fancy goals in the real madrid match. perhaps that might have just been a wiser choice for today. i've got one bet on in the daily goals (thats total goals of both champions league games tonight combined)for this evening for interests sake. backed there being at least 5 goals tonight. it's only odds of 1.42 though.
fancy goals in the real madrid match. perhaps that might have just been a wiser choice for today.i've got one bet on in the daily goals (thats total goals of both champions league games tonight combined)for this evening for interests sake. backed the
Considerable research into the more arcane areas of the web tells me that the score in gamsty`s match was 2-0 I believe that means he lost. What a shame
Considerable research into the more arcane areas of the web tells me that the score in gamsty`s match was 2-0I believe that means he lost. What a shame
I have been thrown by weather forecast being wrong today. All my picks are almost certainly wrong in consxequence. If it HAD been soft would have layed IC in The Gold Cup. As it is I suppose you have to say he has as good a chance as anything. So no lay.
I have been thrown by weather forecast being wrong today. All my picks are almost certainly wrong in consxequence. If it HAD been soft would have layed IC in The Gold Cup. As it is I suppose you have to say he has as good a chance as anything. So no
Lester started things off with his pick finishing plum last but the wiley fish went one better with his pick actually refusing to race
wd all
another 3/3 todayLester started things off with his pick finishing plum last but the wiley fish went one better with his pick actually refusing to race wd all
I'll finish off the month with a lay of Wozniaki winning 2-0 @5.4
because she'll win 2-0 [;)]
and good luck to the wiley fish in his pursuit of a clean sheet this month(good going at his age I'm told)
I'll finish off the month with a lay of Wozniaki winning 2-0 @5.4because she'll win 2-0 and good luck to the wiley fish in his pursuit of a clean sheet this month(good going at his age I'm told)
No plastic underlay required as yet Must admit I am fed up with only getting 10 mins of sleep between each visit to the bog though Think I`ll have to cut down to 20 pints.
No plastic underlay required as yet Must admit I am fed up with only getting 10 mins of sleep between each visit to the bog though Think I`ll have to cut down to 20 pints.
well done Mr Consistency with the only clean sheet we've ever had
unlucky gamsty-a flying start but some bad luck did for you
be lucky all-and if you can't be lucky............TRADE!!!!
well done Lester with a very nice scorewell done Mr Consistency with the only clean sheet we've ever hadunlucky gamsty-a flying start but some bad luck did for yoube lucky all-and if you can't be lucky............TRADE!!!!