Mar 23, 2021 -- 6:39PM, KeMoH wrote:
Following a review of your account by our Trading team, we regret to inform you that whilst our online service remains available to you, betting restrictions will be applied on any future bets placed and the Cash Out feature is no longer available to you.Mickey Mouse outfit
That is the bog standard email that most punters will receive withing a week or so of opening an account. They are only after long standing losing £10 mug punters
Mar 24, 2021 -- 4:49AM, punts wrote:
2k over 10 days might have got you flagged up...I deposit only my stake (20-50q) when I bet and always withdraw.
Always withdrawing gets accounts restricted quicker as the withdrawn amounts are highlighted on their system, keep withdrawals to a minimum if you want any longevity of an account.