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27 Aug 16 12:30
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BREAKING NEWS: Hayley Turner has been appointed a member of the ITV Racing team
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Report xmoneyx August 27, 2016 12:31 PM BST
where's my wee bob
Report GEORGE.B August 27, 2016 12:38 PM BST
any job yet for Lucky?
Report Deltâ August 27, 2016 12:39 PM BST
she's on ATR currently - keeps saying sow all the time
Report sparrow August 27, 2016 12:41 PM BST
I expect we will get at least 300 comments on this issue of great national importance.  Sad
Report ashleigh August 27, 2016 12:43 PM BST
says  she is earning more now than when riding, working 1 day a week for atr, they must be paying her too much.
Report stewarty b August 27, 2016 12:47 PM BST
I take it that will be the end of Spencer's career.
Report Dan Chipowski August 27, 2016 12:47 PM BST
Talks mostly rubbish, and in an annoying accent.

Not exactly a coup for ITV.
Report GEORGE.B August 27, 2016 12:47 PM BST
hang on, so who've we got so far?


so we need someone to be representative of our multi-cultural society cuz obviously it would be scandalous to have an all-white team!

I'm hoping it's Ken Pitterson!
Report granitjack August 27, 2016 1:31 PM BST
This new ITV racing team goes from bad to worse. Did they not think it might be an idea to recruit someone who actually has a personality rather than Turner? Useless on ATR and even her appearance on the ML on Shergar Cup day she was as bland as ever.....
Report FELTFAIR August 27, 2016 1:34 PM BST
She`s engaging,a breath of fresh air. Done the grind of being a jockey,good luck to her.
Report mokegibboni August 27, 2016 1:39 PM BST
Hayley Turner is absolutely awful at presenting/talking on TV. She's a real wet and is such a big drip with her whiney voice. I'll not watch the programme because of her alone!
Report doorman99 August 27, 2016 1:42 PM BST
Absolutely agree mokegibboni, are these producers deaf?
Report less fuss August 27, 2016 1:43 PM BST
Regretfully, I agree. Other appointments very good imvho.
Report RothmanMike August 27, 2016 2:03 PM BST
Glad Hayley is in,at least she has original thinking unlike present cast.Adds a bit of mischief and Is her own person with no axe to grind.
Good luck Hayley.
Report impossible123 August 27, 2016 2:06 PM BST
Hayley Turner? Well, after Leicester winning the Premier League and Boris appointed Foreign Secretary post Brexit that is not totally an impossibility. But she is aw*** on ATR!
Report Lee Ho Fooks August 27, 2016 2:33 PM BST
Understand now how she got the nod over current female jocks in the Shergar Cup
Report zygote August 27, 2016 2:38 PM BST
Three women and one ethnic minority appointed so far. So that's the diversity box ticked, old boy!
Report tomhunt August 27, 2016 2:40 PM BST
leonna over hayley tar
Report impossible123 August 27, 2016 2:42 PM BST
All we need now is Gok Wan for a full house!
Report mokegibboni August 27, 2016 2:47 PM BST
Go Wan* - a great representative of British culture - oh dear! Do you ever get that feeling that your losing faith in human nature?
Report glow -worm August 27, 2016 2:51 PM BST
word is Rishi Persad. keeps his job to wtf
Report redal2 August 27, 2016 2:55 PM BST
She was a decent jockey who is benefiting from being first female to really break through. Her presenting is monotone, dull and she has never done any homework into the races. How you can say she is original defeats me. There are better female presenters around but she has the name. Awful choice, I won't be rushing to watch ITV's coverage
Report Knight Commander August 27, 2016 3:03 PM BST
Just waiting for the day someone employs a one-legged, obese, ethnic, transgender, lesbian pensioner.
Tick all the boxes in one go Grin
Report mokegibboni August 27, 2016 3:05 PM BST
Knight Commander - good one :)
Report Ramruma August 27, 2016 4:31 PM BST
FFS KC -- be careful what you wish for. The last thing we need is more heterosexual, white men -- male, stale and pale -- like Tommo or Fitzy.
Report brigust1 August 27, 2016 5:20 PM BST
HAYLEY TURNER's fledgling television career has received a huge early boost after the former top jockey was appointed a full member of the ITV racing team.

In recent days ITV, which takes over from Channel 4 as the sport's exclusive mainstream broadcaster from January 1, 2017, has begun contacting those who were interviewed about roles to inform them if they will become part of the broadcaster's squad.

As expected, Racing UK's Oli Bell is understood to have been told he has a job, while it is believed Sally Ann Grassick, a regular face on RTE and France's Equidia racing channel, is also to be employed.

Rishi Persad, a regular member of the Channel 4 racing team having previously filled a similar role for the BBC, is also thought to have been given the nod by ITV.

Coverage of betting is also set to look very different after Channel 4's Tanya Stevenson and Tom Lee both told the Racing Post they had not been given positions with ITV.

Gina Harding, who joined Channel 4 having impressed on At The Races, is another to have been told she will not be switching to ITV.

Turner, 33, retired at the end of the last Flat season after a career in which she became Britain's most successful female rider. She rode three Group 1 winners and is the only female jockey to ride 100 winners in a year in Britain, a feat she achieved in 2008.

