Once again, thank you to Betfair for a prize fund.
This is how it works: There are 12 sections, you have to pick 1 player or number (depending on which section) for each one. The scores for each selection are listed below. Just put the letters A to L with your choice for each - preferably going downwards, followed by a tie-break answer. The people with the highest scores at the end of the World Championship will win as follows: 1st - £120, 2nd - £80, 3rd - £60, 4th - £40. to be paid direct into your BF account (so you MUST have an active Betfair account to be able to take part and receive any prizes). In the event of ties, the tiebreak will be operated, if there's still a tie, the prizes will be added and divided equally among those involved in the tie.
Other stuff E&OE - If there's a player missing from any of the sections as I've listed them (I don't think I've missed anyone), he will be ignored for scoring purposes. Any ambiguous or unclear selections will be ignored, and will score zero points – regardless of intention. Any ties in any sections, points shared; (eg, if the score is 2 points for 3rd, 1 point for 4th, and there's a tie for 3rd, both will score 1.5) The organiser's (that's me) decision is final. I'll try to update scores and standings as the tournament progresses. Entries accepted until 9.00am, Saturday 21st April. Good Luck everybody and enjoy the Snooker.
The Sections:and some details/clues
A. What will be the score of 1st rd match between Stuart Bingham and Stephen Hendry?(choose from 0 – 10 to 10 – 0 putting Bingham’s score 1st) 5 points for correct, 3 points if 1 out, 1 point if 2 out – (where possible).
B.How many of these players will get knocked out in the SECOND ROUND? M. Allen, A. Carter, M. Fu, S. Hendry, S. Lee, S. Maguire, M. Williams, M Gould. Choose from 0 – 8 3 points for the exact number, 1 for one out.
C.How many of these 8 (2 from each 1/4 of the draw) will make the 1/4 final? M. Selby, M. Williams, N. Robertson, S. Maguire, G. Dott, A. Higginson, A. Carter, M. Stevens Choose from 0 – 8 3 points for correct, 1 point if 1 out.
D.Best of the far East: 4 from China, 1 from HK, who will get furthest? Choose from: L. Chuang, M. Fu, D. Junhui, L. Wenbo, C. Yupeng. 3 points for spot on.
E.Who will win the 4th Quarter of the draw: M. Selby, M. Allen, D. Junhui, M. Fu, M. Stevens, R. Day, B. Hawkins, C. Yupeng. 4 points for 1/4 winner, 2 points for whoever he beats in the 1/4 final.
F.Top English player: Choose from: S. Bingham, A. Carter, M. Davis, P. Ebdon, D. Gilbert, M. Gould, B. Hawkins, A Higginson, S. Murphy, J. Perry, S. Lee, R. O’Sullivan, M. Selby, J. Trump. 5 points for player getting furthest in the championship, 3 points for 2nd best Englishman, 1 point for 3rd best.
G.How many frames will be played in total in the 2 semi-finals? Both best of 33, ie 1st to 17. choose from 34 (if you're mad) to 66. 4 points if exact, 2 points if out by 1, 3 points if out by 3.
H.What will the Highest Break be? (Any number up to 147) Last year was 138 (the 1st time since 1987 it was lower than 140) 3 points for correct, 1 point if 1 out.
I.Who will score the tournament’s Highest Break? Ding and King both got the high break last year 5pts if choosing correctly. 3 pts each if 2 are tied, 2pts each if 3 tie, 1 pt for each if 4 or more tie.
J.How many century (score of 100 or more) breaks will there be throughout the championship? -There were 73 in 2011, 83 in 2010, 6 points if spot on, 4 points if 1 out, 2 if 3 out, 1 point if 4 out.
K.Predict the Score in the final – doesn’t matter who wins. 2011 was 18 = 15, 2010 was 18 - 13, 2009 was 18 - 9 Choose from 18-0 to 18-17 5 points if right, 3 points if wrong by 1, 1 point if 2 away.
L.How Many Century (100 or more) breaks will there be in the Final? There were 4 in 2011, there was 1 in 2010, 3 in 2009. 2 points for being right
Tiebreak:How many minutes will the final frame of the tournament last?
Tiebreak: How many minutes will the final frame of the tournament last?
16 mins
A. Hendry 10-7B. 2C. 2D. D. JunhuiE. M. AllenF. J. Trump.G. 55H. 147I. MaguireJ. 78K. 18-15L. 5Tiebreak: How many minutes will the final frame of the tournament last?16 minsThanks
I do not know if its possible to change, but I would like to change my option D...
A. 8-10 B. 4 C. 4 D. Ding Junhui E. MARK SELBY F. JUDD TRUMP G. 63 H. 147 I. John Higgins J. 86 K. 18-17 L. 4
tb: 19 MINUTES
I do not know if its possible to change, but I would like to change my option D...A. 8-10B. 4C. 4D. Ding JunhuiE. MARK SELBYF. JUDD TRUMPG. 63H. 147I. John HigginsJ. 86K. 18-17L. 4tb: 19 MINUTES