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15 Oct 14 21:41
Date Joined: 15 Jun 14
| Topic/replies: 446 | Blogger: ThommosBucket's blog
This guy on RPGTV makes the guy who did the paralympics on C4 a few years ago look like David Dimbleby.

Next time they start their never ending moan about how the sport is dying and how they need to get in fresh faces / new blood - play them this broadcast!!!
Pause Switch to Standard View Worst Presenter Ever?
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Report everton-fc October 15, 2014 9:45 PM BST
he's the same on Coral TV, I find him very boring and Pat Cry zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hove zzzzzzz Hove zzzzzzz Hove

Next times pat is on we should do a guess the Hove score, i'll go for 85
Report October 15, 2014 9:47 PM BST
pat is mr.boringgggggggggggggggg
Report irishone October 15, 2014 9:50 PM BST

unfortunately Cry
Report ThommosBucket October 15, 2014 9:52 PM BST
Err...good run from the 3 there....broke errr well and showed some err pace to errr hold on from the err fast finishing 6 or was it the err 4.

We'll give you the result after this err break and err have another race from Romford and errr then Peterborough.
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 15, 2014 9:52 PM BST
ermmmmmm you lot obviously ain't watched RTE with Ger Canning, that Lodge fella and that absolute clown Serena whatever she is called Laugh
Report Swayne October 15, 2014 9:55 PM BST
Prem, is Serena that broad from Irish Derby night?   She is absolute class, you can't get that terribly bad without training very very hard to be so
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 15, 2014 9:57 PM BST
that's her Swayne Laugh she is some beaut alright - when i watched it back a few days later i think i got more enjoyment from her bumbling display than Blake winning
Report Swayne October 15, 2014 9:59 PM BST
you got bigger problems that I thought if you keep winding it back to watch her..
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 15, 2014 10:05 PM BST

Serena Love
Report ThommosBucket October 15, 2014 10:16 PM BST
Exchange the names from Airplane! for the presenters tonight.....

Roger Murdock: Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off.
Captain Oveur: Roger!
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Tower voice: L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er.
Captain Oveur: Roger!
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Victor Basta: Request vector, over.
Captain Oveur: What?
Tower voice: Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324.
Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence.
Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?
Tower voice: Tower's radio clearance, over!
Captain Oveur: That's Clarence Oveur. Over.
Tower voice: Over.
Captain Oveur: Roger.
Roger Murdock: Huh?
Tower voice: Roger, over!
Roger Murdock: What?
Captain Oveur: Huh?
Victor Basta: Who?
Report yorky October 15, 2014 10:47 PM BST
From a man whos voice is akin to andy murray describing how fed up he feels, I can not join in this abuse ,glasshouses un all that
Report Stow_judge October 16, 2014 1:00 PM BST
Pat365 is my least favourite. Does anyone EVER say anything positive about anyone on RPTV on here, or do you just hate everyone?
Report wondersobright October 16, 2014 1:09 PM BST
I think most people like jason tbf

I think errol, PL, silky are decent when they're on
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 16, 2014 1:18 PM BST
yep Jason is a laugh, the whole format of the show bores me tbh (between races), ain't saying it is easy to fill the show or be on it and keep those watching entertained but that's just my view towards it - and as for reading those e-mails don't get me started

however I am still grateful we have live racing on the box, that's fantastic
Report everton-fc October 16, 2014 1:19 PM BST
Errol is good IMO, good knowledge and comms
Jason good for the laughs
PL very good
Alan for Sunderland Cool
Donaldson is decent as well

he splits opinions but I thought Matt Chapman was good on the show, could do with him presenting it
Report wondersobright October 16, 2014 1:33 PM BST
chapman would be good 1 night a week imo, like him or not he is a character and is pretty good at engaging viewers/guests

I'd like to see them drop the sunday and go 3 meetings on each night

they need to drop all the emails and tweets bar reading out the odd good one and focus more on the next race (showing more vids of previous races as a form guide, etc)
Report everton-fc October 16, 2014 1:41 PM BST
Agree about dropping the emails and tweets, the odd one easy but in-between every race Sad
I know they have a lot of time to fill and it's not easy ect, like Wonders just said....more vids and focus on the race. 

I do however appreciate having the racing on the tele.

