Will he go for broke now? Nigel sees Vote-Leave losing the argument, he feels their scathing contempt, even if it is not publicly expressed. Why not bet the farm on presenting the full, ripe-cheese, undiluted message in the final days, even as Gove and Boris usher him to the wings of the theatre?
Will he go for broke now? Nigel sees Vote-Leave losing the argument, he feels their scathing contempt, even if it is not publicly expressed. Why not bet the farm on presenting the full, ripe-cheese, undiluted message in the final days, even as Gove a
Farage has shown real backbone in calling Cameron out over this.
All this 'ask yourself what would Jo Cox want' emotional blackmail has been shameful from Cameron and the media.
Farage has shown real backbone in calling Cameron out over this.All this 'ask yourself what would Jo Cox want' emotional blackmail has been shameful from Cameron and the media.
Yes its despicable. I found this picture disturbing.http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-18/first-brexit-poll-since-jo-cox-killing-shows-remain-in-lead
There is nothing wrong with the poster. Remainers trying their best to discredit the Leave Camp by any means. And for Sturgeon to mention the Nazis is quality irony given how she runs her party. No SNP MP is allowed to voice any doubts they may have about and of their policies and they are never allowed a free vote on anything.
There is nothing wrong with the poster.Remainers trying their best to discredit the Leave Camp by any means.And for Sturgeon to mention the Nazis is quality irony given how she runs her party.No SNP MP is allowed to voice any doubts they may have abo
So many deluded fools investing their faith/future/happiness/bank balance in a third-rate, one-trick-pony politician who has failed to get himself elected as an MP on 7 (seven) occasions.
So many deluded fools investing their faith/future/happiness/bank balance in a third-rate, one-trick-pony politician who has failed to get himself elected as an MP on 7 (seven) occasions.
If Farage is such a one trick pony then why the need to demonise him without evidence Die Link?
It should be easy to nail him, why the struggle from the hand wringers?
If Farage is such a one trick pony then why the need to demonise him without evidence Die Link?It should be easy to nail him, why the struggle from the hand wringers?
Don't think anybody actually needs to nail him, Farage does a perfectly good job of that himself. Apt that this farcical referendum campaign ends with OUTERS attacking him as he takes the Nigel Farage Show on a farewell tour.
Don't think anybody actually needs to nail him, Farage does a perfectly good job of that himself. Apt that this farcical referendum campaign ends with OUTERS attacking him as he takes the Nigel Farage Show on a farewell tour.
Farage is without a shadow of a doubt a very polished and capeable politician. Has been attacked and savaged more than any other during this campaign yet has remained true to his beliefs. Labelled a racist and anti immigration yet is on record as saying we need immigrathion but with controls.
Farage is without a shadow of a doubt a very polished and capeable politician.Has been attacked and savaged more than any other during this campaign yet has remained true to his beliefs.Labelled a racist and anti immigration yet is on record as sayin
How is Farage a one trick pony,he's got nearly everything right.
Right on the undemocratic nature of the EU. Right on immigration Right on the abuse of the NHS. Right on the returning Jihadis Right on the war in Iraq. Right in his sceptism f green taxes. Right about the duplicity of Cameron.
One thing the Remainers have got right though is whilst acknowledging he's the best debater its time for him to just do outside meetings. The people Farage has convinced are already on the Leave side. He should respectfully decline interviews.
Its time for Frank Field,Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey to step forward and get that undecided old Labour vote.
How is Farage a one trick pony,he's got nearly everything right.Right on the undemocratic nature of the EU.Right on immigrationRight on the abuse of the NHS.Right on the returning JihadisRight on the war in Iraq.Right in his sceptism f green taxes.Ri
Gove and Johnson despise Farage but they let him say the uncomfortable things, then abandoned him. Nigel has nothing to lose now, he should come out tomorrow all guns blazing.
Gove and Johnson despise Farage but they let him say the uncomfortable things, then abandoned him. Nigel has nothing to lose now, he should come out tomorrow all guns blazing.
Farage's playing the victim act really comes to the fore when he loses. Expect the usual full range of conspiracy theories if Remain win: BBC bias, postal vote fraud, ballot boxes tampered with, the works.
