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16 Aug 23 21:47
Date Joined: 04 Aug 06
| Topic/replies: 62,785 | Blogger: casemoney's blog
Get thee in the Jab Queue , Masks Could  be back also

Health chiefs have yet to make any formal announcement on the variant, which was first detected towards the end of July.
Pause Switch to Standard View New Covid variant branded the 'real...
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Report Dr Crippen August 19, 2023 12:21 PM BST
You can assume what you like Johnny.

Good luck with your cocktails of drugs.
Report SontaranStratagem August 20, 2023 12:12 AM BST
We all have a brain that if used right can control anything

Its why they want that brain ie drug us up and switch it off
Report SontaranStratagem August 20, 2023 12:14 AM BST
Once you start on their drugs the body becomes dependant on them fact

Stop taking their diabetis cocktails you go into a coma… the brain no longer in control as an example
Report dukeofpuke August 20, 2023 1:49 AM BST
There is a guy who wears a mask everyday in various bookies but its always below his nose and you can see him talking to his 'mates' inside or out

surely they guy has mental health problems

and he his not the only one
Report dukeofpuke August 20, 2023 1:52 AM BST
He spends all day amongst the unvacinated but why get some fkr to put your bets on and spend the day with your curtains closed alone and safe
Report Mexico August 20, 2023 8:00 AM BST

This guy, assuming he actually exists, isn’t hurting anybody is he?

Yet there are some who stay hidden away in a bedroom in their parents house discussing one tiny aspect of hid life in a negative way.
surely those guys have mental health problems
Report lfc1971 August 20, 2023 8:28 AM BST
Was in a fairly small shop yesterday
and this woman sneezes loudly
She was the other side but didn’t sound as if
she even covered her mouth . She goes ohh
as if not a care in the world.. why can people not
learn even now ! Had to quickly step outside
Perhaps it’s time to reintroduce masks
Report irishone August 20, 2023 9:10 AM BST
did someone set yiur fire alarm off in the nursing home ?
Report lapsy pa August 20, 2023 9:35 AM BST
Thanks PD,Lfc.

@ Bennybinnion, surely you are aware that a lateral flow test only picks up sars covid 19 and not any other virus as in colds or flu?  Can you give numbers of people with 'long flu'?

@ Marksman, I won't dream of trying to diagnose yourself however if you tally with my symptoms it may be you are correct re long covid.
Thursday evening started with uncontrollable shivering,went to bed to keep warm, followed by fever(normal temp of 36 this morning so that seems cleared) the overwhelming symptom is completely  whacked,hard to move,little energy and push to actually get on my feet(very shakey last 2 days but a bit better today.Dry cough also but am a smoker.Gut is telling me your tiredness could be linked.
Been lucky enough not to have a cold or flu for maybe 20 years, a big wtf with this and it took me a while to even consider it was covid.

@ Mexico, i had them tests in a cupboard for a good while,just as well, put my mind at rest, paracetamol and plenty of water straight away.
The test when clear is probably more important, won't want to give this to anyone.

Overall, i would take this if it doesn't worsen,i think most measures that governments did were now right,people simply couldn't work only spread it but agree also time to move on.
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 9:51 AM BST
fear not dukeofpuke

All people's with any mental health problems, (past\present) will be restricted from betting along with a lot of others for various reasons , which will be expanded thru society

China style - Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

what a time to be alive, lapsy pa • ,i think most measures that governments did were now right,people Laugh bless
Report lapsy pa August 20, 2023 10:07 AM BST
Shiny if this is the milder variant and vaxxed on top not sure what the very earlier ones measured up on the scale of severity.

I am beginning to form a theory that the more vocal covid critics never got it and when they do they will be quiet boys.
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 10:25 AM BST
Eris no significant threat to health

Who benefits?
Who suffers ?
What's changed?
Follow the money nothing else matters
Report lapsy pa August 20, 2023 10:38 AM BST
That point is fair enough,i would disagree with it slightly as i don't think governments can afford to let the economy 'suffer' much more and that applies to many countries,i think it is 'covered up' now in order to facilitate that and will not pander to pharma.
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 10:52 AM BST
Irish gov. Spent just shy of a billion a death, compromised the health of children, cancer ect..
used emergency powers for pharma ,but let's the banking cartel exploit , crushing farming with imports
Shamelessly used behavioural gurus breaking the fragile mind , while bailing out media
The script never really changes
50\50 football
Report Dr Crippen August 20, 2023 11:15 AM BST
Shiny if this is the milder variant and vaxxed on top not sure what the very earlier ones measured up on the scale of severity.