Hopefully it's here to stay, just needs a couple of tweaks here and there.
Report patrick starr October 16, 2014 1:51 PM BST
have to say i cant be having 3 meetings a night,they did that on 854/425 and i have to say i became completely disengaged from the show on them nights 25ish races a night is more than enough imo.

Appreciate filling the gaps between races is harder but as people have said here,theres a race coming up in 7 mins,how about talking about that? (god forbid the guests should actually have to do some research on the nights runners and earn their wages) im pretty sure i'd be more interested how to know how trap 4s littermate went on debut here last week...etc etc etc rather than how some tw4ts 10p lucky 31 is going after 4 have run and inevitably won.
Report ThommosBucket October 16, 2014 6:20 PM BST
There are some excellent presenters and guests - Julie for example has improved beyond belief.

But does anyone seriously reckon that guy last night should be employed as the anchor on a 3 hour show?

Just hope Tina emails in tonight cos thats always amusing.....Cry
Report ThommosBucket October 16, 2014 6:25 PM BST
Would be easy to fill the time between races - just show a VT in order 1-6 of the upcoming dogs last races.

Would give much more info on running styles, make up of race etc than - as one of our contributors said - knowing that Trevor from Crouch End needs Trap 4 in the next or the wife is going to divorce him for blowing the housekeeping.
Report irishone October 16, 2014 6:40 PM BST
current format is going from bad to worse
Report everton-fc October 16, 2014 6:51 PM BST's nice to have the racing on the TV Cool

I would be happy with just the pic's, no chat or comms
Report shiner October 16, 2014 7:07 PM BST
Seriously u would have something to moan about if there was no dogs on the tv just do what i do and hit the mute button and be grateful lifeb too short to worry about insignificant things
Report SlippyBlue October 16, 2014 7:25 PM BST
Just hope Tina emails in tonight cos thats always amusing..

Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 16, 2014 7:39 PM BST
Laugh do some fkin housework Tina!!!
Report SlippyBlue October 16, 2014 7:39 PM BST
Tina has been on...
Report everton-fc October 16, 2014 7:50 PM BST
is she on 3 in the trap challenge ?
Report irishone October 16, 2014 8:31 PM BST
cant understand why this 4 is so big  at 9's on here, najor danger to 6 so backed it wnp and framed it 64 46 f.c's
Report yorky October 20, 2014 11:33 AM BST
i think the worst presenter is j k , i think his ancesters used to ponce round st james palace in a long curley wig,seething with contempt at having to suffer the proletarietLaugh
Report irishone October 20, 2014 11:41 AM BST
yorky spot onLaugh
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 2:07 PM BST
Think all the presenters and guests do a good job. The knockers on here might think they know more but to appear for the night in the studio, let alone front the show, will be much more difficult than they are given credit for. Comments, opinions (whether right or wrong), commentaries, news and even reading the bones out of the e-mails hard. Some just wouldn't be cut out for it, like some of you numbskulls on here
Report wondersobright October 20, 2014 2:11 PM BST
^I sincerely hope you are including yourself in that woody Blush
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 20, 2014 2:12 PM BST
and even reading the bones out of the e-mails hard

what?? are the e-mails in spanish or something?? how is reading out an e-mail hard?? Laugh
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 2:13 PM BST
If you sent one in PF, you would realise they don't read it out as written. They edit it, that's what journalists do
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 2:14 PM BST
Yes Wonders, wouldn't fancy it myself other than to promote Manchester City! Laugh
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 20, 2014 2:17 PM BST
if you read my Oct 16th post i actually said it probably ain't as easy to fill thew show or keep it entertaining but saying it's hard for them to read out an e-mail when most kids in junior infants could do so is pushing it

if i sent an e-mail in i doubt they'd read it out as i ain't some horned out aul one who loves trap 3s and wants to suck Hobbsy off Plain
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 2:20 PM BST
Just saying some might not be straight-forward to comprehend at first
Report wondersobright October 20, 2014 2:24 PM BST
its money for old rope and there isn't 1 difficult bit about their job
pull your fcking beak out of there ar$eholes ffs while you still got hope of being able to prevent the turd stains being permanent...or is it too late already, yes, I fear it is
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 2:26 PM BST
Would like to see you try it, Wonders. They are their own men, they don't need boot licking. Just credit where credit's due
Report wondersobright October 20, 2014 2:29 PM BST
credit where credit's due

and there he goes again
Report irishone October 20, 2014 2:41 PM BST
"they don't need boot licking"

well if they don't need boot licking
how come nearly every other email (alledgedly edited) they read out apparently says "great show lads"
when it clearly aint.....

