banging on about dedication,reaching heights normal people like us never meet blah.blah quite the take from the junkie,alcohol,pub brawler,violent thug who broke COVID laws and cheated a fellow jockey out of a championship, but that ye go not like murphy to have a peep in the mirror
I thought same he was almost seeming god like for steering some well bred good things in a straight line sounded like he was a brain surgeon saving lives daily
I thought same he was almost seeming god like for steering some well bred good things in a straight line sounded like he was a brain surgeon saving lives daily
there's a list as long as your arm of champion jockeys who atre some of the worst of us and that's only the ones we no about,eddery,Hughes,murphy,Fallon,murtagh even Mr racing frankie
there's a list as long as your arm of champion jockeys who atre some of the worst of us and that's only the ones we no about,eddery,Hughes,murphy,Fallon,murtagh even Mr racing frankie
Chappers seemed to saying fook new racing fans,their not coming lets go back to chelt finishes of 70,s,as long as the horse isn't bleeding or hurt hit it as many times as you like oily seemed to want itv to avoid showing abuse of the whip on TV,can see his point t after listening to Chappers and the other fella batting g away ridiculous gotcha ?,s from Chappers FOOKING PATHETIC ALL ROUND
Chappers seemed to saying fook new racing fans,their not coming lets go back to chelt finishes of 70,s,as long as the horse isn't bleeding or hurt hit it as many times as you like oily seemed to want itv to avoid showing abuse of the whip on TV,can
Some Harsh post on ere, okay so he had a drink n drug problem, since his ban has worked very hard and has ridden some great races. No forgiving n pleasing some people on ere.
Some Harsh post on ere, okay so he had a drink n drug problem, since his ban has worked very hard and has ridden some great races.No forgiving n pleasing some people on ere.
1st time poster, that's libellous and incorrect. In fact he proved the opposite in a court of law. He is not a junkie and you deserve to be sued for writing such a libellious statement about someone that is not true. Sorry if that sounds harsh - but it is not OK to write things like that about someone when it is factually incorrect.
1st time poster, that's libellous and incorrect. In fact he proved the opposite in a court of law. He is not a junkie and you deserve to be sued for writing such a libellious statement about someone that is not true.Sorry if that sounds harsh - but
was that trhe kissed the coked up girl story,you,ll be telling mnew next you don't believe Alex fergerson was driving his car that day, now about that chocolate fireguard you want to buy
was that trhe kissed the coked up girl story,you,ll be telling mnew next you don't believe Alex fergerson was driving his car that day, now about that chocolate fireguard you want to buy
the point been as we all no of all the sports out there where you can become champion by breaking every rule in the book, been completely ill discipl,totally unproff its racing ,but as a posterf above says Murphy,s trailer would have you believe jockey,s are just above GOD in the pecking order and 6 steps above open heart surgeons in what they give in their lifetime compared to THE PLEBS
the point been as we all no of all the sports out there where you can become champion by breaking every rule in the book, been completely ill discipl,totally unproff its racing ,but as a posterf above says Murphy,s trailer would have you believe jock
1st time , you should check your facts first before posting. He gave a hair sample for analysis which showed zero drug taking. FACT. Hence why he only got 3 months. If he was a 'junkie' as you put it, it would have shown up on the hair analysis.
This was proven in court, so if you want to carry on spouting a load of fabricated tosh, it just shows you to be a fool.
1st time , you should check your facts first before posting. He gave a hair sample for analysis which showed zero drug taking. FACT.Hence why he only got 3 months. If he was a 'junkie' as you put it, it would have shown up on the hair analysis. Thi
The most naturally talented humans tend to have flaws, 1st timer. So it's not too surprising that you don't have any. And not complying with the covid fascism puts people up in my estimation.
The most naturally talented humans tend to have flaws, 1st timer. So it's not too surprising that you don't have any. And not complying with the covid fascism puts people up in my estimation.
I don't think not having a drink problem threatening to smash a glass in a strangers face and purposely lying cheating/breaking law to help rob a fellow pro of a jockey,s title ,puts you in some sort of elite group,rather in the vast majority of people ,I,d like to hope /think
I don't thinknot having a drink problemthreatening to smash a glass in a strangers faceand purposely lying cheating/breaking law to help rob a fellow pro of a jockey,s title ,puts you in some sort of elite group,rather in the vast majority of people