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11 Jun 20 18:00
Date Joined: 01 Mar 08
| Topic/replies: 275,881 | Blogger: tobermory's blog
FEARS are growing over the "perfect storm" of far-right extremists and football hooligans clashing with Black Lives Matters supporters.

Football firms and far-right thugs have vowed to defend the nation's war memorials and statues, sparking concerns of violence on Britain's streets.

There are now concerns the anti-racist protests could spiral into even more clashes.

Ken Marsh, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said: “There’s an awful lot of preparation going on. I have been very critical of the way this has been managed. “We have got the perfect storm ahead of us this weekend, we have got planned protests and now Tommy Robinson and his agitators.”

The Democratic Football Lads Alliance, a network founded in 2017 that claims to oppose terrorism has told members to defend statues and war memorials. Anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate warned of violence on British streets, claiming the group were using the protests as cover.

Chief executive  Nick Lowles said: “While the group’s stated intention of protecting the war memorials might attract the sympathy of some, let us be in no doubt about their real objective — violence."
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Report SontaranStratagem June 11, 2020 10:25 PM BST
Another piece of slime put in that position JC

To cause an uproar, a piece of s*** who cares not a jot about the heritage and history of this country

A black bloke gets killed in America and now statues are coming down here in the UK'

Its facking ridiculous
Report Gin June 11, 2020 10:28 PM BST
Churchill's statue has been boarded up in preparation for the weekend.
Report Ibrahima Sonko June 11, 2020 10:28 PM BST
We know it is fooked, the next month or 2 will decide whether its worth living. Our future is being decided inside a wallet owned by soros and a government.
Report SontaranStratagem June 11, 2020 11:09 PM BST
It might be worth living but we can go out in a blaze of glory instead of with a whimper

We need to try and do something because these bas*ards ain't worth living under anyway IS

Get the footy lads on side and we can have some fun at least, those lads know how to get a party started

Get the party started I say
Report SontaranStratagem June 11, 2020 11:10 PM BST
It might not be worth living**
Report SontaranStratagem June 11, 2020 11:13 PM BST
I like the cocnkey lads best

"you facking mug" Go and fetch the old boys from Millwall and West Ham I say

We can have training matches before the real thing
Report FOYLESWAR June 11, 2020 11:25 PM BST
heres what they might encounter
Report SontaranStratagem June 11, 2020 11:31 PM BST

The police are finished anyway, no one's going to fear them for much longer and the chains are coming off the brain now, lets see what the beat bobbies do once that happens as well
Report moonaxed June 11, 2020 11:39 PM BST
No such thing as a beat bobby in any English city these days. Maybe in the home counties.
Report dukeofpuke June 12, 2020 1:14 AM BST
Guess the front page story this Sunday

'Disunited Kingdom'

'Civil War'

'Race War'

'Planet of the Neanderthals'

'Saving Winston Churchill'

'White Riot'

'Little Britain'


'London's Burning'
Report Injera June 12, 2020 7:16 AM BST
Tommy isn’t coming. Wise.

Great video explaining BLM.

Click on this link -
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 9:53 AM BST
the cenotaph did get talked about but as usual morons put the wrong persons photo up on social media and his life is no ruined,good effort like the person trying to burn flag was a female and they put a photo of a lad on twitter,facebook,but they were both black,so job done for the loons I suppose
same as like all the looney sheep swamped facebook saying just giving had took 2 million in tax off colonel toms,fund,another lie,but hey who cares
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 10:35 AM BST
Fair play to the scout fellas that guarded Baden-Powell yesterday by standing next to the statue.

That is the way to do it.
Report Injera June 12, 2020 4:12 PM BST
Statues and the Cenotaph boarded up. Khan giving into the mob.
Report Just Checking June 12, 2020 4:17 PM BST
Yip, boarding them up rather than arresting people attacking them, typical Khan.

They should put a huge wooden horse with a non PC figure on the back right in the middle of the protest.
Fill it with armed soldiers and if attacked, they drop out and "deal" with the attackers.

Can't think of a good name for it. Trojan perhaps?
Report Injera June 12, 2020 4:31 PM BST
Very good JC Grin
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 5:03 PM BST
nowt to do with khan,westminster council and other councils,but blame khan if it gets a better headline
Report saddo June 12, 2020 5:09 PM BST
Oh dear, did you read that somewhere?

