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11 Jul 17 13:06
Date Joined: 25 Feb 03
| Topic/replies: 1,157 | Blogger: superjudge's blog
went into 1 of there shops today trying to get 100 pound on a dog offered 90p  told them where to go and they shortened the dog scum coonts
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Report cardenden July 11, 2017 5:06 PM BST
never happened, you are just dreaming,,
Report superjudge July 11, 2017 7:08 PM BST
card dont be a prick
Report hunglikeadonkey July 13, 2017 5:01 PM BST
offered 90p over the counter?
Report SlippyBlue July 13, 2017 5:30 PM BST
"trying to get 100 pound on a dog offered 90p"

I've got a couple of mates that are managers for PP and that to me is an absolute croc of the highest order.
Report Ravage Again July 13, 2017 6:14 PM BST
I went into a paddy powers a few months ago

You can't see the prices on a screen

So I asked her want price t2 in a certain

She could not speak proper England and therefore I reckoned see said 4-1

I wrote the slip out £100 I know no chance of getting more on

Said can I take 4-1 please, she replied never said 4-1 I said 9-4

So ffs you hot two hurdles to overcome

One don't lay any type of decent bet

And speak in a funny accent so can't understand them anyways
Report superjudge July 13, 2017 10:12 PM BST
slippy do you think that i am making it up then?
Report Ravage Again July 13, 2017 10:53 PM BST
Other time I tried to get a bet on with so called bookie

Was 400 quid at 6-1!on sky open

Got told you could have nothing at 6 and all at SP

So you got offered 90p more than I did Laugh
Report superjudge July 14, 2017 7:36 AM BST
snap ravage 6 months ago wanted to back a dog at crayford with ladcrookes at 7/1 me and two pals from differant parts of the country went in at the same time on the sis clock with a bottle each and was told sp only not a penny on. the dog won and the rep for ladds the ginger one on rgtv that night came out with a load of bollooocks that a major gamble had been landed 7 to a 3.anywayslippy blues got 2 friends that are managers of paddy power and it dont god there are some pricks about.
Bottle each

Sorry but they laying me less than score online
Let alone bottle in shop
Got to be more cute in shop
The age of 10-20 slips are apone us I'm afraid
Report Ravage Again July 14, 2017 12:52 PM BST
Yeap plus only one pp close to me

It's still 15 miles away so just don't bother trying anymore

Total waste of time and petrol money

Which suits them as only interested in taken money from mindless zombie FOBT players
Report irishone July 14, 2017 3:44 PM BST
superjudge you are in good company .....

Tabor gained a reputation as a shrewd, daring and highly successful gambler, whose actions could dramatically affect the odds being offered on a horse.[4][8][9][10] Speculation in the press linked him to bets of tens[4] and even hundreds of thousands of pounds.[8] His later horseracing associate, Derrick Smith, told The Racing Post that when he was working with Ladbrokes in the 1980s they had to stop taking Tabor's bets.[11]
Report starship July 14, 2017 9:33 PM BST
mate was in paddy power and asked for £700 to £200.
the counter hand was about to ring it up when the manager said it is under our limits, which was winning £1000,
and told the counterhand to take it.
so basically it is what staff are working.
majority of managers are jobworths, they do not realise that their guvoners would sack them without a moment thought
Report superjudge July 14, 2017 9:38 PM BST
bill you are spot on there it all about the staff
Report starship July 14, 2017 9:44 PM BST
the manager in my local corals phones over all my bets.
when he is not working i pop in for a bet.
have a £1000 to £250 patsy lass the other week.
gave the counterhand a drink.
walked in last week for a bet, he saw me, as i walk to the counter for a bet, £750 to £250,
he directed the punters to the other counterhand so he could take my bet.
lovely bloke.
he could not have got a bollockings for taking my first bet as he took my second bet.
all down to the staff
Report dr . atkins July 14, 2017 9:47 PM BST
plus they have your face on camera do paddys so if you go in for a big bet they know who you are same with hills and lads
Report dr . atkins July 14, 2017 9:55 PM BST
they tell you they have not when you ask them but they do keep your photo i know a few people who are checking with the firms thru the freedom of information act now whether they have to disclose this to you by law i don't know.
Report casemoney July 15, 2017 2:50 PM BST
You are obviously well known to the Firm ,its a bit of a Pointless exercise entering the Shop ??

.90 p is rediculous ,do you have an online account restricted to them stakes ?
Report gosmash July 16, 2017 4:49 PM BST
Starship. You gave away a drink ????   1.01 it wasn't north of an apple pmsl
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