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Mighty Whites 2008
19 Feb 20 19:39
Date Joined: 27 May 06
| Topic/replies: 14,493 | Blogger: Mighty Whites 2008's blog
After the successful Luke Donald and Tiger Woods Express I bring you the next Express to the world's summit.

Collin Morikawa

Cracked the top 50 in just twenty events. Already has a win - yet to miss a cut as a pro and heading right to the top!
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Report Catch Me ifyoucan February 19, 2020 7:52 PM GMT
greelo.....warning to prospective passengers.......the driver of this Loco is LOCO!!!

No doubt you'll prove greelo wrong again Devil
Report therhino February 20, 2020 12:40 PM GMT
What's your timeline mighty?
Report Knight Rider February 23, 2020 5:27 PM GMT
He's undoubtedly a great ball striker.  Putting has been a bit ropey so far...will be interesting to see if that improves or will he be Hideki Mk II?
Report Total Bosman February 23, 2020 6:11 PM GMT
I'm not sure I see a future number 1 just yet - you've got your boom or bust guys like Brooks or JT who can be awful or brilliant but get trophies on the brilliant weeks, and you have your steady guys like Cantlay who all but guarantee a good finish and a big cheque but maybe don't have enough trophies in the cabinet, and Morikawa strikes me at the moment as more of a Cantlay type.  His results are highly impressive since turning pro but would like to see how he fares properly in contention for a big one before declaring him a contender for the top of the rankings.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 February 25, 2020 10:31 PM GMT
By the end of next year Rhino

22 cuts out of 22 as a pro - the second longest active streak. Mighty impressive since he will be getting his first look at the majority of these tracks.
Report therhino February 27, 2020 11:58 AM GMT
Time will tell. Can see him becoming one of the top guys, end of 2021 might be a stretch but you never know. Rahmbo been going for a few years now and hasn't made it there yet.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 March 9, 2020 5:36 PM GMT
Another cut made and now the longest active streak on tour - impressive stuff for someone who has been on tour less than a year
Report Mighty Whites 2008 June 15, 2020 9:46 PM BST
Another good week up to 27 in the world now.

Might want to spent a bit of time on the practice putting green this week though.
Report therhino June 16, 2020 11:35 PM BST
If you divide his OWGR points by actual events played it comes out to 6.38 which is good enough for world number 5 ahead of DJ.

Report Fairbet? June 21, 2020 10:03 PM BST
Kid carries a reputation and expectations of a lot of good judges in the game. No doubt he can strike the ball. But there's a few issues to him becoming #1. Firstly, no-one but no-one strikes a ball like Rory. Secondly, (like Rory) he doesn't convert his good play to the green. Thirdly, the competition with all of these young kids playing with no fear and not being scared of winning is going to be difficult to overcome. Got to agree with Bosman, he likes the dynamism at the moment....but will be interesting to watch.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 July 13, 2020 4:01 PM BST
Choo Choo
Report therhino July 13, 2020 11:15 PM BST
Choo choo indeed. OWGR point by actual events played now 7.93, which would be number 2 in the world.

Not sure about the tiddlers though, did his best to miss the tap in on 18 to go to the playoff. Making the 24 footer to extend though was great stuff. Some of the shots he hit on Sunday were just glorious.

So many Tiger comparisons getting about at the moment, especially as he has more wins than missed cuts. Then I saw someone post that for 15 years, Tiger had more MAJOR wins than missed cuts. People can chill with the Tiger comparisons.
Report therhino August 10, 2020 6:44 AM BST
After his PGA win if you divide his points by actual events played you get 10.7 which would make a clear cut world number 1.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 August 10, 2020 12:52 PM BST
Moving along in the right direction, now OWGR #5

16 months ago he was in college ...
Report racingguru August 18, 2020 8:09 AM BST
Hats off to called it early and it's a matter of time IMO.
Report angrybryan August 21, 2020 10:14 PM BST
Can't put can't win.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 February 28, 2021 10:48 PM GMT
Choo Choo
Report dukeofpuke March 1, 2021 1:37 AM GMT
Get on the COMO train choo choo
Report Mighty Whites 2008 July 18, 2021 6:34 PM BST
Choo Choo
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- July 19, 2021 2:43 PM BST
Looks good enough, if putting holds up.

Some of his iron play was
brilliant last week
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- July 19, 2021 2:58 PM BST

Interesting set up!
Report therhino December 4, 2021 10:18 PM GMT

Feb 25, 2020 -- 4:31PM, Mighty Whites 2008 wrote:

By the end of next year Rhino22 cuts out of 22 as a pro - the second longest active streak. Mighty impressive since he will be getting his first look at the majority of these tracks.

Unreal prediction Mighty. 5 shot lead after 54 holes at Hero, if he closes is number 1. Nostradumus would be impressed.

Report Total Bosman December 5, 2021 6:16 PM GMT
It's never easy...
Report dave1357 December 5, 2021 7:04 PM GMT
is this the day all the pros play like hackers to make us hackers feel a bit better about ourselves?
Report snowynoon December 5, 2021 9:30 PM GMT
How could he blow that lead ,well done Viktor .Unbelievable stuff .
Report therhino December 5, 2021 9:49 PM GMT
Not the scoreboard I was expecting when checking to see how much he won by Shocked
Report snowynoon December 5, 2021 9:54 PM GMT
yes ,i would normally have had abet but didnt see much point !! Just shows what can happen .
Report xmoneyx December 6, 2021 3:55 AM GMT
Report Mighty Whites 2008 December 6, 2021 10:04 PM GMT
Cheers Rhino

Was surprised at the turn of events last night thought he would canter to victory!

Still thinks he gets to the number one and that he probably would have done so on time had it not been for the three months lost to the pandemic.
Report xmoneyx December 6, 2021 11:31 PM GMT
his two mis hits = 4 shots

one on a molely hill - unlucky
other mudball -unlucky
Report keeping silent December 29, 2021 7:22 PM GMT
Will absolutely piss the masters.
Backed from25s to 12s and I still cant stop backing him
Report therhino January 30, 2022 1:22 PM GMT
Who gets there first, Collin or Viktor Confused
Report angrybryan January 30, 2022 11:43 PM GMT
21st August 2020 I posted in reply to therhino can't putt can't win. A revision. Can't putt can't win when my moneys down.  Having said that Therhino you have proved to be a better judge than I.Great spot.
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