Since retiring, Turner has been presenting on At The Races and also made a brief comback to riding at the Shergar Cup, riding a winner for The Girls team on Early Morning.
Report Roger De Bris August 27, 2016 5:28 PM BST
The more dopes they put on the telly the better for the shrewdies...Laugh
Report dunlaying August 27, 2016 8:13 PM BST
I am pleased to see that no one has suggested that she got the job via the casting couch.
Report stewarty b August 28, 2016 11:55 AM BST
Any word about Spencer's future?
Report theres only one best tonic August 28, 2016 12:59 PM BST
Shes starting a new busness as a professional postbox impersonator
Report stewarty b August 28, 2016 1:04 PM BST
Taking a step up then?
Report unbiased August 28, 2016 1:55 PM BST
To summarize this,are we all wrong,and ITV right?I don't think so,unless they have given her a role where she doesn't have to speak!!
Report Percy Filth August 28, 2016 2:06 PM BST
let's face it off, whoever is picked, most of you will slag off
Report Brian August 28, 2016 9:52 PM BST
I like Hayley Turner but have to agree she is poor choice for ATR for reasons stated. However ITV will be presenting to wider audience(hopefully) and I think she is better choice than say Tanya Stevenson.
Report impossible123 August 28, 2016 11:03 PM BST
I just happened to be watching ATR one afternoon and someone faxed/emailed/tweeted (I believe) - according to the main presenter (male) - that watching ATR with Hayley Turner and (himself) was akin to watching a car crash/disaster.

I like most female presenters eg Clair Balding, Lydia Hislop, Alice Plunkett, Lesley Graham, Gabby Logan, etc, however, I think Hayley Turner is just not tv presenting material for the immediate and/or near term.
Report Marcce August 28, 2016 11:58 PM BST
I like most female presenters eg Clair Balding, Lydia Hislop, Alice Plunkett, Lesley Graham, Gabby Logan, etc, however, I think Hayley Turner is just not tv presenting material for the immediate and/or near term.

None of those mentioned have to spend the best part of 3 hours filling constant dead time between events. For that reason I think she's being a bit harshly judged on her ATR stuff. I mean, the other day she found Robert Cooper via a tweet from a viewer, asking her what colour underwear she had on. That's how bad those afternoon slots can be in terms of something to work with.

The new faces seem to indicate they don't want to just carry on with it as it currently is so it's just wait and see for now. As far as I'm concerned ITV shouldn't be let loose on any sport at all so my expectations are low from the start really.
Report .birkdale August 29, 2016 10:00 AM BST
This is no worse than the situation which occurred 6 or 7 years ago when somebody handed Mick Fitzgerald a microphone and told him that his future was in broadcasting.
Report crepello August 29, 2016 10:35 AM BST
.birkdale    29 Aug 16 10:00 
This is no worse than the situation which occurred 6 or 7 years ago when somebody handed Mick Fitzgerald a microphone and told him that his future was in broadcasting.

Fair point but you could not find a lower base to work from.

Faint praise indeed ........
Report Somerset Sam August 29, 2016 10:48 AM BST

Aug 28, 2016 -- 5:58PM, Marcce wrote:

I like most female presenters eg Clair Balding, Lydia Hislop, Alice Plunkett, Lesley Graham, Gabby Logan, etc, however, I think Hayley Turner is just not tv presenting material for the immediate and/or near term.None of those mentioned have to spend the best part of 3 hours filling constant dead time between events. For that reason I think she's being a bit harshly judged on her ATR stuff. I mean, the other day she found Robert Cooper via a tweet from a viewer, asking her what colour underwear she had on. That's how bad those afternoon slots can be in terms of something to work with.The new faces seem to indicate they don't want to just carry on with it as it currently is so it's just wait and see for now. As far as I'm concerned ITV shouldn't be let loose on any sport at all so my expectations are low from the start really.

I mean, the other day she found Robert Cooper via a tweet from a viewer, asking her what colour underwear she had on

Surely she could just have answered the question, she must know the answer?

Report doorman99 August 29, 2016 11:03 AM BST
Lol SS, brilliant.
Report deadbrain59 August 29, 2016 1:07 PM BST
dont think you will see her and emma spencer together.?
Report Knight Commander August 29, 2016 1:52 PM BST
Take me awhile to get that image out of my head Grin
Report warringtonwire August 29, 2016 1:58 PM BST
Don't forget, most TC channels cater only for people with no real interest or knowledge in sport. The BBC OG coverage for example - more interested in making celebrities out of the presenters than showing the sport.
Report warringtonwire August 29, 2016 1:59 PM BST
TV channels
Report impossible123 August 29, 2016 2:52 PM BST

I'm all for female presenters, but Hayley Turner showed little interest being there. For instance, she could not engage intelligently and sensibly on that afternoon's proceedings eg races, previous formlines of participants, jockeys involved, type of tracks, etc, she was awful - she just did not prep prior, and be professional on air.

I felt for her, though, thinking why was she doing it, why did she not prep prior, etc? I'm not a critical person on another human being but nonetheless I need to watch the programme to gain info for the future, but felt terribly uncomfortable watching her performance - she's a much better jockey than a presenter, and that did not happen overnight, I'm sure.

I hope Hayley Turner do present with scripts/prompts in hand to guide her through the programme next time she's on air.
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