Aug 22, 2014 -- 7:09AM, Westender wrote:
Wait and see what happens to the share price 1 year from now if the Exchange liquidity continues to decline at the same rate.Liquidity could easily collapse to current Betduck levels and all will be left is a small Sportsbook targeting small customers who already find better value online or in the betting shops.Sad days
Didn't realise it was that time of year again.
Betfair - "a year from disaster since 2008"
Percentage wise I probably bet the smallest amount compared with any prior year. If they dropped commission to 0% and charged more customers PC I would bet way more.
Sep 1, 2014 -- 3:29AM, cdog wrote:
How come Matchbook doesn't get ****ed out by betfair whereas Bet-duck does if you spell it in it's proper way.
They prob think it's a dating site