Do not despair, the documents that they didn't want the court to see will soon be in the public domain.
- they will be leaked - be printed in The Guardian - chit chat will explode with rage and furious anger - Jenrick will hide in one of his many homes - Kwasi Kwarteng will replace him in the cabinet
Do not despair, the documents that they didn't want the court to see will soon be in the public domain.- they will be leaked- be printed in The Guardian- chit chat will explode with rage and furious anger- Jenrick will hide in one of his many homes -
admittedly in a poor field in all parties jennrick had a decent GE campaign and he,s a friend of doris,but the old tory failing of elitism, self entitlment,greed and arrogance has caught him out as a minister,the paperwork is obviously there to finish him over this,otherwise he,d have appeared ,instead of been caught supping tea in the tea room,earl grey of course
admittedly in a poor field in all parties jennrick had a decent GE campaign and he,s a friend of doris,but the old tory failing of elitism, self entitlment,greed and arrogance has caught him out as a minister,the paperwork is obviously there to fini
daily mail now bringing doris in to the frame,dates,meetings with desmond as London mayor,jenricks a gonner cummings wont let this run wild,the useful idiot will have to go on the altar of the cummings project,he,ll go before any cabinet enquiry is launched
daily mail now bringing doris in to the frame,dates,meetings with desmond as London mayor,jenricks a gonner cummings wont let this run wild,the useful idiot will have to go on the altar of the cummings project,he,ll go before any cabinet enquiry is l