Jun 9, 2020 -- 7:17AM, alun2005 wrote:
The nice middle-class white boys from newspapers like The Guardian, who pretend to like Grime/Drill/Rap filth, would need brown trousers if they ever mistakenly drifted into the estates where that 'music' hails from. I realise I'm dignifying it by calling it music btw. Noise generally created by some Culturally Enriching Diverse thug, shouting tunelessly and aggressively into a microphone, can never be called music.
is it art though?
Jun 9, 2020 -- 7:30AM, doridoru wrote:
awful scum, violence imported and bred to the good of no one, in my day it was Blur Vs Oasis, now they kill each over some 5hit noise
winston is that you?