Mar 3, 2022 -- 2:25AM, cryoftruth wrote:
Yes that’s an old anti Semitic conspiracy theory. If in doubt blame the Jews and the Rothschilds.Stckywickets appears not just to adore the evil killer Putin but also hate Jews. What a shining example of British manhood.Utterly vile and disgusting racist idiot.
Mar 3, 2022 -- 2:38AM, cryoftruth wrote:
Are you the good guys when you are on the side of all the Rothschilds?REPORTEDantisemitic racist vile bilge from stickywickets
Apr 9, 2022 -- 8:28AM, Charlie wrote:
Why are so many talking bollocks about Ukranians killing their own people? Nobody is supporting those who stand and support Nazis.
You are
Apr 9, 2022 -- 8:17AM, Charlie wrote:
Newsweek ffs. You are a clown.
debunk it...LOSER
Apr 9, 2022 -- 8:56AM, Charlie wrote:
Imagine being a complete tw@t who'll believe any old Russian propaganda.
Apr 9, 2022 -- 8:59AM, Stickywickets wrote:
We are in the presence of actual nazis like Charlie Thunberg, absolute scum
You need a mental check up.
Apr 9, 2022 -- 9:00AM, Charlie wrote:
Apr 9, 2022 -- 2:59PM, Stickywickets wrote:We are in the presence of actual nazis like Charlie Thunberg, absolute scumYou need a mental check up.
OK nazi, keep doubling down, Adolf would be proud
Apr 9, 2022 -- 9:03AM, Stickywickets wrote:
Why are nazis allowed to post on this forum??
They keep signing up under new names apparently.
Apr 9, 2022 -- 9:27AM, cryoftruth wrote:
sticky/timber/jucel given any thought to your next forum username?How about“love the child murderer Putin”.Or“How many people can I hurt with foul abuse”Both would be honest names for Stickyfingers/jucel/timber
ok nazi