Farage's playing the victim act really comes to the fore when he loses. Expect the usual full range of conspiracy theories if Remain win: BBC bias, postal vote fraud, ballot boxes tampered with, the works.
When Farage is given the chance to air his views without abusive interruption, which is seldom these days, he is a great speaker. I don't see him as one to play the victim card.
When Farage is given the chance to air his views without abusive interruption, which is seldom these days, he is a great speaker. I don't see him as one to play the victim card.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyq7W...layer_embedded
Biffo has played Farridge like a cheap penny whistle this whole campaign - getting him to do the dirty work which he was only too happy to do, hinting at a place in his gov a few weeks back ('I think I could serve under Boris'). Northern Ire sec would have been interesting........
Biffo has played Farridge like a cheap penny whistle this whole campaign - getting him to do the dirty work which he was only too happy to do, hinting at a place in his gov a few weeks back ('I think I could serve under Boris'). Northern Ire sec woul
He is the only reason we have a referendum in the first place. That picture of Jo Cox who said people are right to be concerned about immigration alongside a vote remain sign is a complete and utter disgrace.
He is the only reason we have a referendum in the first place. That picture of Jo Cox who said people are right to be concerned about immigration alongside a vote remain sign is a complete and utter disgrace.
He is the only reason we have a referendum in the first place
So, the only reason we are having a referendum is because some chancer who no-one even wants as an MP, who leads a party with one sitting MP (who defected from another Party) doesn't like the only institution he's ever been elected to.
seems reasonable
He is the only reason we have a referendum in the first placeSo, the only reason we are having a referendum is because some chancer who no-one even wants as an MP, who leads a party with one sitting MP (who defected from another Party) doesn't like t
Where have you been man. Nobody in mainstream politics wanted to talk about immigration. When people got totally facked off what was happening and millions were voting for UKIP they soon got the message. Farage knows more about the european debacle than any politician around. It is most certainly down to him that we have a vote on Thursday
Where have you been man. Nobody in mainstream politics wanted to talk about immigration. When people got totally facked off what was happening and millions were voting for UKIP they soon got the message. Farage knows more about the european debacle t
it just seems so unfair that not enough of those millions have ever turned out to vote for him in a parliamentary election.
no wonder he always looks so pi$$ed off
it just seems so unfair that not enough of those millions have ever turned out to vote for him in a parliamentary election.no wonder he always looks so pi$$ed off
Farage doesn't seem to be the most robust of politicians. Had "back problems" during the election and struggled through it, getting tetchy again after coming to the referendum campaign late. Surprised to read he is 52, looks at least ten years older than that. Wouldn't have thought he has the stamina for a position under Johnson (this is now looking extremely unlikely anyway)
Farage doesn't seem to be the most robust of politicians. Had "back problems" during the election and struggled through it, getting tetchy again after coming to the referendum campaign late. Surprised to read he is 52, looks at least ten years older
Farage has ahd to withstand sustained,personal attacks but approaches the day he has dreamed about. I wish the man well and hope to God he has the last laugh on Friday morning then announces his retirement from politics to have a well deserved rest.
Farage has ahd to withstand sustained,personal attacks but approaches the day he has dreamed about. I wish the man well and hope to God he has the last laugh on Friday morning then announces his retirement from politics to have a well deserved rest.
He feeds on the personal attacks. I know what Farage, Johnson, Gove and IDS (the invisible man) stand to gain from Brexit, but what about the rest of you?
He feeds on the personal attacks. I know what Farage, Johnson, Gove and IDS (the invisible man) stand to gain from Brexit, but what about the rest of you?
Oh dear, disappointing news fresh from that impeccable source, the Daily Heil:
"Nigel Farage has pulled out of the final EU referendum TV debate due to 'family reasons'.
The Ukip leader announced he would not take part in the live Channel 4 discussion just hours before it was due to start, the broadcaster said tonight.
He was scheduled to appear alongside a number of high profile guests from both sides of the campaign, including former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell, Tory peer Michael Heseltine and former Tory MP Louise Mensch."
hopefully there's been some error in transmission.
Oh dear, disappointing news fresh from that impeccable source, the Daily Heil:"Nigel Farage has pulled out of the final EU referendum TV debate due to 'family reasons'. The Ukip leader announced he would not take part in the live Channel 4 discussion