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04 Dec 09 13:36
Date Joined: 06 Apr 03
| Topic/replies: 10,099 | Blogger: sickoflayinwinners's blog
playing a dn2, my stack 730 another guy 770 another 2350 other guy the rest. i shove for 730 called by the 770 leaving him 40 , and flat called by the 2350 , not put the 770 in for 40 it happens i had a 10 the 770 stack a worse ace qand the 2350 stack in big blind for 100 called with 68 off he hit 6 and i m out leavmg tghe othr guy with 40. to be honest im as certain as certain can be that it wasnt collussion as ive played with the big stacked guy many times and dont think for one moment he did anything untoward but it was a very strange call as if he missed he drps to 1600 and we could concievably split pot and mov to over 1k each thuis bringing him intio peril. obviously if he folds eitherim out aor thge 770 is down to 40 and as good as i saidi dont think it wa any untoward just a sterange move. my point is it shows how easily things can be taken as collussion even when theyare not that way at all
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Report Jazzy_Jon December 4, 2009 1:38 PM GMT
no, it's collusion
Report Six of Clubs December 4, 2009 1:39 PM GMT
what is the matrix?
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 1:57 PM GMT
to be honest i dont think for one moment the guy who called with the 2350 is dishonest, ive played him many times i just think it was a poor call , he was probably thinking 2v1 to knock short stack out which is generally standard stuff for small amounts tocall .obviuosly from his own point of view(and as it so happens mine) he shoulda folded and let us fight it out. but as i said i dont think it was anything naughty just a genuine mistake.
Report wingy123 December 4, 2009 2:06 PM GMT
simple answer, no of course its not, it seems strange u started a topic called "is this collusion" and mention about 3 times that u are pretty sure its not.
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 2:19 PM GMT
i started the thread as theres a a lot of talk of collussion at the moment and of coursesometimes it goes on , i was justtryig to point out that things that look dodgy arent always so.if the guy whohad the 2350 stack had ben a total stranger then i would have to had to be suspicious myself.
Report raithrover December 4, 2009 2:21 PM GMT
Nah, the guy can afford to call call he has practically made the money whatever the outcome (unless as you say you's split pot but very unlikely)
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 2:26 PM GMT
still safer to pass , we both had ace high and a split pot was poss , this would have been really bad for him as he would be right back in touch for both of us, whereas if he passes the worst poss outcome is the short stack would now be down to 40 *****, and better still its a fair chance that i could go out any way. calling was totaly pointless and defineatly over a period of time detrimental to his chances.
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 2:28 PM GMT
obviously if it a 100 or sio more then its a call ,even then he may as well put the other guy in as he couldnt possibly pass for 40more as head run the real risk of me tripling up to over 2300 and being left with 40.
Report wingy123 December 4, 2009 2:33 PM GMT
maybe he thought he was right to call who knows what other people think
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 2:40 PM GMT
i have no doubt he thought he was doing the best thing , just pointing out how things can look dodgy even tho they aint.if im wrong please feel free to sayso. i for one wouldnt have dreamed of calling.
Report chipfire227 December 4, 2009 3:30 PM GMT
you didnt say what the blinds were, but im assuming he was in the big blind and last to act.

unless blinds were at least 300/600 he is a donk, or colluding.

id say almost certainly he is a donk rather than colluder. its a dreadful call.

whats his username and what stakes were u playing ?
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 3:52 PM GMT
it was a 60 dn2 if i remeber correctly it was 50/100 maybe 100/200
Report Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag December 4, 2009 3:55 PM GMT
this is common and although not quite standard play happens every day in d2ns
Report liamcol December 4, 2009 3:55 PM GMT
it's only collusion when foreigners do it, you jolly englishmen start posts when your forum friends don't "play soft", lol
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 3:57 PM GMT
hi mavis, hows ur luck
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 3:59 PM GMT
not a matter of playing soft m8.obviously if it just a few more to call its auto call but not in the situation i described. each to their own i guess
Report chipfire227 December 4, 2009 4:44 PM GMT
its a mug call with the 2 short stacks effectively all in and him holding 68 off with blinds at those levels.

almost identical thing happened in game i was playing the other night with blinds at 75/150.

2 shorties are all in with 900 ish *****apiece, and big blind with 1700 calls with 9 10 suited.

both shorties have a q and split the pot.
Report [x] These checkboxes suck December 4, 2009 4:51 PM GMT
great fred
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 4:59 PM GMT
chip , you have pointed out exactly why i say its a must pass.most times it will make no difference to him and jusy occasionallyit will cost him his place .
Report sickoflayinwinners December 4, 2009 5:00 PM GMT
its poss that niether of our kickers plays as well causing a split pot.
Report "M" December 4, 2009 6:38 PM GMT
*****scenario is very different, in that case the 1700 stack will be down to 800 if he loses, whereas sicko's is still going to be ahead of at least one of the 2 short stacks. not sure why you would not put the other short stack in for his last chip though.
Report o o o o o o o o December 4, 2009 7:29 PM GMT
you are all talking like you expect everyone to be d2n pros, of course if u know what u are doing its pretty abc and certain plays are obvious do or dont... but to start calling people mugs and colluders everytime they make a bad play is ridiculous, the whole poker world is built around people who play bad and make mistakes so get off your high horses....
Report Dooberama December 4, 2009 8:25 PM GMT
I don't really see what is wrong with the call. Having 1600 vs a guy with 40 really isn't much worse than having 2300 vs a guy with 40. He doesn't really need to get involved, but it is hardly the worst call ever or anywhere close. He should obviously have put in the last 40 too.

The only real danger is the split pot.
Report chipfire227 December 4, 2009 11:00 PM GMT
sorry doobs, just cant agree.

if the blinds are 50/100 why commit 630 more *****with 6 8 when you are huge odds on to cash by leaving the shorties to go toe to toe ?

worst case scenario you lose and the other 2 split pot leaving you on 1650, and both of them with over 1k. that makes you about 2/7 to cash.

if you fold only the split stops you cashing so you are probably 1/16 at worst by folding, and possibly much shorter.

can see a big downside with no potential upside by calling.

its not the worst call of all time i grant you, but im folding 100% of the time in that spot.
Report sickoflayinwinners December 5, 2009 5:11 PM GMT
u summed it up perfectly there chip , big downdide no real upside.oi spose u could say thay by betting the extra 40 he could be forcing the other guy out leaving an head up situation.
Report Dooberama December 5, 2009 6:18 PM GMT
While there is no real upside there is also no real downside.

99% chance of cashing if you don't do it, 95% if you call and fail to beat either player. But if you call you definitely reduce your expected time in a re tarded D2N. Swings and roundabouts in my view but wtf do I know?
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