How you react to any version is down to your state of health. While one person can shrug it off, another of the same age can find themselves in intensive care.
You were obviously in poor shape to start with.

If this milder strain is knocking you about as you say, then I wouldn't have given much for your chances with the earlier covid.
Report Dr Crippen August 20, 2023 11:19 AM BST
Regular flu can be a serious condition for people in poor health.
Most people don’t realise how sick they are.
Report lapsy pa August 20, 2023 11:41 AM BST
Dr Quack,not a pick on mrs lapsy and she is a few years younger,she is also zonked though only tested positive this morning.
Report Kriskin August 20, 2023 1:08 PM BST
lapsy - u need to STOP worrying about this virus. Like any flu some people will get it worse.  Do u know the protocol(s) in supplements u should be taking to assist your body not to catch any virus?
Report Kriskin August 20, 2023 1:09 PM BST
Or if you do catch the virus how you will recover quickly - and it's not the jab u need.  All those triple- quadruple jabbers are now suffering more as their immune systems have been fooked
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 1:09 PM BST
Come end of October \start of November get the flu jab. lapsy pa , 65+, or poor health , the rest bruise it off

Best team won , that wait continues
Report leif August 20, 2023 1:14 PM BST
Seeing plenty of masks about lately.
Young people too. Brainwashed to the max!
Report BennyBinion1 August 20, 2023 1:28 PM BST
The covid cult.

And the jabbed and paid up members never want to leave it.
Report lapsy pa August 20, 2023 1:45 PM BST
Kriskin, i gave up worrying a long time ago, i am feeling a bit better and if 2 rotten days is it no prob. I still won't wish it on my worst.

I won't want it again.

I had been taking vitamin d supplements but not for 15/18 months, it would be great if you could list them (protocols) for the benefit of people and would be a very positive post.
Report .Marksman. August 20, 2023 1:52 PM BST
Kriskin said: "All those triple- quadruple jabbers are now suffering more as their immune systems have been fooked"

This has crossed my mind.  I was triple jabbed in 2021 after 15 months of avoiding places where there were crowds or poor ventilation.  But I had 3 jabs in 7 months and in the long term that may have caused problems.  Looking back, 2 jabs would probably have been sufficient to protect my life.
If I have now got covid/long-covid I think that the virus left me weeks ago and it could be my that my immune system is now reacting to imaginary threats, due to being brought into high alert by all the vaxxing.  I have had no new symptoms for 5 weeks now and the tail end of the original symptoms have cleared up.  The dizzyness and tiredness came on later and these are the only ones left now.
Report Dr Crippen August 20, 2023 2:17 PM BST
lapsy pa,
I can't see what I wrote that would upset you. So why take offence?

But you're obviously a fool. You say you smoke - well there you go.

As for your mrs, what does that prove? Some 80 year olds survive covid while some 60 year olds do not.

It all depends on the person.
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 2:21 PM BST
This is where health goes over time
You know if makes sense Wink
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 2:21 PM BST
Report Dr Crippen August 20, 2023 2:31 PM BST
It's a pretty strange form of vaccination that doesn't provide immunity, whether it be short term or long term.
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 2:31 PM BST
Less of the dystopia , corruption, propaganda
Faith has decided, not AI ]Grin
Report Kriskin August 20, 2023 2:40 PM BST
Dr - it was never about the people's health. All u need to look at who is now working with Moderna and who has invested millions in these type of companies
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 3:03 PM BST
How they sold swine flu ect. & how purdue Pharma worked with gov, morphine none addictive ect. is all the reference you need
Some goals achieved , more coming , long game is you as always
Saving lives,planet ECT is golden comedy
Devil eyes
Report shiny new shoes please August 20, 2023 3:17 PM BST
Now buckle up Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is gone bye-bye!
Report Mexico August 20, 2023 5:39 PM BST

Aug 20, 2023 -- 1:28PM, BennyBinion1 wrote:

The covid cult.And the jabbed and paid up members never want to leave it.


