We can cure the virus
With more rainbows? |
Disaster averted...
I thot about leaving the raspberry jam on the counter... But i put it back in the fridge. Saved the jam. |
Will it ever be 'killed'?
The flue never was, but just keeps popping up in a different guise... A lot of 'what ifs' to be concerned about, such as....what if another new virus arrives, and we are fighting several at the same time! How long are 'The Nightingale' facilities going to be maintained, and was there ever people to staff them? |
The World will still spin on its axis. The panic by the UK Government caused by their inaction and also under funding of the NHS is what has got us here. 9 million people being paid not to work. Are we in Socialist Britain nirvana? The real disaster is yet to hit us. More people will die than from covid-19 and more misery will be caused because of the financial meltdown
What if this winter a 'normal' flu virus does the rounds the symptons being loss of smell, taste,a temperature etc
will there be a precautionary lockdown just in case i think 3 months and you'd be fairly sure it wasnt covid 19
I think the Government will be completely exposed for what they are and what they have done by then. The economy may be in such a mess that we will not be able to shut down unless it was ebola like in strength.
Leaving politics out of it, and I am not a Tory, but what back in March would any government do, but enforce some sort of lockdown? Boris was probably 2 weeks too late in doing that and now coming back out of it, no one can be 100% sure of getting the resurgence correct.
i understand that but even if the govt fell what would Labour do they would have no choice to lockdown as its been stated lives are more important than the economy
Funny you should say that. My criticism is not about them beings Concervatives, that is just a bonus but I do believe this Government could fall. It would not lead to a labour Government or a General Election but I do believe Dorris will be gone. Conservatives do not pay people to do nothing, not 9 million working people. Conservatives do not so many businesses to suffer for so long and many are going to close. 12,000 jobs at BA, 5,000 Gas I think, 3,000 Frankie & Benny's staff, hospitality businesses, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Teachers dictating to a Conservative Government that they will not go back to school. Foreign countries putting quarantines on us even though they need our money because we put a useless and ineffectual quarantine on them. Dorris is gawn imho and a new leader is being sought. I believe Sushi Bumcrack is in the lead at the moment but if his Job retention scheme turns into a delayed redundancy scheme he may become wounded too. I think the Hawks are circling and Dorris will be sicked off. I don't believe we would be forced into a new lock down because firstly we have killed off the first batch of vulnerable people. We have a better idea of how to deal with pandemics not in action not just theory. We have still made a mess of handling it and are continuing to do so but the people have a better understanding on how to protect themselves now. The only thing I would say is that this is not a serious and as dangerous pandemic as it could have been. We have been lucky. |
but what back in March would any government do
I think I could answer that one if I may but it starts in February. Firstly the Prime Minister could have chaired COBRA meetings and also not taken two weeks off to sort out his personal life. His wife and children were livid that he had knocked up the new bird and no doubt he had some fences to mend with her because of his family. Did they start checking their PPE stocks? Did they set up a World Class track and trace system? Did they stop flights coming in from China, Spain, Italy and the USA? What could they have done? ... they could have saved probably in the region of 30,000 lives and of course the lives we are going to lose because people stopped going to hospital who needed treatment. Some might say yer well what would Labour have done? Well it doesn't matter this Government is lead by a man who thinks the law doesn't apply to him, the leader who cannot lead and a bunch of Ministers that have been embarrassed by a breakfast TV show. They could have done a lot more jumper |
I think the care home deaths would of been the same not matter what date in march you would of chosen
only way to have protected them was a total lockdown in January which is unenforceable and wouldnt have worked |
Unfortunately if you have a degree in the art of the bleedin' obvious you would have know that old people were vulnerable. I started getting shopping for my mum in mid February. I don't have a science degree, just saying.
It was obvious nursing homes would be vulnerable. Poor people work in Nursing Homes. Many have jobs at different Homes. They were not stopped working at different homes for a long time. They were not given the correct PPE and old people were sent to Care Homes without proper testing it is negligent. Hard to protect the Care Homes true but not only did they not provide the ring of steel promised they took the disease too them and that is unforgiveable. |
Unfortunately if you have a degree in the art of the bleedin' obvious you would have know that old people were vulnerable. I started getting shopping for my mum in mid February. I don't have a science degree, just saying.
It was obvious nursing homes would be vulnerable. Poor people work in Nursing Homes. Many have jobs at different Homes. They were not stopped working at different homes for a long time. They were not given the correct PPE and old people were sent to Care Homes without proper testing it is negligent. Hard to protect the Care Homes true but not only did they not provide the ring of steel promised they took the disease too them and that is unforgiveable. |
Last night on the parliament ch, medical experts talked about the virus in detail amongst themselves. Different branches of medicine. A heart specialist? A viroligist? Immune response expert? Etc i was not taking notes, casual viewer. But they said it leaves quite a bit of damage behind. Lung capacity is affected. People are shot out of hospittals who should be monitored, nobody is monitoring the people who just ignore the virus, thats me, just get on and forget it. They talked a lot about thrombodis, weakening of blood vessels. Strokes.
Does not sound positive. Linkedvto mers and sars(2001) no one achieved a vaccine forvthose out breaks, it was tried. A vaccine is a preventative measure, not a cure.. We have flu vaccines, yet it kills 600 thousand every yr. Upto two million in peak yrs. The scientific optimism, that a virus is controllable is laughable. Its not bacteria. If we locked down two weeks earlier ... Is bs. Once a traveller crossed a border, or a contaminated food crossed over, it was over. This retrograde guilt trip nonsense of we could have done this and that is bogus. Its 0.003 microns in size. No mask can block it. It will meet doctors at home. Or in the garden. You cannot control life . Steve jobs knows that. |
Sadly it does seem to be doing permanent damage to the lungs and we have not really been told much about this but with regard to we could have done more, yes we could. It is not bogus. They seem to building up a lot of hope with regard to a vaccine. I am not convinced and will not take it if it is offered.
Yes the virus does move around but we could have saved many thousands of lives by locking down earlier and protecting old people better. We still do not know how many extra lives will be lost because the hospitals were closed to them and also the effect of the looming financial disaster. To say they would have died anyway is factually correct but too many died before their time and that is terrible. |
I read somewhere it leaves the lungs of the deceased virtually unrecognisable.
Arlene Foster anda few other people believe this will be around for a couple of years at least,that is plausible to me,even when 1 country looks to have got rid like New Zealand,couple of people bring it back in again,always countries way ahead or behind in this. On the plus side tracing will get better and that may work. |