samba which is so difficult to cope with for females, but the stage in the comp and as I say nothing to hide behind. The two females left would have been worse given that hand, but that's the game, it was Saffron's turn in the script to bow out. Chris is getting all the protection in the world, and I suppose AJ hasn't enjoyed that kind of production support when it matters, he probably thought it was his best chance to get to the final.