The vast majority of vaccinated and unvaccinated people are just getting on with their lives.

The people who “never want to leave it” are the groomed male jealous dropouts who signed up to the Covid cult and promised us that the vaccine would have killed millions or even billions by now.

Clearly these poorly employed flatearthers were totally wrong yet refuse to leave their conspiracy Covid cult.

Meanwhile the rest of the country are getting on with their lives.

Report edy August 20, 2023 8:15 PM BST
Kriskin • August 20, 2023 1:08 PM BST
lapsy - u need to STOP worrying about this virus. Like any flu some people will get it worse.  Do u know the protocol(s) in supplements u should be taking to assist your body not to catch any virus?

Can tell that the people ranting about vaccines on social media often have their own magic supplements to promote and sell.
Report edy August 20, 2023 8:18 PM BST
And the particularly funny thing is that any randomer can sell supplements as they aren't regulated and will often be all over the place when it comes to contaminations or irregularities in dosages.
Report edy August 20, 2023 8:18 PM BST
*aren't well regulated
Report Mexico August 20, 2023 9:28 PM BST

Should we buy our “supplements” from Alex Jones?
Is there somebody else we should buy our tin foil hats & from?

Where do you buy your personal supplies of snake oil from?
Glad to see that the money you have spent on supplements have saved you from falling off the edge of the Earth .
Obviously money well spent. Where can we buy them from?
Report nineteen points August 20, 2023 11:02 PM BST

thicker than a rapers lip.

dear god help him/he/she/her?
Report saddo August 21, 2023 10:55 AM BST
I see the revolving door has thrown Van-Tam into a top job with Moderna, you'd think the Guardian mob would be all over this.
Report Dr Crippen August 21, 2023 12:26 PM BST
Nah, boy Jones and co. know which side their bread's buttered.
Report saddo August 21, 2023 1:21 PM BST
Bought 77 million doses and now he's a high-up in the company. Jobs for (some of) the boys is fine Wink
Report nineteen points August 21, 2023 1:44 PM BST
has he scored the golden goal?
Report saddo August 21, 2023 1:51 PM BST
Aye, played a blinder. Gov agrees to buy vax off Moderna for 10 years (whether we use them or not) in December,
he got the Moderna gig in May. A splendid bit of nest feathering.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- August 21, 2023 1:54 PM BST
Probably donate to some political party
or royal and get a title.

They are learning quick

Report saddo August 21, 2023 1:56 PM BST
I'm surprised you didn't start a thread or six about this conflict of interest tbh.
Report Dr Crippen August 21, 2023 2:02 PM BST
The government don't decide what's bought and who gets what. It's the same under Labour.

The civil service are responsible for the corruption, and they're untouchable.
We’ve seen what happens to ministers when they try to intervene.
Fully supported by Labour of course.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- August 21, 2023 2:12 PM BST
I hadn't seen it saddo

First I've heard of it.

You are spot on though it's exactly what
annoys me about these people.
Report casemoney August 21, 2023 2:41 PM BST
The Covid Machine will be going into full Swing Shortly  , Masks 1st up followed by other restrictions and the Push for JABS

Another lock down will Finnish what is left of the Hospitality industry ,Thousands never fully recovered the Fuel Price hike

Now finishing them off ..
Report edy August 21, 2023 2:58 PM BST
Some people wearing masks or thorough mask mandates?
Report nineteen points August 21, 2023 3:33 PM BST
did rishi wisdom or his family not have shares in moderna?
Report SontaranStratagem August 21, 2023 6:49 PM BST

I dunno about that at this point

They might go for it again it all depends if people are just mentally done in and just accept it
Report SontaranStratagem August 21, 2023 7:02 PM BST
The shares went up today on “new variants”

