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30 May 12 23:52
Date Joined: 30 Jun 01
| Topic/replies: 38 | Blogger: Kwame's blog
The Council strike again!

After 3 1/2 hours of passionate protest, and 3 weeks waiting for the minutes, this is all they reported about the activity in the meeting:

"The Committee considered applications for planning permission received by
the Head of Development Management and Building Control under the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990 and took into account the oral representations
made by members of the public and applicants and their agents
. "
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Report Kwame May 30, 2012 11:53 PM BST
That's it.

Not a word of what was said!
Report May 31, 2012 8:49 AM BST
what about boris have not heard anything
Report ebulGery May 31, 2012 9:10 AM BST
Re: Boris' decision
« Reply #4 on May 29, 2012, 3:40pm »   

Below is text of an e-mail I received from mayors office on Friday 25th May. It would seem any decision from Boris will not be imminent.

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your email.

The application has yet to be referred back to the Mayor at Stage II for his final decision, following a resolution to grant approval being passed by Waltham Forest's Council's Planning Committee.

The Mayor's Stage I consultation response requested further information on a number of issues including the financial viability of the scheme. This information will need to be assessed along with changes that have been made to the scheme since the Stage I consultation response was issued in September 2011 before the Stage II decision can be made. Once the Mayor has received the Stage II referral from the Council the Mayor has 14 days within which to make a decision. The timetable for referral is currently being discussed with Waltham Forest officers.

Your views will be drawn to the Mayor's attention and referred to in the Stage II report in due course.

Yours sincerely

Lisa Lam
Public Liaison Officer

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from greyhoundscend mdm
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