Biscuit1979 22 Jan 14 10:11 Joined: 16 Nov 10 | Topic/replies: 43,415 | Blogger: Biscuit1979's blog He's back!
And you'll never guess what........he's only gone and started an anti Liverpool thread. Has this ever happened before?
Id rather be anti liverpool than a pro-racist.
Biscuit1979 22 Jan 14 10:11 Joined: 16 Nov 10 | Topic/replies: 43,415 | Blogger: Biscuit1979's blogHe's back!And you'll never guess what........he's only gone and started an anti Liverpool thread. Has this ever happened before?Id rather be anti liver
Maybe attention seeking self publicists like Collymore should take themselves off twitter ?? Why do they feel the need to clog up the world with their own opinions on social media.
Maybe attention seeking self publicists like Collymore should take themselves off twitter ?? Why do they feel the need to clog up the world with their own opinions on social media.
Say something provocative knowing you'll get dogs abuse from the usual mindless section of football fans, make a song and dance about the replies, get yourself on the Beeb and in all the papers moralizing about how it's all so tewwibly tewwibly unpleasant.
I'd say job done Stan.
Say something provocative knowing you'll get dogs abuse from the usual mindless section of football fans, make a song and dance about the replies, get yourself on the Beeb and in all the papers moralizing about how it's all so tewwibly tewwibly unple
So for being an attention seeker it's ok to racially abuse him? Is this for real? Serious question btw. Not seen one reply condemning the racial content of the abuse.
So for being an attention seeker it's ok to racially abuse him? Is this for real? Serious question btw. Not seen one reply condemning the racial content of the abuse.
i didnt feel the need to condemn them, i thought my post was enough
but hey ho
i do condemn them , they will get banned from twitter and open a new account and be back at it within hours.
do twitter really care, if they banned racists, stalkers and trolls their share price would plummet !
i didnt feel the need to condemn them, i thought my post was enoughbut hey hoi do condemn them , they will get banned from twitter and open a new account and be back at it within twitter really care, if they banned racists, stalkers and trol
Donny, hopefully if the club do find out who they are they can block their season tickets that might stop them. Yes Stan is a dogging, attention seeking woman beater. This doesn't in any way give anyone the right to racially abuse him. My issue was (yourself apart) no-one seemed to mention the race word, just that he deserves the abuse.
Donny, hopefully if the club do find out who they are they can block their season tickets that might stop them. Yes Stan is a dogging, attention seeking woman beater. This doesn't in any way give anyone the right to racially abuse him. My issue was (
All racists and any such comments they make are abhorrent but why do people like Collymore and other well known people use twitter which gives imbeciles the opportunity to reply to them in the way they do - it is a media forum which is never going to be policed properly, so best to simply avoid it
All racists and any such comments they make are abhorrent but why do people like Collymore and other well known people use twitter which gives imbeciles the opportunity to reply to them in the way they do - it is a media forum which is never going to
twitter should be forced to police itself and its posters or cease to give them the platform
such a fuss is made about anelka but so little about twitter !
twitter should be forced to police itself and its posters or cease to give them the platformsuch a fuss is made about anelka but so little about twitter !
Yes he's opinionated and i'm not a fan of the man, but he like anyone else as long as he's not abusive is entitled to his opinion, so no why should he apologise, that way the trolls have won and makes racial and personal abuse on twitter is fair game. Like he said in his interview on ITN , if this was said to his face in the street the abuser would have been arrested, why should it be any different on the web?
Yes he's opinionated and i'm not a fan of the man, but he like anyone else as long as he's not abusive is entitled to his opinion, so no why should he apologise, that way the trolls have won and makes racial and personal abuse on twitter is fair game
looking the other way, not speaking up and saying its wrong, attacking a minority because the way the look or because maye they speak with funny accent makes you wonder what planet they are on for last couple decades
looking the other way, not speaking up and saying its wrong, attacking a minority because the way the look or because maye they speak with funny accent makes you wonder what planet they are on for last couple decades