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04 Jun 20 11:00
Date Joined: 05 Oct 11
| Topic/replies: 19,157 | Blogger: differentdrum's blog
Clearly we can't just hand out palaces and the best jobs.

Perhaps we need a few more stats which might not be so appealing such as how many children are being born into families who can't be supported and then to make matters worse they then find themselves with single parents.

The only way to improve the situation is through the education system. We then need to look at how many of this group are even attending school and how many are being expelled?

It is hard to see any way out unless they start by taking a look at themselves rather than just blaming the system and that is very unlikely to happen.
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Report InsiderTrader June 4, 2020 11:23 AM BST
Many families from all groups have single parents.

White kids more likely than Indian, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis or Chinese to be in single parent family.

23% of children in the UK are brought up in single parent families.

A quarter of all youngsters live in one-parent families – treble the proportion in 1972, according to the Office for National Statistics. The biggest percentage of lone-parent households is among black ethnic groups. Forty-eight per cent of black Caribbean families have one parent, as do 36 per cent of black African households. Single-parent families are less common among Indians (ten per cent), Bangladeshis (12 per cent), Pakistanis (13 per cent), Chinese (15 per cent) and whites (22 per cent).

Read more:
Report InsiderTrader June 4, 2020 11:24 AM BST
That study was in 1993!

What is now?
Report macarony June 4, 2020 11:40 AM BST
This as allowed millions of black and Asian people to come and live here personally I think it was a mistake but they are here and I never hear any of them say thank you
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 4, 2020 11:45 AM BST
You still not racist insider traitor?
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 12:03 PM BST
plenty of single parent kids do OK  .... i'm not even sure there's a  link.

what i will say  is that most blacks (and many whites too of course ) are generally less inclined to 'invest' (for whatever reason)

that could be investment into many areas and not just finances ....  they tend to live for the moment more than whites ,esp middle class whites ...that's fine of course and should be allowed ,it's good that people spend   ...but it's no good complaining you have no present to open  because you opened  it the day before Plain
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 12:06 PM BST
I see so many black lads whizzing around in their £30,000 mercs and BMWs  ...sure they're not all footballers and drug dealers  ...but for many lads in their 20s/30s in their position that would be a deposit on a property  ... wheras most of the blacks in town ,even the older ones  tend to live  around the housing association areas and not own  their properties
Report Knight Commander June 4, 2020 12:08 PM BST
I'd like to see some kind of "where are they now?" study in a few years time comparing the fortunes of these immigrants coming in via the Channel with any refugees from Hong Kong. Might shed some light Wink
Report macarony June 4, 2020 12:15 PM BST
How much trouble will we get from the Hong Kong immigrants the Chinese community is often referred to as the hidden community.
Obviously they are around and we see them its just you never get any trouble off them or the Hindus not that we have the ability to take in another 3.5 million people not unless we have a clear out first
Report sageform June 4, 2020 12:26 PM BST
A bit of unemployment might reduce the numbers from some EU countries. The problem is that their home countries might have even higher unemployment.
Report InsiderTrader June 4, 2020 12:41 PM BST

Jun 4, 2020 -- 5:45AM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:

You still not racist insider traitor?


Report Cider June 4, 2020 1:33 PM BST
Report impossible123 June 4, 2020 2:45 PM BST
Mercs and BMWs are available @ £299 per month with a deposit over 3/5 years I think. Even the South Asians succumb to this little "treat" despite working in corner shop or supermarkets most hours of the day.
Report casemoney June 4, 2020 2:48 PM BST
Yes the old Furlough will have been covering those payments over the past few Months .....
Report impossible123 June 4, 2020 3:11 PM BST
I think it will be good to have a few Hong Kong Chinese into the UK to mitigate the arrogance and dominance of the South Asian communities as whatever the locals do will be deemed anti-immigration/discrimination/Islamophobic, etc; the emerging Polish and Afghanstani/Kurdistani communities are already stiff competitors to the South Asians esp Pakistanis in cabbing and retail.
Report Cider June 4, 2020 3:16 PM BST
The 'I want it now' culture in my view is not related to race. Like many of the ills of society in 2020, I lay the blame firmly at social media. Many of life's luxuries are now considered to be entitlements to many under the age of 40.

I work with many in their 20s and they have no concept of what it's like to work a long time for something. Yes they have got good jobs but they've also got htb, low cost mortgages and brand new cars on finance. Of course the depression we're going to experience might well change all of that. They're also employed in an environment were you can pretty much do what you like as leaders are so fearful of risking 'offending' anyone.
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 3:29 PM BST
Mercs and BMWs are available @ £299 per month with a deposit over ...yes ,they do extremel3/5 years I think. Even the South Asians succumb to this little "treat" despite working in corner shop or supermarkets most hours of the day.

ahh , you could be talking about the take away businesses  ...yes, they seem to  do extremely well
Report zorrostrikes June 4, 2020 3:59 PM BST
If Beyonce and her husband puff daddy?  Give me a million dollars .... That would be a good start.
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 4:01 PM BST
Cider  indeed ...probably more linked to class  ...and don't forget that  blacks are nearly all working or lower working class .... they are no more disadvantaged than a lot of  whites in the same social circle  ...but colour is visible  and i'm pretty certain if i was black i would feel disadvantaged in some way's natural to pick up on something that someone can judge you freely without knowing you    ...i don't see blacks disadvanatged any more than working class whites generally  who have to battle constantly against the more devious of thought middle classes who work more in a cartel fashion to help themselves and display the same level of greed and want deep down ,but not showlingly .

