Dec 12, 2016 -- 1:11PM, pixie wrote:
Sad. I always felt he never got the credit for his Derby winning ride on Shahrastani as everyone was too busy laying into Greville Starkey to comment that by Swinburn kicking early enabled him to nick it. RIP.
Good Point.
Dec 13, 2016 -- 4:03AM, Oldgit1 wrote:
Very sad at such a young age.One report said that he had epilepsy, I wonder if that was a consequence of his accident? Did he not have another bad one as well as the Hong Kong one?
Of course were speculating but a neighbour of mine a while back suffered with epilepsy and had such a bad fit one day he had a heart attack from it and dropped dead. He was only in his 30s. Horrendous.