Al Jazz news, planet SoS. Reports Russia spilled twenty thousand tonnes of diesel into waterways , Antarctic, or Antarctica? Same thing? (maybe do another spill, to make sure) I cleaned my bean tins? Sorted my undies, desperate my card from tin foil,, garden waste from my plastic? Wasted my time? RUSSIA also poisoned the same terrain with heavy metals. Good job. George Orwell double speak government clean ups. Cleaning up cash. Are you the consumer a polluter. How did your plastic waste reach the ocean? I put my rubbish into a bin. It travels to a trash site in gGlasgow. Dossholm, it gets crushed, bailed and buried, at least that's how I remember it in 1990. Someone is dumping at sea. Polluters. Pollution causes cancer. That's the reason to stop it. The same tv show said co2 stays in atmosphere 200 yrs. So it's academic. Shafted if it's actually behaving as they say. Water running out? How do you lose water? There is more water in clouds than fresh water on ground. There is also water underground . The planet is ccovered in ses water. Graphite filters exist that strain sea water making fresh water.
Bs train coming at you. Lies. Dressed up as pseudo science. While companies buy the waterways to control your tap at home. Fear and control. I had fresh water in the seventies, owned by government. It worked well. No iissues. Private companies.. Lots of issues. Lots of reports and faff. Con job . Bottled water. Money. Pay more it's rare.