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01 Feb 23 16:00
Date Joined: 14 Mar 11
| Topic/replies: 40 | Blogger: geoffo's blog
Has anyone else had the issue of bets placed on their account that were not placed by you. Have you complained to Betfair and been told that it is impossible that the bets were not placed by you ?  I know 4 other account holders where this has happened. All of these people complained and were told that these bets MUST have come from the account holder
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Report ItsMeSwaddle February 1, 2023 4:09 PM GMT
This happened to a bloke called StewB a bit back.

Slightly diff circumstances.

Think was trying to arrange some sort of 0rgy but instead one of them instead got bored and started placing BF bets in the middle of the night.

Do you mean in person or remotely?
Report swiftynifty February 1, 2023 4:11 PM GMT
I think this could have something to do with H G Wells
Report dave1357 February 1, 2023 4:37 PM GMT
Check the IP address of any odd logins to your account.

Are you using two factor authentication?

It is possible that your account has been hacked and someone just placed bets for fun.
Report geoffo February 1, 2023 5:00 PM GMT
These bets were all dog bets at night once I had switched off. I had been asked by Betfair to change my password (I hadnt asked for this). BF know this and apparently looked at the IP addresses but would not give me the details of the IP addresses. All bets were losers and the only gain would be a lay bet on what they had bet. The total loss was £600. I told BF i wanted a proper investigation because other arbers have had this happen and we all talk to one another. The money for me (luckily) is irrelevant I just wanted it investigated
Report geoffo February 1, 2023 5:00 PM GMT
These bets were all dog bets at night once I had switched off. I had been asked by Betfair to change my password (I hadnt asked for this). BF know this and apparently looked at the IP addresses but would not give me the details of the IP addresses. All bets were losers and the only gain would be a lay bet on what they had bet. The total loss was £600. I told BF i wanted a proper investigation because other arbers have had this happen and we all talk to one another. The money for me (luckily) is irrelevant I just wanted it investigated
Report dave1357 February 1, 2023 5:08 PM GMT
the login ip addresses are displayed in your account, think its under security. I'm not logged on to my account so can't find exactly where.

Do you have two factor authentication?
Report The Management February 1, 2023 5:12 PM GMT
Geoff - you can check the IP Address yourself (to an extent) click on "My Account", then "My Details", then "Security Settings", this shows the last 3 log-ins including the IP Address - If you click on "more" you can see the last ten.
Report The Management February 1, 2023 5:12 PM GMT
Wot Dave said.
Report Rico-Dangleflaps February 1, 2023 5:15 PM GMT
full of kestrel super strength and had a rip up imo
Report ItsMeSwaddle February 1, 2023 5:21 PM GMT

Feb 1, 2023 -- 11:00AM, geoffo wrote:

These bets were all dog bets at night once I had switched off. I had been asked by Betfair to change my password (I hadnt asked for this). BF know this and apparently looked at the IP addresses but would not give me the details of the IP addresses. All bets were losers and the only gain would be a lay bet on what they had bet. The total loss was £600. I told BF i wanted a proper investigation because other arbers have had this happen and we all talk to one another. The money for me (luckily) is irrelevant I just wanted it investigated

Maybe someone clever enough to arb the arbers.

The scourge of the industry imo only beaten on tightness by Matched Bettors.

Report longbridge February 2, 2023 2:37 PM GMT

As others have said

- check your login IP addresses in My Account
- you can use this site to look up where they are from if you are curious:
- if you are not yet using 2FA, consider seriously enabling it asap
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