Jun 15, 2020 -- 10:59PM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:
If a large group have a legal obligation they would appear to have right to congregate under the law.
good luck with that
Jun 16, 2020 -- 12:18AM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:
Who is this Cummings denzil, you claimed not to know him?
No I didn't please don't make things up,you have a bee in your bonnet about this Cummings guy is what he did worse than those 4 or not?
Jun 16, 2020 -- 12:24AM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:
I even had to explain to you what the word "and" means whenYou were abusive to me.
Stop deflecting I explained the terms of that thread a bona fide link had to be posted and you couldn't provide one whereas everyone else did,saying you should get an eyetest to you after you mocked Cummings for his isn't abusive it was sarchastic banter I even posted a wink after.
Are they more or less guilty than Cummings iyo?
Jun 16, 2020 -- 12:34AM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:
I ain't deflecting denzil
I've asked you several times and you won't answer.
I've provided evidence that is established fact and comparable.
I believe you know what they did was worse and you'd be livid if they were tory calling for their heads.
Jun 15, 2020 -- 11:48PM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:
Misbehaving on a protest is always misbehaving even if theprotest is legal. The right to peaceful protest last weekend existed, I do notthink it exists next weekend.
Hence my point about not questioning the state, its now illegal and there's no way it can be spun
They are using a virus to hide it but its essentially locking down people's right to question and peacefully protest the very people who have implemented it
Jun 16, 2020 -- 10:39AM, PorcupineorPineapple wrote:
This law changes next to nothing. If there's another peaceful BLM protest at the weekend, then the police aren't going to wade in and break them up. It's just a licence to further foment distrust, divide and the tories will end up even more disconnected from the general public. If the FLA mob announce another tear up then the police will be there in numbers because history tells them that they're out for a scrap and don't really care against whom.
Veterans turn out to protect statues bad.
Left wing thugs pull down statues good.
If they carry on with one sided policing the problems will just keep growing.
Three weeks ago there were no issues.
Who benefits from this divide and conquer policy ?
Jun 16, 2020 -- 11:03AM, PorcupineorPineapple wrote:
Who benefits from this divide and conquer policy ?Well, for starters. Ickle Tommy's got his profile up and got a few more quid, and didn't even bother to turn up. Farage is doing a Brexit Party v2.0. Grifters gonna grift and there's money to be made from telling people that their problems are caused by the poor family over the road rather than complicated deep-rooted problems in the fabric of our society.Then maybe look at which politicians are going on about it. Which leaders are tweeting about Churchill etc etc? The tories are desperate to keep this in the news for obvious reasons. Now they've started another can-kicking exercise to keep the topic live for yet more months when, if they wanted to actual end "this divide and conquer policy" they could simply start enacting any of the hundreds of recommendations from previous commissions that have looked into racial inequality in the last few years.
So that is one side that might benefit. Trump also could benefit with his base supporters who want law and order.
Then on the other side you have BLMUK raising almost a million for their campaign to end capitalism.
MPs like David Lammy have further raised their profile.
Keir Starmer appeals more to the minority and woke vote by 'taking the knee'.
It appears to me in the UK to be direct follow up to Brexit ending.
Diversity and division seems to help all extremes and of course the media love the click bait.
If everyone got along politics and campaign groups would have no one interested in voting/donating.