Aug 20, 2023 -- 1:28PM, BennyBinion1 wrote:
The covid cult.And the jabbed and paid up members never want to leave it.
The vast majority of vaccinated and unvaccinated people are just getting on with their lives.
The people who “never want to leave it” are the groomed male jealous dropouts who signed up to the Covid cult and promised us that the vaccine would have killed millions or even billions by now.
Clearly these poorly employed flatearthers were totally wrong yet refuse to leave their conspiracy Covid cult.
Meanwhile the rest of the country are getting on with their lives.
Aug 21, 2023 -- 11:15PM, shiny new shoes please wrote:
referred to as `Mass Formation`, or `Menticide`, (yes, it literally means `killing if the mind`
Please make the bugz go away that T-H-E-Y want to force down our throats as part of their very scary NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST GREAT RESET CULTURAL MARXISM