Nov 22, 2014 -- 1:23AM, sageform wrote:
Do you think that Third Intention improved? The rest were a sorry bunch.
Previously under Tizzard he always looked a dog. Traveled well and found little. Yesterday he kept going in front no problem at all.
Nov 22, 2014 -- 1:41PM, Wicketd wrote:
joe tizzard a proper jockey wouldnt trust him to give cheryl cole a good ride
He no doubt built a relationship with the horse being the only person to ever ride him.
Assuming Cue Card has recovered from the injury; I have no doubt in time that Jacob will be far better for the horse than Tizzard will be.
Spot on above about this being SC's gold cup as well.
King George should be a cracker. Hope Champagne Fever comes over and Simonsig gets there in one piece.