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11 Apr 18 23:16
Date Joined: 15 May 01
| Topic/replies: 7,882 | Blogger: ph.'s blog
money not everything apparently, if only he had more faith in the front 3.....
Pause Switch to Standard View Spare a thought for Coutinho.....
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Report REDUNDANT PUNTER April 11, 2018 11:22 PM BST
He still gets a medal of they win it
Report ph. April 11, 2018 11:30 PM BST
that can't be right, if you've engineered a move away you must be a tramp if you accept a winners medal from the team mates you binned
Report REDUNDANT PUNTER April 11, 2018 11:40 PM BST
Winning team gets forty medals they decide who gets them
Report ph. April 11, 2018 11:41 PM BST
can't see that he gets one then
Report PorcupineorPineapple April 12, 2018 7:20 AM BST
Harry Kane's already appealed to UEFA and is guaranteed a medal no matter who wins.
Report mesmerised April 12, 2018 8:29 AM BST
what a dumb thread.

You actually think he went to Barca for money, same clowns who give Sterling a hard time for moving to City?

They're Bigger clubs in the modern day, have better players and most importantly more chances of winning trophies. Money just comes with the territory, if you think that was the most important factor, he would have gone to China.

Why are club owners and club manager allowed to get away with any abuse when they tell a player to go, yet when a player says he wants to go he gets abuse, if you were offered the chance of promotion to a job or position that offers much more reward than your current job, why wouldn't you take it? he owes Liverpool f all, he's not exactly a home grown player from the academy.

Precious, tribalistic fans who can't think think beyond the end of their nose and seperate the emotion of football from pure common sense.

Also warmer weather, language you full understand and his family also wanted the move.

No brainer, get over it.
Report mesmerised April 12, 2018 8:30 AM BST
And why would we spare a thought for him, has a League title winners medal in the post and his former club haven't won anything yet.
Report REDUNDANT PUNTER April 12, 2018 9:25 AM BST
Harry Kane is an embarrassment with that appeal
Report mafeking April 12, 2018 1:14 PM BST
i was right behind the goal. the ball clearly changed direction. the real embarrassment surely lies with the clowns watching the original footage who gave it to eriksen. no wonder we have no officials going to the world cup when they can't even get it right watching numerous replays
Report REDUNDANT PUNTER April 12, 2018 1:17 PM BST
Most players would have been happy the team scored and they won

However Harry's obviously desperate to win the golden boot that he'd even swear on his own kids lives

Sad man great striker
Report mafeking April 12, 2018 1:22 PM BST
i think we can all agree that was a bit of a tasteless comment but any striker is gonna claim a goal if he's touched the ball

he's just desperate to score as many goals as possible
Report themover April 12, 2018 8:03 PM BST
He's going to win a league title in his first season at Barcelona...could play for 25 years at Liverpool and not win one of those Mischief
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