So that means their planning a roll out of the vaxxes again surely? You cant have the price shares jump and them not sell any…
Report lfc1971 August 21, 2023 7:36 PM BST
We need good people like Van Tam working for Moderna etc
He did a very good job as deputy chief and now has a new job, good luck
Report saddo August 21, 2023 8:03 PM BST
He did a very good job selling products to the British public for his future employer.
Report lfc1971 August 21, 2023 8:17 PM BST
His job was deputy chief medic an officer
and his job , along with many others , was to make sure
the U.K. had enough vaccines for the population as quickly and safely as possibly
That’s what he did , good work
Report edy August 21, 2023 8:21 PM BST
Which vaccine other than the Moderna one would have deserved the 3rd most orders in place of Moderna, saddo?
Report saddo August 21, 2023 8:30 PM BST
I've no idea, but he's got a huge wage from customer and supplier. Superb slurping.
Report lfc1971 August 21, 2023 8:36 PM BST
Perhaps they would have preferred him not to have obtained vaccines for the British people ,
when his job was to obtain vaccines .. or would they then be complaining about that ?…
Seems very strange when someone does such a good job
Report edy August 21, 2023 8:37 PM BST
Ok,btw., earlier you wrote

saddo • August 21, 2023 1:51 PM BST
Aye, played a blinder. Gov agrees to buy vax off Moderna for 10 years (whether we use them or not) in December,
he got the Moderna gig in May. A splendid bit of nest feathering.

Is this about December 2022?
Report lfc1971 August 21, 2023 8:38 PM BST
Would that have been a better outcome for you saddo ?
Report edy August 21, 2023 8:39 PM BST
I'm asking because he seemed to have long left his government position by December 2022.
Report edy August 21, 2023 8:40 PM BST
Or government advisory role.
Report edy August 21, 2023 8:43 PM BST
Also, if this is the deal you mean, the government release sounds like it's more than "buy vax off Moderna for 10 years"

Report edy August 21, 2023 8:44 PM BST
What was the sourcing for your initial claims?
Report timbuctooth August 21, 2023 8:48 PM BST
nineteen points Joined: 18 Feb 02
Replies: 2733021 Aug 23 15:33 
did rishi wisdom or his family not have shares in moderna?

Yes, £500m worth
Report timbuctooth August 21, 2023 8:53 PM BST
Oops!^^^ Just saw `Rishi`, replied before noticing the `Wisdom`; turns out there`s a Rishi Wisdom
Report impossible123 August 21, 2023 8:54 PM BST
Mr Van Tam did a wonderful job procuring and communicating to the public. He was the only person who spoke his mind and explained succinctly.

I think any vaccine producing entity will want him on his side.
Report Mexico August 21, 2023 9:06 PM BST

Nice link.

Is this the Jim Ferguson who posted garbage about Bill Gates in yet another conspiracy theory which the gullible believe?

Or is a different Jim Ferguson?

U.K. needed vaccines, U.K. bought vaccines. Thankfully there were pharmaceutical companies who supplied what the country wanted.
It means that the vast majority of the country are getting on with their live & just a few uneducated male flatearthers are still predicting a billion deaths before Christmas.
Report timbuctooth August 21, 2023 10:09 PM BST
Shrewd_dude Joined: 12 May 05
Have you read much about mass hysteria? Is there any studies about it where the researchers give a percentage of the group suffered from it?

There is. It`s referred to as `Mass Formation`, or `Menticide`, (yes, it literally means `killing if the mind`!) Which, of course, is beautifully illustrated daily on here by the vexed vaxed, the climate believers, the `transgender rights for 5-year olds` mob, etc, etc. How can so many of these people think and believe such things? How can they do, enable, even mandate such obvious wrongs and evils? `Menticide` is sooooo revealing, truly fascinating, it really does explain everything. Doesn`t excuse it, though...

I`ve seen the world`s leading expert, Prof. Mattias Desmet, do numerous interviews, in a few of which he breaks it down as typically being;

30% believe EVERYTHING they`re told by the evil globalist Deep State, do everything they`re told to
30% know it`s all boll0x, aren`t taken in by any of it
40% don`t know what to believe, but want an easy life, so tend to go along with the unremitting deluge of propaganda and end up, in this example, taking the `vaxes`

Here`s him in one podcast (He doesn`t mention the percentages in this one, I can`t be bothered to listen to other interviews to find him doing it, but just check him out, you`ll find it easily)

Host; So what is happening? You mentioned mass hysteria, we have people talking about totalitarianism, dictatorship, this next guy nails it. His name is Mathias Desmet. He's from the University of Ghent in Belgium, a Professor in  Clinical Psychology, with a Master's in Statistics.

