Dec 9, 2015 -- 7:47PM, timbuctooth wrote:
Wouldn`t it just. I hear Tom Bleasby`s bring contacted, as we speak.
Dec 13, 2015 -- 10:51AM, steve_c wrote:
Regge n Bollie would make more money for Cowell than Lousia.
I honestly thought he might have got behind win for him...has a different type of winner....still gets Louisa if he wants her and not winning never made a difference to profit...blimey she has already had a few contracts and got nowhere....a female Ben Haenow
Dec 13, 2015 -- 10:55AM, bearcub wrote:
☆Efo Korku Marrio★ @RichMarrioCeleb 11m11 minutes agoAndroid users download APK #XFactor App here and vote Reggie and Bollie …Ghana getting the vote mobilised
Thought Cowell might play the UKIP card but didn't apart from one reference to "from Ghana to Peckham" (or wherever). Lot of African based tweets of support...not banned them like he did Asia re 4thImpact? Some calls for UK based African community to get behind them...I blame hemsby and his fellow 'appy 'ammers
Dec 13, 2015 -- 11:26AM, George Bailey wrote:
Hope this reaction is repeated round the country. Have asked him if it was a bigger cheer than when Louisa was called safe...bound to be.
He just retweeted this to his 8000 followers...c'mon get off your arses and DO something
19m: @JDBAV0N_ @ReggieNBollie I'd love it if they won. Just hope the TV viewers felt the same excitement you did.