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George Bailey
31 Dec 12 11:37
Date Joined: 04 Apr 10
| Topic/replies: 62,054 | Blogger: George Bailey's blog
Hi poker newbie playing casino tournament every other Friday or so.  Loving it but need to up my game.  Was thinking of accessing one of the online sites to practice for free.  Just wondered which is the best? Or don't you use/need them?

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Report Helmuthian Folds December 31, 2012 4:48 PM GMT
Hi GB2,

Play money games will not help your game at all as with no risk or reward people just wont play like they would if it was for cash.

There are plenty of low buy in tournaments on every network that will give you the practice you require.

Report Ovalman. December 31, 2012 6:05 PM GMT
If you've funds on Betfair you should play the micro stakes tournaments in the lobby with anything from £5 to $50 added. There's one starts every hour at peak times and there's not that many play them compared to the low stakes games on the big sites like Stars. Check out, Dinos is a good friend of the forum and organises decent low stakes games for his members. You won't get a better deal by going through the poker site directly.
Report George Bailey December 31, 2012 9:41 PM GMT
Thanks to both. Will have a look.
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