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12 Jun 20 03:39
Date Joined: 29 Sep 10
| Topic/replies: 8,509 | Blogger: zorrostrikes's blog
World population is 7.5 billion.
Covid at less than five hundred thousand, that's fifteenth of one percent            0.07 pecennt

The world economy is being destroyed  intentionally. . Riots.famine. control populations.
Over the last hundred years the 'plebs' have ddemanded freedoms. Imagine they are free. Princes and princesses wwith custom phones.
Trump says... We have to ddominate the streets.

You are a plenty. A prisoner. A wage slave. They tare away your job. Your worth. Your identity. You queue up at food bbanks. Poverty again. Schools shut. Libraries shut. Erode the health service.
All you gained in a centuTy of strikes . Being clawed back.
Learn that yoi are a prisoner. Not a free man. A surf.

The Spanish flu. Fifty to one hundred million.
Normal flu 600 thousand.
Where did thevflu go... Dec to march?  No flu?

Do what we say... Obey your mmaster's. Wear a mask. You plague carrier. Unclean animal. Herd immunity.
Obey your masters.
Malaria kills over as million a year. Every year.
Kills one child every thirty seconds.
Covid is special . It's white people.
Pause Switch to Standard View 7.5 million people would be one percent.
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Report driver2 June 12, 2020 7:35 AM BST
7,500,000 is 0.1% of 7.5 billion, not that it matters as nobody's interested in the ramblings of a fruitcake.
You should know where the flu went btw, same place you should go, the cuckoo's nest!
Report zorrostrikes June 14, 2020 1:06 AM BST
Your right , so 75 million dying would be one percent.  So it's all even more PANIC,  half a million , the current recorded world deaths is 0.007 of a percent. Hardly anything considering we all die eventually.
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