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02 Apr 12 22:41
Date Joined: 26 Jan 05
| Topic/replies: 20,559 | Blogger: STUDYFORM's blog
Courtesy of Betfair.
This is how it works:
There are 12 sections, you have to pick 1 player or number (depending on which section) for each one. The scores for each selection are listed below.
Just put the letters A to L with your choice for each - preferably going downwards, followed by a tie-break answer (ABCD in the right order).
The people with the highest scores at the end of the Masters will win as follows: 1st - £120, 2nd - £80, 3rd - £60, 4th - £40. to be paid direct into your BF account.
In the event of ties, the tiebreak will be operated, if there's still a tie, the prizes will be added and divided equally among those involved in the tie.

The Sections: and some details/clues

A. Top Australian. At the end of the Masters. 3 points for top, 1 point for 2nd, (among the Aussies)
Choose from: A. Baddeley, J. Day, B McPherson, G. Ogilvy, A. Scott, J. Senden

B.  Top R.O.W. Player (inc S.Africa): At the end of the Masters. 4 points for top, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd (among these others)
Choose from: T. Clark, T. Immelman, L. Oosthuizen, C. Schwartzel, R. Sabbatini, S.M. Bae, A. Cabrera, KJ Choi, R. Ishikawa, KT Kim, H. Matsuyama, V Singh, M. Weir, YE Yang.

C. Top British Player (not including any of Ireland): At the end of the Masters. 4 points for top, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd (among the Brits)
Choose from: P. Casey, L. Donald, S. Dyson, R. Fisher, S. Lyle, M. Laird, P. Lawrie, I. Poulter, J. Rose, L. Westwood, I. Woosnam.

D. Top European Player: At the end of the Masters. 4 points for top, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd (among the Euros)
Choose from: T. Bjorn, G. F'dez-Cast', S. Garcia, P. Hansen, A Hanson, F, Jacobsen, R. Karlsson, M. Kaymer, B. Langer, E. Molinari, F. Molinari, J-M Olazabal, Quiros, H. Stenson

E. The Letter S's. How many players with a surname beginning with the letter S (as listed here) will be in the top 20 at the end of the 3rd Round put a number from 0 - 13. 4 points if spot on, 2 points if 1 out, 1 point if you're 2 out.
The S's are: R. Sabbatini, C. Schwartzel, W. Simpson, C. Stadler, K. Stanley, H. Stenson, A. Scott, J. Senden, V. Singh, B. Snedeker, S. Stallings, B.Steele, S. Stricker

F. Top Irishman (all Ireland): Choose from these four. 2 points for top player
Choose from: D. Clarke, P Harrington, R. Mcilroy, G McDowell

G. Top American:  At the end of the Masters. 5 points for top, 3 point for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd, 1 point for 4th (among the Yanks)
Choose from: K. Bradley, J, Byrd, P. Cantlay, K. Chappell, S. Cink, F. Couples, B Crane, B. Crenshaw, J. Dufner, R. Fowler, H. Frazar, J. Furyk, R. Garrigus, L. Glover, B. Haas, C. Howell III, D. Johnson, Z. Johnson, K. Kraft, M. Kuchar, R. Lewis, H. Mahan, P. Mickelson, C. Mills, L. Mize, K. Na, S. O'Hair, M. O'Meara, R. Palmer, C. Reavie, W. Simpson, B. Snedeker, C. Stadler, S. Stallings, K. Stanley, B. Steele, S. Stricker, D. Toms, B. Van Pelt, S. Verplank, J. Wagner, N. Watney, B. Watson, T. Watson, M. Wilson, G. Woodland, T. Woods.

H. Day1 Leader: Name the player who will lead the masters at the end of the 1st round. 6 points for the leader, 4 points for whoever's in 2nd, 2 points for being in 3rd.
You may need to look at the full list of players (outright winner betting page will do) to pick your selection.

I. Best 2nd round score. Par is 72. Course record is 63. Lowest ever 2nd round score is 64 (J. Day last year). 2 points for being right.
Choose (imo) from 61 to 75 - but the probability is 64 - 67 (possibly depending on the weather)

J. How many of these players will make the cut?: from the 12 on this list only. 44 players (+ties) make the cut.  3 points for being right, 1 point if you're one out.
A number between 0 and 12 for this section.
These 12: I. Poulter, S. Garcia, L. Westwood, A. Scott, N. Watney, KJ Choi, T. Bjorn, J. Senden, F. Couples, B. Crane, L. Glover, P. Casey

K. What will be the outright winning margin? last 3 Masters have been won by 2 shots, 3 shots, and after a playoff. Biggest ever margin, 12 shots (T. Woods '97).
3 points for being exactly right.
Choose from: P/O, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 plus.

L. What will be the final winning score? Par is 288, Last 5 winning scores were; 274, 276, 272, 289, 280. All time low is 270, all time high 289. 5 points for spot on, 3 points for 1 out, 2 points if 2 out, 1 point if 3 out.
Choose a number (again, imo) between 268 and 290.

TIEBREAK: The order of finishing of these 4 players only (in order of highest to lowest placed)
A. L. Donald, B. P. Mickelson, C. H. Mahan, D. G. McDowell.
Just put the 4 letters in the order you think these will finish compared to each other. If any 2 should tie then both results will count (eg A finishes 5th , B and C both tie for 9th, D finishes 15th, then both ABCD and ACBD will be correct).

Other stuff
E&OE - If there's a player missing from any of the sections as I've listed them (I don't think I've missed anyone), he will be ignored for scoring purposes.
Any ties in any sections, points shared; (eg, if the score is 2 points for 3rd, 1 point for 4th, and there's a tie for 3rd, both will score 1.5)
Please put initials with any ambiguous selections (there are 2 Molinaris, 2 Watsons, 2 Johnsons) any doubt about a selection for a section will score ZERO for that section regardless of the intention.
The organiser's (that's me) decision is final. I'll try to update scores and standings at the end of each day's play.
Entries accepted until 12.00 Midday, Thursday 5th April.
Good Luck everybody and enjoy the golf.
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Report h-bomb April 2, 2012 11:06 PM BST
A. Scott.

B. Cabrera

C. Rose

D. Garcia

E. 5.

F. Harrington

G. Watney

H. Watney

I. 66

J. 5

K. 2

L. 275

Tiebreak: CBAD
Report SIR_Bond April 4, 2012 10:12 AM BST
A. Scott
B. V Singh
C. L. Westwood
D. Garcia
E. 4
F. Harrington
G. T. Woods
H. P. Mickelson
I. 65
J. 6
K. 1
L. 280

Tiebreak BADC
Report Grippers-Dad April 4, 2012 2:52 PM BST
A Scott
B Sabbatini
C Westwood
D Kaymer
E 3
F McDowell
G Mickelson
H Scott
I 64
J 4
K 4
L 272

Tiebreak: BDAC
Report Daveyboymoyes April 4, 2012 3:07 PM BST
A Scott
B Schwartzel
C Donald
D P Hansen
E 3
F Mcilroy
G K Bradley
H K Bradley
I 65
J 8
K 1
L 276

Report rcing April 4, 2012 3:54 PM BST
A scott
b cabrere
c westwood
d stenson
e stenson
f mcilroy
g mickelson
h h. stenson
i 66
j 8
k p/o
l 273

tb bdac
Report buddys lookout April 4, 2012 11:25 PM BST
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