'Sadiq Khan today defended his decision to board the statues, saying the Met were also involved, and said: 'I have decided that the best thing to do is to take precautions rather than there be further criminal damage and vandalism to our statues. '
Report SontaranStratagem June 12, 2020 5:10 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 7:16AM, Injera wrote:

Tommy isn’t coming. Wise. Great video explaining BLM.Click on this link -

I said as much Laugh I'd be careful following that one down a rabbit hole, he's deffo a "wrongun" him in terms he wont have your back

And they are backing off now look, enough pointless statues have been taken down to incite a mob so now its a case of "oh we don't these taking down"

They just want you out in the streets its that simple, they wont prod enough to cause a mass uprise and revolution

Report SontaranStratagem June 12, 2020 5:30 PM BST
Its just relentless at the minute

BBC Sport website its like entering the leftist convention

"Because I'm brown I shouldn't wear pink tights"

"Appalling black representation in UK sport"

"Tackling racism too big for the sport"

"If my voice has been chosen to be heard, then it has to be heard" < black woman moaning about racism in rugby, get back and something a woman should be doing duck ffs

"Schalkes wales winger matondo proud of footballers racism stand"

On and on and on, its getting beyond a facking joke, its suppose to be the "SPORTS" PAGES FFS
Report sickoflayinwinners June 12, 2020 7:13 PM BST
sadly what many of those protesters really mean is"only  black lives matter"   as i seat most of these protesters are either    on the dole or furloughed, simply any one   protesting          remove their furlough advantages and if they're on the dole they are unavailable to  look for work so stop the dole or white , implement these rules the streets would return to normal.  anyone criminal damage give custodial sentences..
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 7:16 PM BST
What a bizarre post.
Report akabula June 12, 2020 8:04 PM BST
I would only ask that the police enforce the law and arrest anyone who damages any property.
To watch the police run away was embarrassing and even more so when their chief defends this with no comment on how they'll stop this happening in the future.
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:12 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:04PM, akabula wrote:

I would only ask that the police enforce the law and arrest anyone who damages any property.To watch the police run away was embarrassing and even more so when their chief defends this with no comment on how they'll stop this happening in the future.

I'd agree with that. I can't agree with destroying statues but I can understand it.

Report InsiderTrader June 12, 2020 8:17 PM BST
Job done.

By people saying they will protect our monuments if the police and Mayors etc are not willing to do do that protection it has meant that all the key monuments have been protected.

It is a better way than allowing potential violence between protectors and those intent on destroying British history.

Well done to the Mayor for making this move for the good of our history.
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:20 PM BST
So IT you are condoning violence?
Report InsiderTrader June 12, 2020 8:22 PM BST
Absolutely not.

Hopefully the Mayor's move has prevented protestors attacking people trying to protect our monuments as those protectors should not be required.
Report akabula June 12, 2020 8:24 PM BST
Where do you stop with this nonsense.
A large %age of Edinburgh, Glasgow and most, if not all, towns and cities would have to go as they were funded by people involved directly or otherwise in the slave trade.
It's just virtue signalling by the vast majority of the protesters.
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:25 PM BST
Hopefully the Mayor's move has prevented protestors attacking people trying to protect our monuments as those protectors should not be required

Would the other way around be acceptable?
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:27 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:24PM, akabula wrote:

Where do you stop with this nonsense.A large %age of Edinburgh, Glasgow and most, if not all, towns and cities would have to go as they were funded by people involved directly or otherwise in the slave trade.It's just virtue signalling by the vast majority of the protesters.

Is anyone actually saying that? People like yourself are just making stuff up.

Report Injera June 12, 2020 8:27 PM BST
IT - I partly agree. It diffuses tension but is also a cowardly act. The statues are covered so he’s given what the vandals wanted: they are hidden from view.

When does Khan remove the hoarding?? I fear permanent concrete barriers as with many of our great historical sites.
Report akabula June 12, 2020 8:33 PM BST
Is anyone actually saying that? People like yourself are just making stuff up.

I never said anyone was saying it, you just made that up.
I was asking where it stops. I noticed that people in Glasgow and Edinburgh, probably other places as well, were substituting street names.
One of those 'attacked' was Penny Lane.
Report InsiderTrader June 12, 2020 8:33 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:27PM, Injera wrote:

IT - I partly agree. It diffuses tension but is also a cowardly act. The statues are covered so he’s given what the vandals wanted: they are hidden from view.When does Khan remove the hoarding?? I fear permanent concrete barriers as with many of our great historical sites.