Desmet; In this crisis, I've been taking the perspective of mass psychology, I have been studying the statistics and the numbers. I noticed that they were often blatantly wrong. And at the same time, people continue to believe in it and to go along with the mainstream narrative. And that was why I started to study it from the perspective of Mass Psychology, because I knew that mass formation has huge, huge impact on individuals` intelligence and cognitive functioning. I had the feeling that this was the only thing that could explain why highly intelligent people started to believe in the narrative, and the numbers that were, in many respects, utterly absurd.

Host; So this guy had my attention. You know, as a statistician, he was looking at the same numbers we were; we saw the switcheroos, we saw the models  and we said `we don't have to be statisticians to see that they're fooling around with the numbers`. And then he switched to his his true expertise, which is Mass Psychology. And so he uses a term called `mass formation`, which  is mass hysteria, or `mass hypnosis` can also be used.  To get into the state of mass hysteria, you need four elements.

Desmet; Four things need to be need to exist or need to be in place if you want large scale mass phenomena to emerge. And the first thing is that there needs to be a lot of socially isolated people, people who experience a lack of social bonds. The second one is that the need to be a lot of people who experience a lack of sense-making in life. The third and the fourth conditions are that there needs to be a lot of free floating anxiety, and a lot of free floating psychological discontent. If you have these four things, lack of social bonds, lack of sensemaking, free floating anxiety and free floating psychological discontent, then society is highly at risk for the emergence of mass phenomenon. And these four conditions existed. Shortly before the corona crisis, there was an epidemic of burnout. 70% of the people experienced their jobs as `completely senseless`.. And then, if you look at the use of psycho-pharmaceuticals, it was huge; which shows how much discontent there was in our society.

Host; So we had an interesting timing of events here with a society that was disconnected, depressed about their future bullcrap jobs. By quarantining the healthy instead of the sick, (which would just exacerbate item number one), you just know you're separating everybody. And the edicts, which included `No talking! Don't talk to your neighbor, wear a mask, and No Talking!`. Desmet talks about these `free floating anxieties`; here's what that means.

Desmet; Free floating anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomena someone can experience. It's extremely painful, that leads up to panic attacks, to all kinds of extremely painful psychological experiences. So what people want in this situation is something to connect their anxiety to, they're looking for an explanation for the anxiety. And now, if this free floating anxiety is highly present in a population, and the media provide a narrative which indicates an object of anxiety and, at the same time, describe a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the anxiety connects to this object. And people are willing to follow the strategy to deal with this object, no matter what the cost is. That is what happens in the beginning of mass formation. Then, in a second step, people start a collective and heroic battle with this object of anxiety. That way, a new kind of social bond emerges, and a new kind of `sense-making`; suddenly, life is all directed at battling the object of anxiety. And in this way, establishing a new connection with other people.

And it turns out that this is very, very dangerous when it takes place. So we have this complete lack of understanding of what is going on, why is it happening? `I'm isolated from other people, even from my family; I don't know what's going on` Then all of a sudden; `it's the COVID! We all have to attack the COVID!`. And they do that with wearing masks, and with vaccines. And the crowd now goes from complete isolation to a complete sense of community and belonging and collectiveness.

And the sudden switch from a negative state, or radical lack of social connection, to the opposite, to the massive social connection that is experienced in a crowd. This sudden switch leads to a sort of mental intoxication. And that's why this makes mass formation or crowd formation, is the exact equivalent of hypnosis. Mass formation is not similar to hypnosis,  mass formation is exactly equal to hypnosis, it is a sort of hypnosis.

Host; But when you get into the state of mass formation, or mass hypnosis, a lot of crazy stuff can be done to you.

