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19 Apr 13 19:01
Date Joined: 09 May 11
| Topic/replies: 12 | Blogger: YZF_R1's blog
Can any of you explain to me, what the hell is going on here ?
Тwo weeks ago I corresponded with them and everything was fine, then even participate in Customer Service Survey and said I was happy and now 4 days I did not get a response!
Betfair is a serious site and this is not normal and I want to talk to any of the managers of the high post !
I can not speak English well, and I'm not calling on the phone!
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Report YZF_R1 April 20, 2013 12:08 PM BST
This is a joke right? I just can not understand, what else could be.
What changed only after 3 weeks?

That you wrote to me:

"..... then please contact us immediately and we can manually apply this for you. We hope this now resolves your query to your liking."
Report shudacuda April 20, 2013 1:26 PM BST
I think betfair poker has been shut down.
Report Pandorica April 21, 2013 11:40 AM BST
Betfair Poker regularly tweet to celebrities on Twitter. Seemed a tad upset when I pointed out that they would be better served looking at their own forum.
Report 666_v April 21, 2013 6:11 PM BST
Haha - Betfair Poker on Twitter not speaking about anything poker related says it all really.

Probably a good example as to what happens at BF HQ too
Report hornshoe1 April 22, 2013 11:42 AM BST
YZF_ BF poker is not shut down ( 20 Apr 13 13:26 shudacuda )  BF usually let people down. Replies from BF are not frequent and are not consistent.

You are completely right BF is not serious about customer respect or service.
Report shudacuda April 22, 2013 1:12 PM BST
It might as well be shutdown for all betfair support cares.
Report Ovalman. April 22, 2013 2:04 PM BST
I emailed support yesterday around this time asking for hand histories (my hard drive failed).

Still waiting, lets see how long it takes for a response, if I ever get one.

I suffered disconnection issues yesterday which forced me to move to Boyle. Such a pity as I like I-Poker and I get cakeback here but it's no good when it's costing me money by constantly disconnecting.
Report YZF_R1 April 22, 2013 4:48 PM BST
Bingo :)
Today I received a response, I wrote to them about my case and wait for the reply, I hope to get it in less than a week, this time :)
I am a patient person, but when you do not know what's going on and why no one answers, it's pretty embarrassing. I explained that, and I hope they understand. Better inform customers, that there is a problem and can not be serviced and that soon this prblem will be solved. I'm sure people will understand.
Report chipfire227 April 23, 2013 11:18 AM BST
I'm absolutely amazed anybody is left playing on the site. After 5 years as a regular I gave up on the new site within 3 days. Sent them an email, got the standard acknowledgement, then nothing. So I now play elsewhere along with countless others. Yet you can absolutely guarantee the next time there's a BF Live event on there will be photos on here of the usual suspects, swanning it up, grinning like simpletons, and boasting about how much free drink they got through.

They genuinely do not give a flying f*** about their online customers.
Report YZF_R1 April 24, 2013 12:06 PM BST
I think what is happening is not good for Betfair.
I'll wait a little more and I will withdraw my money
and maybe I'll go play on Pokerstars. There service is light years better than that of Бetfair.
Report YZF_R1 April 26, 2013 5:37 PM BST
I wrote them in a Tweet-Helpdesk and now I will not wait long, then not only will withdraw the money, but also spends a lot of time to write in different major poker forums to let everyone know what's happening on this site.

I make my first deposit in the new Betfair Poker, I joined after 9th January 2013. They tell me this, quote: "If for any reason you do not receive the relevant bonus when you make your first transfer to the Poker wallet then please contact us immediately and we can manually apply this for you."

I deposited into my poker wallet on April 15 and I send emails but no reply. What do you want to accomplish with this, my answer to this question?
Report Ovalman. April 26, 2013 5:41 PM BST
Still waiting on my hand histories Plain

Chip, despite all the problems the network is soft and with cakeback, the first playthrough bonus and (hopefully) the Matrix bonus it pays to play here. I'm showing a negative ROI on Sharkscope but yet I've trebled my initial deposit.
Report chipfire227 April 26, 2013 9:18 PM BST
I hear what you are saying Oval, but it seems like the majority of us either cant get logged in, or when we do, then stay connected, so all the promotions and soft games in the world are no use to us.

I play turbo STT's and even short disconnects absolutely kill you, especially on or around the bubble or in D2N. The game is hard enough at the moment without pishing it up a wall on disconnects. 

The bottom line is that after all the shyte we went through when they switched to Ongame you would have thought they would have massively road-tested the network before going live, waited till the Ongame contract was as good as up so as not to split their customer base, and made sure they had extra bodies who actually knew something about poker within their Customer Services.

They appear to have done none of that. Its not just the hand histories they haven't delivered on, they said there would only be a 2 week hiatus with the STT Leaderboards.I dont recall seeing one since the middle of January ?

This forum used to be an essential read, there was great banter and loads of people posting. They destroyed that. I log on a couple of times a week, and its just thread after thread after thread of people saying how sh1t it is.
Report Ovalman. April 26, 2013 10:24 PM BST
Just a wee tip Chip, the turbos on Stars last roughly the same length of time as a regular game on here.

It suits me here, I hope they iron out their problems.
Report chipfire227 April 26, 2013 11:20 PM BST
I'm trying to think what games I used to Play on Ipoker when I played via 365, think I played some 4 man D2N, and 6 max. Also 18 player games rings a bell.

The annoying thing is that Ongame had been a lot better up to the point they switched, and the 10$ 30 man STT's were very profitable. Now they got the worst of both worlds. Ongame is dead, and the huge surge of interest they should have had with a switch to a new network has been largely killed by these ridiculous and avoidable issues.

Its actually been good for me because I've gone back to playing MTT's on 888, which was always profitable, and started playing 50/1 cash games on there and on Ongame, and Ive had a good couple of months. The best thing about playing cash games is that I havent a clue, so I really do concentrate very hard, wheras when I was playing STT's I was just on auto pilot a lot of the time.

I dont play Stars anymore. I was playing $50 STT's on there at one point, back in the day when I could play a bit. Sad
Report Ovalman. April 26, 2013 11:57 PM BST
I hated Ongaming but had some experience of I-Poker thanks to a few other skins.

I-Poker suits the casual gambler but (unlike Stars) there's a few games with overlays and added tourneys.

I'm 99% sure I know the player that scooped the $21,000 Maui Jackpot yesterday and he's -4% ROI but he's a multi tabler and playing today Shocked
Report YZF_R1 April 27, 2013 2:48 PM BST
It was a wait, but right before I withdraw my money, they wrote to me with the answer I waited. Employees of customer service are not guilty, their superiors are guilty. I'm sure they would have enough people to quality service all its customers. Before when there was service to my country in my language, then I was getting a quality service, but they decided to cut costs and eliminated service and translation site to my language. They do not have enough staff to quickly and efficiently serve their customers!
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