It is only temporary. The thugs and vandals that are protesting and want to abolish the British police will not have the cover of well meaning hangers on soon so they will not be able to do their attacks in safety of numbers.

The hangers on who do not understand the reasons behind the violence and destruction will move on to their next cause. It might be climate change or something else. Personally I would like their attention to move towards keeping countries like Uganda help themselves and addressing the systemic child abuse going on in the UK.

Defusing the situation and keeping our history in tact for tomorrow is the best policy.

Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:39 PM BST
At the very least you are being disingenuous. Nobody has ever mentioned destroying a city. You may well try and escalate what's going on but you're just making stuff up. Get real.
Report InsiderTrader June 12, 2020 8:39 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:25PM, Charlie wrote:

Hopefully the Mayor's move has prevented protestors attacking people trying to protect our monuments as those protectors should not be requiredWould the other way around be acceptable?

Violence is not acceptable Charlie.

A ring of steel to protect our monuments was required. This could have been done by the Police, Army or volunteers. In the end was done by boarding things up until the vandal thugs get bored and move on.

Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:45 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:39PM, InsiderTrader wrote:

Jun 12, 2020 --  8:25PM, Charlie wrote:Hopefully the Mayor's move has prevented protestors attacking people trying to protect our monuments as those protectors should not be requiredWould the other way around be acceptable?Violence is not acceptable Charlie.A ring of steel to protect our monuments was required. This could have been done by the Police, Army or volunteers. In the end was done by boarding things up until the vandal thugs get bored and move on.

Ok. There was a thread earlier celebrating how football, ahem, fans were planning to "protect" monuments in London and how the "fans" would  kick the sh!te out of the protesters and how good that would be. I hope you didn't agree.

Report akabula June 12, 2020 8:46 PM BST
I'll explain again Charlie I was merely asking where it stopped.
But I'll take it a step further then and ask why not?
Do they want to destroy the statues because of the connection with the slave trade but keep the things that those they despise paid for?
Report akabula June 12, 2020 8:47 PM BST
... Or are you arguing in your own time?
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:49 PM BST
Yes. I'm off duty for a few minutes more.
Report Charlie June 12, 2020 8:50 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 8:46PM, akabula wrote:

I'll explain again Charlie I was merely asking where it stopped.But I'll take it a step further then and ask why not?Do they want to destroy the statues because of the connection with the slave trade but keep the things that those they despise paid for?

Ok. But from going from one statue in Bristol to whole cities is a rather big leap.

Report akabula June 12, 2020 9:02 PM BST
I'd bring out the army and the water cannons.
Bet this is how the protesters would act.
Report Ibrahima Sonko June 12, 2020 9:21 PM BST
Report Sica Dan June 12, 2020 11:07 PM BST
Boris was forced to  sell all our water canons.
Report SontaranStratagem June 12, 2020 11:17 PM BST
The media absolutely taking the utter pish again

Somehow they've managed to spin this protest Inj is attending as some "far right" bringing down of Winston Churchills statue, again with the "far right" bs as well but that headline I've read on ITV implies they've boarded up the Churchill statue because of the "far right" protests

You couldn't make it up, its high time something was done about the media ffs
Report Just Checking June 12, 2020 11:19 PM BST
Have the media like the BBC or such once mentioned the Far Left / Marxists / Communists in BLM?
Report Just Checking June 12, 2020 11:22 PM BST
.. because I can assure you of this, given we had a mad left extremist on Talk Radio today who is a prominent BLM activist, talking about a revolution overthrowing capitalism to create a communist state, I doubt the likes of the BBC would fail to mention a guy organising a "statue protection" protest appearing on radio talking about a revolution to impose fascism on us. Just saying.
Report Just Checking June 12, 2020 11:23 PM BST
.. but of course the BBC is right wing as they said a couple things Corbyn fans didn't like.
Report SontaranStratagem June 12, 2020 11:29 PM BST
All I'm saying is be careful whoever is attending, they will set you up big time if they've been orders
Report thegiggilo June 13, 2020 12:40 AM BST
Little Tommy on a massive comedown and then realizing he's on bail how fick can you get..
Report SontaranStratagem June 13, 2020 12:49 AM BST
Tommy was never attending, he was putting his name on the event because he knew people would turn up

