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15 Jun 20 15:01
Date Joined: 04 Aug 06
| Topic/replies: 62,785 | Blogger: casemoney's blog
Is it Over ??
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Report Petraco June 15, 2020 3:03 PM BST
It was "over" weeks ago, but don't tell the Government, they have a lot of expenditure to justify to the proletariat...
Report HGS June 15, 2020 3:04 PM BST
A way to go yet case. Let's see what tomorrow brings for a start. Will be more after the lag.
Report mafeking June 15, 2020 5:58 PM BST
latest 7 day average is down to around 150 per day
Report nineteen points June 15, 2020 6:00 PM BST
lockdown certainly is.
Report June 15, 2020 6:04 PM BST
its always low sat sun mon wait till tuesday it will be higher
Report Des Pond June 15, 2020 6:11 PM BST
It will go back up tomorrow, but hopefully not as much as previous weeks. Lockdown was effectively over as soon as Johnson defended Cummings, and the protests have put paid to any chance of it being reinstated. Maybe we have to move on from it now, anyway. Only vulnerable groups and their families will take any heed of rules now. Maybe more face coverings used. With any luck we won't see any significant spikes in infection rates, and we can get back to some kind of normal. Hope so, anyway, as I'm sick of the whole thing.
Report Emitdeb June 15, 2020 6:38 PM BST
Who gets the flu in mid summer? not many. Get ready to buckle up in mid November, then we'll know where we're at.
Report 1st time poster June 15, 2020 6:41 PM BST
any autopsy ,body for casemoney,s murder at weekend riot,or hospital report on a slashed thioat
Report Cider June 15, 2020 7:51 PM BST

Jun 15, 2020 -- 6:11PM, Des Pond wrote:

It will go back up tomorrow, but hopefully not as much as previous weeks. Lockdown was effectively over as soon as Johnson defended Cummings, and the protests have put paid to any chance of it being reinstated. Maybe we have to move on from it now, anyway. Only vulnerable groups and their families will take any heed of rules now. Maybe more face coverings used. With any luck we won't see any significant spikes in infection rates, and we can get back to some kind of normal. Hope so, anyway, as I'm sick of the whole thing.

Infection rates have shown a very consistent pattern in falling away. There's no evidence that the official easing has caused a pick up of infections, or indeed willful breaking of lock down. In fact new infections in the community in England are very low, comparatively. Will be sub 300 a day this week.

Report June 16, 2020 4:00 PM BST
so far today 233
Report BARROWBOY June 16, 2020 4:07 PM BST
Total death rate in London lower than average for time of year.
Report Jack Hacksaw June 16, 2020 4:13 PM BST
Yes and the death rates across the UK are pretty typical - certainly around the 5 year average on the BBC graphs.

So, even including the undoubted additional deaths due to having our NHS decimated to focus on Covid, we are still at average?

Doesn't make sense, does it?
Report Cider June 16, 2020 4:18 PM BST
It does, because many of the deaths that involved covid 19 have been expedited. There's a reasonable chance the rate will be below normal for a period.
Report casemoney June 16, 2020 4:34 PM BST
Spoke too soon by the looks of things Sad
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 16, 2020 4:40 PM BST
It makes sense deaths are lower because of lower traffic

Lower heart attacks as 9 million  folk are at home on furlough
Report Cider June 16, 2020 4:41 PM BST
RTA deaths about 36 per week. Plenty of traffic on the roads oc.
Report Cider June 16, 2020 4:44 PM BST

Jun 16, 2020 -- 4:34PM, casemoney wrote:

Spoke too soon by the looks of things

like for like is comparing to 08/06. So 288 vs 233 today. circa 20% drop.

Report Cider June 17, 2020 4:37 PM BST
We won't see over 200 reported deaths in the UK again on a single day, unless it's a backdating of missing data.
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