chapman, boycey etc done the whole lot on their own in a studio why cant they ?
Report wondersobright October 20, 2014 2:52 PM BST
woody can't help himself, he just HAS to do the licking
Report dr . atkins October 20, 2014 5:17 PM BST
mr dave the best judge at romford on rptv in november a must see he loves a bet in every race
Report Deptford October 20, 2014 6:55 PM BST
Dont need boot licking, that is the funniest thing I have ever read on here, Jesus weeps, you are clueless
Report woodmanchester October 20, 2014 7:55 PM BST
Many seem to be obsessed with brown noses. Think you got a fetish. I could have a word with my mate Phil for you Wonders. Sure I could get you on the show when Sunderland are racing. Maybe you could make a name for yourself Happy
Report irishone October 20, 2014 8:26 PM BST
"Sure I could get you on the show when Sunderland are racing"   LaughLaughLaughLaugh

.............naked with a cucumber up his backside ?
Report yorky October 21, 2014 1:03 AM BST
Ive been dog racing with wonders, he does more work on one meeting than you could imagine, he had every stat,formline,you name it,he new it ,hes the daddy of all pro betters on here
Report Stow_judge October 21, 2014 11:40 AM BST
Many of us have become an expert at a single track at some time in their punting life. If you go on RPTV, you have to give a view on every race at the other meeting. How can that be easy? (assuming you would do more than card read at the other meeting) It IS hard work to do it properly. If you go on there, you'll likely be ripped to pieces on here, like most of them are.
Report irishone October 21, 2014 12:00 PM BST
as they should be too
vast majority have over inflated egos
and just want to see themselves as "the voice of truth"
the most entertaining have been the most humble
they give mockery and take mockery in their stride .
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 12:30 PM BST
cheers yorky you are too kind Blush

good field bet for ya at notts 1 in next idles badly got 4 to chase its nuts off to the run in should be picked off
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 12:36 PM BST
keep her in mind for that bet, ideal type
quite a few pigs on card at notts at the min
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 21, 2014 12:38 PM BST
Sure I could get you on the show when Sunderland are racing.

Shocked get me on the show then Woody!! i ain't signing no waiver or anything about what i will say though
Report p_r_e_m_i_e_r__f_a_n_t_a_s_y October 21, 2014 12:41 PM BST
I agree with that Stow, i would have no interest in going through graded racing from Peterborough, Romford, Crayford, Newcastle, Henlow etc......... and if having to give opinions on the race would just be off card reading (the little bit i would bother to do)
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 12:46 PM BST
I bet most of them spend less than half an hour on both cards

250 smackers for "I'm gunna be boring here and go with the fav" or "I'm going with the class dropper" or "this dog has a 4.17 sectional, that will do for me"...its M for old R
Report yorky October 21, 2014 12:51 PM BST
dont forget they want you to bet on every race, the bookies pay for the show, they want to hoover all the lucky 15 money up from round the country,I just find it ironic that they allow no interaction on the bags commentrys ,this is a missed opportunity to get the turnover up big time
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 12:56 PM BST
yes spot on yorky

the old bags service was great, good comms and some discussion in between races on morning bags
much missed
Report yorky October 21, 2014 1:01 PM BST
before its time wonders old pal
Report BETTY October 21, 2014 2:10 PM BST
Just my twopenth worth but I did the show Friday and I can assure you I don't follow the form at Romford or Sunderland but spent considerably more than half an hour on each card
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 2:21 PM BST
I meant of the regular presenters/pundits
Report shamokin October 21, 2014 3:17 PM BST
Which service did you mean? The old Sportslive service on Coral/Ladbrokes etc... Morning Bags, Interviews, emails etc... nobody seems to mention how before its time it was.
Report wondersobright October 21, 2014 3:26 PM BST
media on demand comms, dogrobber, PC, ozzie, etc

sportslive was more horse racing focused wasn't it if I remember??? the dogs were put to 1 side when the horse racing got under way
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