He's a piece of s*** that shouldn't be followed at the best of times
Report macarony June 13, 2020 1:11 AM BST
The Star giving out cut out statues of Eric Morcombe reminds me of the cut out crying Gazza doll in viz
Report macarony June 13, 2020 4:23 AM BST
Some black people are demanding the removal of Churchills statue now we know Churchills views and he is accused of inaction over a famine in India debatable what if anything he could have done. However in a bizarre twist of fate black have benefited the most from his actions.
Churchill was the only one who knew that Hitler could not be appeased and would always be a threat, every other member of the establishment wanted to deal with Hitler.
Without ww2 no black faces would be in mainland Europe today at least not on equal terms. Without ww2 Britain would still have an empire and few if any immigrants from the empire would be living in the UK today.
Without ww2 America would not have had the catalyst for change that allowed the civil rights movement to develop.
All this is down to one stubborn awkward old man who most of his contemporaries considered a warmongering dinosaur
Report 11kv June 13, 2020 7:38 AM BST
Off the streets by 5 ,could be a war.....
Report layingisthewayforward June 13, 2020 9:45 AM BST
Let's hope we'll have some sport to watch on the news later.
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 10:14 AM BST
intelligence that the hoolies were going to attack nelseon mandella statue, rather than board it up,id have put some speakers near by and when the knukledragger,s arrived blasted out free nelson mandella from the specials and watch the loons start dancing and singing along instead, LaughLaugh
Report thegiggilo June 13, 2020 11:17 AM BST
Wet and paper bag comes to mind...
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 11:23 AM BST
go the fook back home but leave us your reggae and ska records please, LaughLaugh
Report ffaith June 13, 2020 12:17 PM BST
Attack the statute, defend the statute.  Where was this energy when the govt was taking away freedoms and destroying the economy?
Report aaronh June 13, 2020 12:30 PM BST
Seems to be a lot of patriots out there attacking the police today, will our forum buddies be calling for them to be shot too
Report Just Checking June 13, 2020 12:37 PM BST
Forum troll says:
"Seems to be a lot of patriots out there attacking the police today"
Based on ...?
Report aaronh June 13, 2020 12:39 PM BST
The same place you got all your evidence from
Report Just Checking June 13, 2020 12:43 PM BST
Aaron. Do you enjoy being the wrong side of any argument? Do ignorant trolls revel in being a joke?
Report Just Checking June 13, 2020 12:44 PM BST
Do you derive comfort in going to the Graunaid opnion to find a few lost souls who agree with you?
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 12:48 PM BST
only 6 cans and a Nazi salute before 11 o clock is pretty impressive stuff,would have went for about 10 30 myself, shame a few forgot the words to ingerland,ingerland
Report aaronh June 13, 2020 12:49 PM BST
Just because all people on your side have the same opinion does not mean that all people on my side do JC

This "lefties all think the same" line comes from people who repeat the same **** as every other person with their politics
Report aaronh June 13, 2020 12:50 PM BST
don't you have another thread to make where you think you are posting BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!! to own the libs
Report twizzle22 June 13, 2020 12:54 PM BST
1st time poster...are you illiterate?..genuine question
Report aaronh June 13, 2020 4:43 PM BST

Even Terry got to have a day out today
Report UBLE/REGY June 13, 2020 6:04 PM BST
These statues are part of our heritage, we should not be destroying the heritage

I seem to remember the Roman Empire was built on slavery, even democratic Athens has slaves.

We do not destroy Roman or Greek heritage.

I hope all people who have taken part in damaging statues are prosecuted.

I have sympathy with black people over the killing of George Floyd, but not this
Report UBLE/REGY June 13, 2020 6:08 PM BST
Britain abolished slavery in 1833.

So why people are attacking Winston Churchill's statue is beyond me, he was not born then.

Unless black people think they would have fared better under Adolf Hitler???????????????
Report UBLE/REGY June 13, 2020 6:11 PM BST
If people think creating empires creates slavery, they are wrong.

Slavery was not practised in the British Empire, not by the British anyway.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 13, 2020 6:11 PM BST
When Romans or Greeks grew tired of their statues they sometimes removed the
head and replaced with more up to date hero.

Ousted heads often defaced or broken,
Report UBLE/REGY June 13, 2020 6:15 PM BST
I did not know

So do  black people want our statues heads replaced with heads of important black figures?

