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10 Jun 20 09:28
Date Joined: 14 May 10
| Topic/replies: 62,785 | Blogger: doridoru's blog
He followed all instructions, that police officer went there and wanted to come I never heard of this before? ahh WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER A 5HIT!
Pause Switch to Standard View The Police Murder Of Daniel Shaver
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Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:10 AM BST
you didn't hear about it because right wing twitter didn't give a **** about it until they believed they could expose some hypocrisy, even though BLM types and anti-police brutality activists did indeed protest it and talk about it
Report Just Checking June 10, 2020 10:25 AM BST
"you didn't hear about it because right wing twitter didn't give a **** about it until they believed they could expose some hypocrisy"
You really are a vile lying leftist bigoted troll, as always.
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:29 AM BST
take the boot out of your mouth for once JC
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:31 AM BST
there was a police murder that outraged the right once, and it was because the policeman was Somali-American and not because of the abuse of police power
Report Just Checking June 10, 2020 10:33 AM BST
To Doriduru (not the troll):
We talked about Daniel Shaver on chit chat at length, I know as I was utterly disgusted at what was imho murder at the time.

There is an even more relevant case you should be reading up about, Tony Timpa in Dallas a couple years ago.

He wasn't a criminal, he was on medication and hadn't taken it and called the police himself as he was feelin scared he was going to be harmed. The came and while he was handcuffed and face down in a prone position (sound familiar?) they kneeled on his back for FOURTEEN MINUTES, after wriggling and complaining for a bit he stopped moving. They kept on kneeling, didn't check on him, and of course he died. They were laughing and joking as this happened and laughing and joking as he was taken by paramedics to an ambulance where he was declared dead.

This entire shocking incident is all on bodycam, but he was white so no big worldwide outrage and no riots and no endless hand wringing on the Guardian-BBC.

Google it. Tony Timpa.
Report edy June 10, 2020 10:34 AM BST
Just Checking • June 10, 2020 10:33 AM BST
To Doriduru (not the troll):
We talked about Daniel Shaver on chit chat at length, I know as I was utterly disgusted at what was imho murder at the time.

Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:35 AM BST
JC too blinded or dumb to realise that anything BLM and anti-police brutality activists fight for will also be incredibly helpful in saving lives like the two he is pretending to care about here
Report edy June 10, 2020 10:36 AM BST
Aaron's point remains though that the alt-right grifters that dori uses as his main source of information couldn't care less unless they think they can own some lib hypocrisy. That's why he hadn't heard of it.
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:38 AM BST
and never seems to question why - if as he believes left/liberal outlets are not doing the job then why aren't the proud right wing/conservative outlets standing up for people
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 10:39 AM BST
if the leftie activists aren't out there campaigning for whatever reason, why aren't the people who now pretend to care doing the same thing?
Report edy June 10, 2020 10:52 AM BST
The Timpa death was on outlets like NY Times and CNN at the time of course. You think the heavily invested #AllLivesMatters folks cared? Certainly not on here.
Report Whisperingdeath June 10, 2020 11:23 AM BST
It is a pretty shocking as murder by cop goes but I thought people like doridoru like that sort of stuff?
Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:28 PM BST
Yeah JC knew about Timpa, horrendous...some of these leftists really are racist eh? book burning nazis...even banning the tv show cops now which shows black gangs in their natural habitat, Will Smith was a fan and used it in his Bad Boys trilogy
Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:29 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 5:23AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

It is a pretty shocking as murder by cop goes but I thought people like doridoru like that sort of stuff?

No we just don't go way overboard by one death by cop just cause he was black, and then have 4 hour live coverage of his funeral on the BBC, while all these others are totally ignored.

Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:29 PM BST
Black guy on Talk Radio this morning, "me and my community don't support this hard left blm at all, causing more division than good, we just want to get on with our jobs and lives"
Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:30 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 4:35AM, aaronh wrote:

JC too blinded or dumb to realise that anything BLM and anti-police brutality activists fight for will also be incredibly helpful in saving lives like the two he is pretending to care about here

Haha maybe your worst post ever Aaron, in the last 2 weeks BLM have cause much more black deaths with the looting and death they have caused, record deaths in Chicago etc and much more...well done.

Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:31 PM BST
Saving lives lol incredible, massive spike in deaths in the mob free for all
Report doridoru June 10, 2020 12:31 PM BST
But hey don't worry about them, any televised funerals coming up?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 12:34 PM BST
Black guy on Talk Radio this morning, "me and my community don't support this hard left blm at all, causing more division than good, we just want to get on with our jobs and lives

Brave man. MLK like in his stance against the baying mob.This is the kind of man we want here.
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 12:37 PM BST
MLK like in his stance against the baying mob
Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 12:39 PM BST
MLK promoted a peaceful stance did he not?
Sort of 100% different/opposite to your hero Floyd?
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 12:41 PM BST
just hilarious when everyone who would have hated MLK pretends he was good now
Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 12:43 PM BST
I would have hated MLK?
How does your mighty brain whirr to that conclusion?
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 12:46 PM BST
we can be sure that any reactionary racist who goes insane at the sight of any sort of direct action would have
Report Whisperingdeath June 10, 2020 12:46 PM BST
Some pretty shocking footage not just of Police Brutality but murder of **** and black people and some people on here think the colour of the victims skin is more important than confronting murderers.
Report DenzilPenberthy June 10, 2020 12:47 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 6:46AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

Some pretty shocking footage not just of Police Brutality but murder of **** and black people and some people on here think the colour of the victims skin is more important than confronting murderers.

Google Larry Elder for the facts on this terrible subject

Report Whisperingdeath June 10, 2020 12:49 PM BST
Has it got anything to do with a bag of Malteser’s?
Report aaronh June 10, 2020 12:53 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 6:46AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

Some pretty shocking footage not just of Police Brutality but murder of **** and black people and some people on here think the colour of the victims skin is more important than confronting murderers.

would be nice if many of these white people killed by police had the support and solidarity from their own community rather than just being used to bash those who call other injustices out Sad

Report DenzilPenberthy June 10, 2020 12:54 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 6:49AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

Has it got anything to do with a bag of Malteser’s?

No I'm serious

Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 12:59 PM BST
Going insane at direct action = Not agreeing with violence/murder

Inflammatory language does you no service.
Try not to sound so brainwashed aaron. Grin
Report Whisperingdeath June 10, 2020 1:13 PM BST
No I'm serious

.......and you expect me to believe you?
Report DenzilPenberthy June 10, 2020 1:16 PM BST

Jun 10, 2020 -- 7:13AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

No I'm serious.......and you expect me to believe you?

No believe Larry Elder

Report Platini June 10, 2020 2:14 PM BST
the far left don't want you to know about Larry Elder, he blows their racism BS to pieces with cold hard facts and logic

and just recently author and professor Wilfrid Reilly calls BLM out on their bogus stats
Report Gibberish June 10, 2020 2:26 PM BST
Michel - more so Candace...

Dori - that Shaver killing was another episode I've only learnt about since George Floyd.
That bástard cop who was acquitted had the lad shítting his pánts for his own amusement.

Watching these videos makes me sick...that could be ANYONE of any age, sex, colour, race
and most importantly, totally innocent! Cry
Report Whisperingdeath June 10, 2020 2:47 PM BST
Do any of you nut job fantasists believe the American Police are out of control or are you happy with the way they operate?
Report Gibberish June 10, 2020 2:51 PM BST
WD - they're psychopaths...itching to damage law-abiding people.
Since the advent of the taser, it's beginning to infect this country too.
Report Platini June 10, 2020 2:54 PM BST
we all know the American cops have more than a few psychos and trigger happy officials in their ranks, thats been the case for decades.
Its part of the culture over there, you've dealing with a group that includes a bunch of ex-military, hard-line, armed to the teeth, under-educated individuals who patrol some of the mots dangerous neighbourhoods on the planet - where the population have the right to carry armed weapons, and do, frequently.

so you're gonna get some police brutality, and no that doesn't excuse it, but it explains it much better than just saying - "its cos racism" Crazy

and Gibb, I'm no stranger to Candace Love
Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 2:56 PM BST
Elder says that usa police violence on the public has been decreasing in the last few years and white police/black perps murder is a very small number.
Where did he get the actual stats from?
Anyone know?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 10, 2020 2:58 PM BST
Just seen Platini's earlier post, no problem
Is everyone's forum clock still an hour behind btw?
Report casemoney June 10, 2020 3:06 PM BST
Unreal Sad
Report Platini June 10, 2020 3:09 PM BST
FireAndIce, a lot of the data is taken from the Washington Post who have been actively collecting police kill data for the last few years.

Sinisterly tho, the WP have been revising some of their figures just in the last few days. Pressure from you know who, no doubt Laugh
Report Gibberish June 10, 2020 3:24 PM BST
Michel - apologies for being a patronising príck but in my defence, I don't patrol
all the posts on here as many do - I did suspect the same link would've been on here
as it was a week or so ago. That girl could well be a Presidential candidate one day
but then again...she speaks far too much sense and is clearly over-qualified Crazy
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