Feb 25, 2013 -- 8:13AM, judorick wrote:
pfft you're easily fooledbanksters rolling billions defrauded all over the world and about to get another round of bonuses on the back of an inflationary bond bubble bulit on worthless paperand you wanna blame the poor?
spot on ,,, hes fallen for the propaganda bullshit put out by the tori government by the order of the banks that fund the party
'' its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled''
Feb 25, 2013 -- 1:36PM, mactheknife wrote:
Lazy dole scroungers & benefit cheats should be brought to task.Its the genuinely disabled people with varying degrees of limited capacity being forced to compete for jobs you fear for.
Exactly, but the government has tarred everyone on benefits with the same brush and it will come back to bite them.
Feb 25, 2013 -- 2:22PM, Srichaphan or Ancic? wrote:
Feb 25, 2013 -- 7:36PM, mactheknife wrote:Lazy dole scroungers & benefit cheats should be brought to task.Its the genuinely disabled people with varying degrees of limited capacity being forced to compete for jobs you fear for.Exactly, but the government has tarred everyone on benefits with the same brush and it will come back to bite them.
No they haven't. In any case people on benefits religiously support Labour to keep benefits, that's why you find so many people on benefits.
Client vote as you can see above.
Feb 26, 2013 -- 4:13AM, duncan idaho wrote:
loadedgimp26 Feb 13 02:19Benefit cheats are smart, wage slaves are foolish. I am neither. Paid to £9,000 and all tax repaid to it's rightful owner: me.in which case, your use of the highways, street lighting, refuse collection services, any direct or indirect use of the emergency services, etc etc amounts to theft on your part...good luck disposing of your garbage by your own devices on a weekly basis....would love it if these idiots that think they should pay no tax had to 'go it alone' for a while...let's see how they get on in a car wreck without any assistance
Chance would be a fine thing.
Over simplifying things but Camden council have got rid of weekly refuse collection and spent the money on a memorial to Lenin. Worth the world I'm sure you'll agree.
Feb 26, 2013 -- 10:24AM, shudacuda wrote:
Funny thing is i know at least 4 people who were claiming benefits ,mostly for bad backs.They have all made a miracle recovery since their benefits were cut and are quite happily back working.
Thats brilliant..And now the 4 jobs they took arent there anyway so another 4 people will sign on because the economy is fukd.
Cannot wait untill the new EU laws come in and we see a couple million more eastern europeans move here, claim money from the pot and dry up the already non existent job pool. For good measure, it will be great when they send the money back to their family in their native country taking further money out of the economy.
Feb 26, 2013 -- 1:31PM, mightymoyes wrote:
unbiased 26 Feb 13 15:44 Benefits for all for 16 years until the offsprings leave school.A total shambles!---------------if you're gonna mouth off about something you might want to check your facts first. income support is only paid to single parents until the child reaches age 7.
Child benefit.
Feb 26, 2013 -- 1:39PM, mightymoyes wrote:
child benefit is paid to anyone with children, single parent or not. so anyone with a kid is a benefit scrouger then?
Nobody suggested that.
If I earn £10,000,000 per annum and you earn £15,000 why should you contribute to the upkeep of my child?