They are going to look a bit odd?????
Report UBLE/REGY June 13, 2020 6:16 PM BST
Winston Churchill body, Linford Christie head, hmmm
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 13, 2020 7:08 PM BST
I don't think that is the plan.
Report 11kv June 13, 2020 8:50 PM BST
The Right wing groups causing trouble today do not represent British people as last week end the BLM/Lefties do not represent the British people.
Report DenzilPenberthy June 13, 2020 8:52 PM BST
Don't believe the news 11kv
Report DenzilPenberthy June 13, 2020 8:52 PM BST
I agree with your post
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 8:56 PM BST
people don't have to believe the news ,they can make their own minds up on the pictures,and I think the government,world and everyone watching has made their minds up
Report macarony June 13, 2020 9:00 PM BST
Nick Lowles, chief executive of campaign group Hope Not Hate, said there was a "very serious" threat of trouble from far-right activists and commended Black Lives Matter for standing down their plans to protest in London on Saturday.

"There are some people who are genuinely concerned about the protection of their statues and monuments but many people are coming for a fight and they are talking openly about it on their social media accounts," he told the programme.
Report 11kv June 13, 2020 9:03 PM BST
Could be a civil war approaching if you believe the press.
Report macarony June 13, 2020 9:07 PM BST
hope bf has book on it my money is on the home team
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 9:10 PM BST
who,s the home team
Report 1st time poster June 13, 2020 9:12 PM BST
think before today 60% agreed with BLM, if todays morons constitute the right I,d imagine that would be up to 70% plus
Report macarony June 13, 2020 9:13 PM BST
who,s the home team

theres only one home team
Report Shrewd_dude June 13, 2020 9:14 PM BST
agreed with what?
Report lapsy pa June 13, 2020 9:15 PM BST
A few left wing crustie activists along with a majority of idealistic kids,you probably won't be wrong.

Politicians at fault,get any kind of labour in,keep the economy strong,use everyone,modern day slavery.

All madness.
Report lux June 13, 2020 9:35 PM BST
Enrichment/antifa targeting lone white males all across London

Can you imagine mobs of FLA types targeting lone black males? Would never happen.
Report casemoney June 13, 2020 9:47 PM BST
Well either Thick or Backers , there is no in between ..
Report SontaranStratagem June 13, 2020 10:04 PM BST
Britain First have been called out for year for being "racist" but because Paul Golding was there today to help protect the statues he was deemed "racist"

You can't have your culture, you can' have your heritage because its "racist"

Have you ever heard more s**t in your life?

Go to Africa or Somalia etc and try and tell them they can't have their heritage
Report differentdrum June 13, 2020 10:40 PM BST
It seemed to me that the news teams were far more willing to condemn the violence of the 'right' compared to the violence associated with the BLM protests even though that was far worse?

Given what had happened previously you could understand why people couldn't trust the police to defend statues.

Why are the BLM gatherings being allowed at all during the pandemic? Just ban them and enforce the ban. Then there would be no need for any other groups to turn out.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 13, 2020 11:16 PM BST
Why would the defenders of the statues decide to go attack a family having a picnic in the park?

These thugs have been shaming engerland all over the world, for past 30 odd years,
except when they were too scared to go to russia
Report ekbalko June 14, 2020 12:04 AM BST
We had a BLM march near us today and had to cover the Bernard Manning statue as not to cause offence. The white pillowcase worked a treat.
Report 1st time poster June 14, 2020 4:59 AM BST
paul golding was their to protect statues but wanted the mandela and ghandi statues tearing down ,no one no,s why, LaughLaugh
Report 1st time poster June 14, 2020 5:01 AM BST
apparently he didn't like the song and thought ghandi shouldn't have got an Oscar for one film, Wink
Report Whisperingdeath June 14, 2020 10:33 PM BST
Hutchinson and his friends, who are security and martial arts experts, attended an anti-racist protest on Saturday to “try and keep the peace”. When far-right groups began to clash with black protestors, Hutchinson said the man he helped had been caught alone and left by his friends.

With friends like that!
Report saddo June 14, 2020 10:39 PM BST
1st time poster 13 Jun 20 21:12 
think before today 60% agreed with BLM

Where's that, Newham?  Laugh
Report Baphornet June 14, 2020 10:41 PM BST
the BEEB
Report Coachbuster June 15, 2020 1:11 AM BST
they were right ... we had the perfect storm on saturday ...

it p1ssed it down , garden looks a lot nicer  Cool
Report SontaranStratagem June 15, 2020 2:00 AM BST
What's going off in America its almost like they are desperately trying to incite violence Laugh

Another staged pile of c*** black shooting where its been posted all over social media again

When will these people realise its called gaslighting ffs
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