May 28, 2021 -- 3:01AM, Manoleeds wrote:
I can't help but notice that a lot of the vaxxed say "I've had mine, you should have yours" . To me it comes across as "I'm a bit worried that something might go wrong down the line and I want you to be in the same boat as me."
All you've done is flipped my earlier point. The difference is that those of us unvaccinated or in the process of hope everyone does it for everyone's safety but if they dont that's their choice. Those who dont want it and spout the conspiracy theories do it solely, as I said yesterday, to put themselves at ease by trying to scare others into not getting it. They dont care less about their safety. If they did they would just accept it and move on instead of being angry at people who get the vaccine.
May 28, 2021 -- 4:00AM, Facts wrote:
May 28, 2021 -- 6:15AM, GEORGE.B wrote:
The source is the HM Government on the link at the bottom and it takes you to each data set.All UK Column has done is to take the data and put it into a database that is user-friendly eg sort by specific adverse conditions for any one or all of the vaccine suppliers.
May 28, 2021 -- 7:25AM, wondersobright wrote:
I'm not putting numbers on it but we'll see the usual winter spike in deaths imo + additional deaths relating to the jabs & due to the likely lockdown that will be imposed again
Of course you're conveniently forgetting that flu deaths are now way down due to masks/lockdown but you're still gonna claim the 'usual' death toll due to that, and not Covid.