Dec 21, 2013 -- 6:00PM, George Bailey wrote:
You lay Denmark fll or take a position on some milf diva?
Ukraine was my downfall. Was against it in every market. Oppose it big for Top 4 and H2H with Russia.
Top 10 market was poor too with just one pick up in Hungry? iirc
OR a small loss.
Some nice semi final results stopped it being a complete disarrrrster
Dec 21, 2013 -- 6:35PM, George Bailey wrote:
Ukraine my biggest (jolly) green (giant)
Yes. It was a dire 'song' and bizarre staging. Ofc we know now that they probably bought some of their pts. But then again so did Russia allegedly
Dec 22, 2013 -- 4:39AM, Henry VIII wrote:
don't think Susanna was marmite. She has her haters and lots of negative internet comments but she was overwhelmingly liked. The polls got her wrong so she may not have lost by much.
The fact that most people on here struggled to find anyone who liked her, the DM comments about her, when they were generally positive about her at the start,(Abbey went the other way, negative to positive), suggests she was very salty marmite.
I know of 5 people who voted for the 1st time in the final just to stop her winning.