Desmet; So what happens is that, when people experience this mental intoxication, it doesn't matter anymore. Whether the narrative is correct or wrong, even blatantly wrong. What matters is that it leads to this mental intoxication. And that's why they continue to go along with the narrative, even if they could know by thinking for one second, that it is wrong. Because, for these people, it doesn't matter when the narrative is wrong, that's not what it is all about. It's all about this; the fact that they don't want to go back to this painful state of free floating anxiety.

Host; It's very sick at this point, sick. It is so sick that this state that people are in; all they want to do is not go back to the pain of the isolation and the misunderstanding in the unknown.

Desmet; You can actually inflict pain on them and they won't even know it,as a consequence of mass formation is people do not get egoistic at all, but the contrary, as mass formation focuses your attention so much on one point that you can take everything away from people; their psychological and physical well-being, their material, you can take it away and they will not even notice it. And that's one of the major consequences of mass formation. And it's exactly the same as hypnosis, as classical hypnosis. When, during hypnosis, someone's attention is focused on one point, you can cut into their flesh, the person will not notice it. And that is what happens all the time when hypnosis is used as a kind of an anesthesia during a surgical operations. Rather simple hypnotic procedure is sufficient to make people completely insensitive to pain.  Another consequence, that is very typical for totalitarian states, is that people become radically intolerant of dissonant voices. So, if someone tells another story or if someone claims that the official story is wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people up. And they will get angry because they are confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial psychological discontent. And so they direct all that aggression, and these dissonant voices at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant of their leaders, of the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These leaders can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want. But they will always be forgiven by the crowd. Because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake, and that's also part of the mechanism of mass formation.

Host; So of course, they get completely radicalized. They hate you, they hate you, if you go against the narrative.

Desmet; But here's the here's the kicker of the situation we are in right now; is this a medical tyranny? Is this a bio security state? If there is one difference between mass formation and totalitarianism (because the two are almost identical) on the one hand, and classical hypnosis on the other hand, then it is that in classical hypnosis the hypnotist is awake, his field of attention is not narrowed down; in mass formation, (and in corporate totalitarianism), the field of attention of the leaders of the masses, of the totalitarian leaders, is usually even narrower than the field of attention of the population. Meaning that the totalitarian leaders and the leaders of the masses usually really believe in the ideology, according to which they try to organize society. So they are convinced, for instance, of transhumanism; they are convinced of mechanistic materialism, and so on. They are convinced of the ideology, they are convinced that this ideology will bring people to a kind of artificial paradise, because that's something that is common to all kinds of totalitarianism.

Host; Once the COVID thing blows over, they`ve got climate change, it`s the exact same mechanism

And, for a deeper, yet easily digestible look at the phenonemon;
Report timbuctooth August 21, 2023 10:13 PM BST
Forgot to put a time to that `No Agenda` link; it`s after 40.00
Report Mexico August 21, 2023 10:18 PM BST

You also forgot to mention that your link was to a twitter (x) account of a lying conspiracy theory flatearther who has groomed you.

Shock horror, uneducated gullible males groomed by conspiracy theorists. Hold the front page.Has this ever happened before?
Report edy August 21, 2023 10:36 PM BST
Timbuctooth is the forum's biggest expert in flat out ignoring any information that threatens to disturb his formed views.
Report edy August 21, 2023 10:37 PM BST
Correct, Timbuctooth?
Report edy August 21, 2023 10:41 PM BST
And any people that have given his bubbles a pinch in the past.
Report shiny new shoes please August 21, 2023 11:15 PM BST
referred to as `Mass Formation`, or `Menticide`, (yes, it literally means `killing if the mind`

Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 11:03 AM BST
RFK jr  you suffered blowback
Send more $$$$
Report edy August 22, 2023 11:21 AM BST

Aug 21, 2023 -- 11:15PM, shiny new shoes please wrote:

referred to as `Mass Formation`, or `Menticide`, (yes, it literally means `killing if the mind`

Please make the bugz go away that T-H-E-Y want to force down our throats as part of their very scary NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST GREAT RESET CULTURAL MARXISM Cry

Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 3:32 PM BST
that Psychology works  Nearly perfect edy, same sh1t different decade gets boring
recalibrating the system for the lemmings
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 3:39 PM BST
largest Mash - up
Cambridge Analytica vrs OxyContin

