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16 Jun 20 16:08
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Pause Switch to Standard View Oxford University LOL
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Report Platini June 16, 2020 4:11 PM BST
we've raised a generation of mugs

how have we got here ?  Cry
Report DenzilPenberthy June 16, 2020 4:14 PM BST
Cringeworthy self centred self serving dishonesty without shame is the new normal with these lot
Report geordie1956 June 16, 2020 4:35 PM BST
When you have a POTUS who is an habitual liar and a PM of the UK who distorts the truth at every opportunity then the students are simply applying the same creative logic to their possible examination results
Report alun2005 June 16, 2020 4:35 PM BST
What on earth has broken the British Education system?

Answer. LEFTISM.
Report screaming from beneaththewaves June 16, 2020 6:54 PM BST
Infantilizing the population hasn't helped either.

Forty years ago, only 20% of pupils were good enough to be entered for O levels. Now 50% of them are supposed to be good enough for degrees. That's one degree in one subject, rather than the ten or eleven wildly differing subjects pupils took at O level.

Put another way, the modern adult of 21 is simply plain uneducated compared to the 16-year-old child of 1980.

I took a degree in German at Sussex in 1979-83. The university had a decent school of European Studies, but nothing special. I had to spend the third year of the course teaching English in a W German Gymnasium, while writing a 10,000-word dissertation, in German, on a subject of my choosing.

Current students doing German degrees at Oxford now spend their year abroad doing anything they fancy, including nothing at all if that's what they want. There's no teaching to do, no studying, no essays, nothing at all. And that's at Oxford!
Report saddo June 16, 2020 7:10 PM BST
Oxford University students who feel the 'traumatic effect of the brutality' of George Floyd's death made them do worse in exams can apply for mitigating circumstances considerations.

The announcement by vice-Chancellor professor Louise Richardson followed pressure from campaigners at the university who claim the horrific video of Floyd's last moments had a lasting impact on black students.


If they need a leg up give it to them you raycists. Positive discrimination is now encouraged since someone-a genius- swapped 'discrimination' for 'action'.
Report Just Checking June 16, 2020 7:34 PM BST
How geordie got from the correct observation that "British universities are pathetic leftwing institutions pandering to snowflakes" to Trump bashing .. Jesus. I mean that's a new low.

Surely there is a worthless mature degree (if what they churn out these days can really be called that) in "obsessive hate studies" he could be doing.
Report Just Checking June 16, 2020 7:36 PM BST
Oxford is of course the once respected university with the "Rhodes must fall" nonsense.

How do they even know he is racist. Have they even met him? Devil
Report geordie1956 June 16, 2020 7:41 PM BST
JC feinging righteous indignation as he spouts his nonsense about about the malevolent university education students supposedly receive ... stupid pr!ck
Report Cardinal Scott June 16, 2020 7:46 PM BST
On the day Oxford University made a breakthrough in the treatment of covid19 the forums daily star readers pour scorn.

Go & Boil Your Collective Heads!
Report screaming from beneaththewaves June 16, 2020 7:58 PM BST
It's the current generation of highly sensitive undergraduates we're talking about here. Not the older post-graduates, who are the ones who have done something of value.

That's the whole point.
Report Just Checking June 16, 2020 8:01 PM BST
There a huge difference between research by postgrads/associates/university employees in an actual proper dept and the thousands wasting money on worthless pieces of paper proclaiming undergraduate degrees in "gender and postmodern intersectional studies" in the various joke departments.

I see I triggered someone. I should maybe have to put up a trigger warning before I call out obvious "Trump Derangent Syndrome"?

Why anyone should feel the need to defend the subject of this thread by attacking other people is ridiciculous.
Report SontaranStratagem June 16, 2020 8:02 PM BST

Jun 16, 2020 -- 4:35PM, geordie1956 wrote:

When you have a POTUS who is an habitual liar and a PM of the UK who distorts the truth at every opportunity then the students are simply applying the same creative logic to their possible examination results


When you have people lying on a daily basis on national TV, getting caught out in the lie and then just lying some more, ALL WITHOUT consequences

What the fack do you expect from the rest of society? We live in a time where people are just lying narcists

Report Just Checking June 16, 2020 8:04 PM BST
I mean what next.

"I'm depressed we got knocked out of the world cup. Can I have a better degree?"
"I'm really upset Shiela Ramsgate got called bad names in Hollyoaks. Can I resit my exams, but a bit easier?".
Report SontaranStratagem June 16, 2020 8:19 PM BST
Society is finished

Anyone remotely intelligent with common sense isn't wanted by it, and if any would be terrorist had anything about them they'd be able to cause major damage to the western world, Christ you only need to take the electricity down and people will lose it
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