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16 May 13 17:55
Date Joined: 21 Oct 11
| Topic/replies: 415 | Blogger: pipunch's blog
Sitting out and refusing to play because someone doesn't allow you to 4bet your button because they're soul owning you.....what's all that about?

If you don't want to play someone competent, stop taking up 200 million tables and actually play you s**tbags.
Pause Switch to Standard View FAO bumhunting, awful HU regs.
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Report pipunch May 16, 2013 5:57 PM BST
-oleg- and lalistons, i'm talking to you.
Report RickiBobby May 20, 2013 7:41 PM BST
?  why would anyone want to play and have their soul owned or play someone who's far too competent and will take all their money off them.
To use a poker term "the fish" have decided to leave the waters and let the sharks fight amongst themselves, when "the fish" enters again it doesn't  take long to realise he's on his own in shark infested waters(bots,cheats ,very competent players) so he leaves double quick again this
Time never returning and moving on to more interesting things to bet on that he stands more chance of making money at and having more fun doing.
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