Jan 1, 2017 -- 6:21PM, GRANTCKING wrote:
that cost me a treble aswell, fecking disgrace of a fix
Jan 1, 2017 -- 6:41PM, bobby 1 wrote:
I'm going to town on this game, all the following bets are with hills and for 1 point eachStafford passing yards under 280.5 Golden Tate over 67.5 yardsPackers -3.5 @ 20/21
Hills will have to file for bankruptcy if those bets come in!
Jan 1, 2017 -- 7:16PM, bobby 1 wrote:
jucel first and foremost i just need a packers win by more than 3.5 anything more than that will be a huge bonus, good luck with your bets mate
Just a boring straight bet on the Packers @ 1.56
Jan 1, 2017 -- 8:22PM, bobby 1 wrote:
careful jucel, theres a lot of nutters on here who would take you to task for that statement
Yeh some right knobs about!
Just a statement o fact, but people twist everything nowadays.
Jan 1, 2017 -- 8:30PM, bobby 1 wrote:
i call them the ba ba black sheep posseafter the mob who wanted to change it to ba ba white sheep
I hate Political correctness
Jan 22, 2017 -- 8:39PM, bobby 1 wrote:
so when the thread was a negative, i had nugget, wisewords, and many others on here constantly.funny how they are no longer to be seen.thanks to jucel, jedi etc who had positive words of encouragement for me.thanks for reading, im sure someone else will do a similar thread come september.adiosno more bets on here for the final, im done.
Well done Bobby, Lazarus like comeback from the dead.
I think it was that Giants game (midseason) that turned everything around for you?