Your opponents are all Betfair (not I-Poker wide) and you get $1 cash back for every $5 in rake you generate. Not sure about cash tables but the STTs are charging less rake which is also good for your bottom line.
How are the Spotlight STT's charging less rake ? Looking at it now, the highest level they operate at is $5 and the entry fee is 50 cents i.e the standard 10% ?
When I say operate I should quantify that, as there is currently nobody registered for the games at $5 and Ive never actually seen anyone registered for these games since they started running them. |
Mind you theres only 2 people registered at the Spotlight Cash Tables at the moment and thats across all levels. Does Betfair still have people using its poker platform ?
Spotlight STTs $1.10, $2.20, $5.40
Normal STTs $1.20, $2.40, $5.50 Add in the $1 back for every $5 in rake it's actually not that bad. The lowest stakes fill up quickly but the $5 never. |
Anyone paying 20% rake for playing in a STT wants their head examining. I genuinelly cant believe there are people stupid enough to pay that, then again I cant believe there are people stupid enough to sit in the bookies on FOBT's all day.
The pure greed of these networks absolutely astounds me. No wonder they are killing the game. So much for building it from the bottom up. Had a look at this Brazil promo, all very good on paper, problem is that there is zero traffic at the $30-$50 level most of the day, except the odd D2N. |
How many days does the promo run for?
1,000 points per day is $50 in rake but you have to achieve it over a 50 day period. Also you only need 1,000 points in total for the freeroll ticket. I've had a few scratchcards and won 1c tickets and free spins for the arcade. The free spins on the arcade should prove useful if I get enough of them. |
From memory the promo runs till mid-December.
The major problem I have is that the lag even just 2-3 tabling makes it almost impossible to play. I dont have this issue using the same computer on another I-poker skin, and during the alleged I-poker outage Betfair posted on here last night, I was playing 4 tables on another I-poker skin without any problems. The other issue, as stated, is that there isnt enough traffic at the level I want to play at ( 20$-50$) unless I play D2N or super turbo bingo. I tried a few of the D2N and immediately ran into a pair of Swedish colluders. Thought about doing the 50 days at 500 status points but really cant be arsed at the moment. Good promo tho for those who dont have the disconnection problem. |
if i rake 50 bucks in total over 50days or on each of 50 days. and whta happens if i rake well over 50 on 49 and only 48 on the 50th?
I think you're only entitled to the $900 prize ie. 45 of the 50 days.
This is actually a decent promo. I'm assuming RB players qualify but if so that's $1750 back for $2500 paid. The scratch card free spins should add a few pennies more. |
$1000 for the promotion and $750 RB ^^^ = $1750
I guess to get maximum value out of the promotion you need to play exactly the target amout for exactly 50 days. Theres no incentive to rake more than 50 each day as it just brings your overall rakebag % down.