Near perfect
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 3:45 PM BST
Funded by you
Near perfect
Superdrug is 'interested' in selling Covid jabs Laugh
The bugz, can wait
Report Foinavon August 22, 2023 4:08 PM BST
You got it edy Grin China is the model for the new normal.
In risu veritas.
Report edy August 22, 2023 4:23 PM BST
shiny new shoes please • August 22, 2023 3:32 PM BST
that Psychology works  Nearly perfect edy, same sh1t different decade gets boring
recalibrating the system for the lemmings

Is it possible psychological influence tricks are at work when people on YouTube and social media constantly scare people about bugz or anything new really?
Report Johnny The Guesser August 22, 2023 4:27 PM BST
THEY had us locked down , only outside for exercise - pumping us full of  deadly vaccines every few months -   then what happened to the control plan ?
Apparently THEY have now changed tack completely  to control us with climate change  Laugh ?

Seems a strange plan - How does it work ?  How long will it take THEM to get us back to where THEY had us two years ago ?

Meanwhile I'll get back to doing what I want when I want to.

Maybe , I'm not really doing what I want ? Maybe I'm really doing what THEY want me to do ,  only  I believe  I'm doing it because I want to ?

Yes - that must be it , right ?
Report Whisperingdeath August 22, 2023 4:40 PM BST
Many people in London with coughs and chest infections. No fever!
Report casemoney August 22, 2023 4:54 PM BST
Probably TB  WD , its on the rise for some reason ?
Report Whisperingdeath August 22, 2023 5:00 PM BST
I got the vaccine as a kidLaugh
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 5:36 PM BST
August 22, 2023 4:23 PM
1\6 of the world , have nothing else \ask Billy
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 5:43 PM BST
As we cull, (the west) we either import more as others  & price expand production which we are unfortunately
Or we are influenced to change diet , which is very tricky unless fear & crisis & price is exploited
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 5:44 PM BST
Forum is fecked lol
Report casemoney August 22, 2023 5:56 PM BST
The world is Fecked Shiny Sad
Report shiny new shoes please August 22, 2023 6:19 PM BST
No .. It just need a little push
It's Will pop
Can't wait
Report SontaranStratagem August 22, 2023 7:56 PM BST
Seeing more and more predictions of face masks and lockdowns coming back

I don't see it but I'm wrong a lot of the time so ..
Report Mexico August 22, 2023 8:05 PM BST

Not sure where these predictions are from. Anybody can make a prediction, especially on an anonymous online forum.

Huge difference between putting on a face covering on a train or in a supermarket compared to “lockdown “
Putting on a mask is a tad inconvenient but doesn’t cost the country billions in furlough.
Report SontaranStratagem August 22, 2023 8:07 PM BST
We'll see how it pans out
Report Johnny The Guesser August 22, 2023 9:32 PM BST
Always about to happen , but never does.
Report edy August 22, 2023 10:02 PM BST
Still bummed that Agenda2020 suddenly became Agenda2030 when a few of the culls like 5G killswitches were delayed by T-H-E-M instead of the global population being reduced to 500 million as promised on the Georgia Guidestones and as also promised in the UN's Agenda2020 whitepaper initially (since removed from the internet without trace).
Report edy August 22, 2023 10:05 PM BST
Even more bummed the promised world-wide universal income (based on vaccination status) that was initially slated for introduction by the end of 2022 was called off after T-H-E-I-R plans had been made public and ruined by free thinkers.

Thanks for nothing, free thinkers!
Report SontaranStratagem August 22, 2023 10:11 PM BST
They threaten this sh!t and haven't the balls to act it out
Report edy August 22, 2023 10:12 PM BST
I don't even want to start on New Zealand. Their population was meant to have been scared beyond recognition (everybody apart from the super tough and brave free thinkers is always really, really scared). Recovery taking many, many years, if it ever even happens and they eventually let people in again.

Germany would have been ready to host the world cup in their place, but instead New Zealand wasn't remotely as scared and psychologically damaged as wisdomed around by free thinkers and Germany wasn't needed as a replacement host.Sad
Report shiny new shoes please August 23, 2023 12:03 AM BST
On the Corruption Perceptions Index
Seems it always pays off
bent as bender
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