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18 Apr 23 05:03
Date Joined: 15 Nov 05
| Topic/replies: 78 | Blogger: mande's blog
Since when has BF counted partially settled bets as liability? For example in Champions League winner market I have little green on all options but liability of over 800€. Very harmful for marketmakers and not good business in this kind of platform imo.

It was same in place-markets, liability used to be like "three worst case losers + other bets as winners". Now they count only worst cases and thats it.

Sharp minds :D
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Report dave1357 April 18, 2023 4:09 PM BST
might be to do with teams removed from the market?
Report Latalomne April 18, 2023 5:28 PM BST
The liability is what you've already been paid out on the teams that have been removed, less retained commission, so it's not really liability.
Report longbridge April 29, 2023 12:00 PM BST
@mande by "partially settled bets" do you mean settled bets in part-settled markets?  Like when they settle out the teams who cannot win in (eg, your example) the Champions League winner as losers?

They do not (as far as I can tell) "count them as liability".  You get the losing stakes taken from your account balance, but your "little green" market as a whole had zero exposure before (because you could not lose) and zero exposure now (because you still cannot) so you are worse off in terms of your available balance until the market settles, when it all comes out in the wash.

It has been that way for years, I think?

(@latalomne - I had forgotten about retained commission - another little twist in these markets!)
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