  Whites of all classes though are becoming more impulsive but  you have to take  note of the  culture change culture is, and has been very influential for the last 34-36 years  and becomes more so each passing year
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 4:08 PM BST
sorry about the delayed reply Cider  ...i'm just in the middle of laying bricks  Cool
Report Cider June 4, 2020 4:19 PM BST
Watch the video I posted if you get the chance. It doesn't just touch on race but all the various identities some of our friends want to box people into. This whole concept of being something immutable means you have to think and be a certain way, and if you don't you're a traitor to that immutable characteristic.

It's not just equality some people demand now, but preferential treatment. In work only yesterday the boss was saying minorities need to be championed. Sorry, they don't, the need to be treated the same as anyone else, and not patronised.
Report macarony June 4, 2020 4:28 PM BST
The Hong-Kong Chinese could buy citizenship from older immigrant groups a fair exchange a couple of hundred pounds then sell your house take any voluntary redundancy and move back to the home country and still claim an enhanced pension from the British government because you have paid in but no longer using any services
Report impossible123 June 4, 2020 4:28 PM BST
I think the black community are too entrenched with the young white local work ethics and work thos eg the state will provide; lacking motivation/ambition at school; work-shy unless it's good money; obsessed with instant gratification; self-entitlements. The black community have 1st mover advantage over the other ethnic groups yet left floundering way behind the others.

Even their leaders have been or are too willing to blame racism and discrimination for their lack of work ethos and work ethics; lack of ambition; lack of motivation and lack of success. If anything their composition in the corridor of power is significantly more than other ethnic group esp the Chinese.

And, do we over hear of the Chinese complaining? Nope.
Report macarony June 4, 2020 4:29 PM BST
Hundred thousand pounds
Report Cider June 4, 2020 4:40 PM BST
I actually despise these lazy terms (not you impossible123, it's common parlance currently!) like black community and 'BAME'. What does black community actually mean. Everyone who has the same race thinks the same, acts in the same way, has the same values? You can only control your own actions as an individual.

And this 'BAME' effectively lumping anyone who isn't Caucasian into one group. It seems very patronising, and lazy as I say. Stop trying to funnel people into group identities!
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 4:42 PM BST
some blacks impossible ... some do actually work very hard.    Could it be that most businesses are white owned? Maybe some don't want to toe the line

Whatever the reasons, i totally agree that all people should be treated the same
Report DenzilPenberthy June 4, 2020 4:45 PM BST
The section of western society that champions the causes clearly don't ever want to treat everybody the same that is the whole problem
Report Platini June 4, 2020 4:47 PM BST
African American is an insulting term itself, but try telling that to the mob.
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 4:57 PM BST
the 'mob' are those that stir up the trouble ...deep down i think they are the real racists  Cry
Report Coachbuster June 4, 2020 4:58 PM BST
if you took them out the picture stirring up trouble in the media  i think whites and blacks would get on famously well, as they tend to do in normal circles
Report impossible123 June 4, 2020 5:07 PM BST
As a human being one must not forget a black person died because of the racist attitude of the police officers involved and their behaviour. They did not treat George Floyd as an equal human being, but with cruelty and downright disregard of his life. The police officers had ample chances of not killing him, but they did not nothing to save his life despite numerous opportunities.

I believe all 4 of them were guilty in causing the unnecessary death of Mr George Floyd; one more so that the rest, the others definitely guilty by association.
Report Cider June 4, 2020 5:24 PM BST
There will always be rogue operators in human life impossible. Someone strapped a bomb to himself and went to a music concert with the sole intention of blowing as many children up as he could. This guy flipped for whatever reason, the subsequent hysteria is a politically motivated hijacking of a terrible act. Causing a huge amount of suffering and distress to hundreds of innocent people.
Report dukeofpuke June 4, 2020 10:59 PM BST
If the main man gets off with this (less so the others) then the riots you have seen so far will seem like a chimps tea party (no offence meant) it will be all out civil war
Report lux June 4, 2020 11:40 PM BST
There will always be rogue operators in human life impossible. Someone strapped a bomb to himself and went to a music concert with the sole intention of blowing as many children up as he could. This guy flipped for whatever reason, the subsequent hysteria is a politically motivated hijacking of a terrible act. Causing a huge amount of suffering and distress to hundreds of innocent people.

Given that worldwide, there have been somewhere in the region of 37,000 similar snackbar themed atrocities since 9/11, I hardly think the Manchester bomber might, in any reasonable sense be considered a "rogue operator".  Just another in a seemingly inexhaustible line of fundamentalists acting out a literal interpretation of the Koran.
Report lux June 4, 2020 11:42 PM BST
By a similar standard, I suppose the entire generation of white working class girls who have been gang raped by Mohammedans the length and breadth of this country, might be considered the victims of "rogue" behaviour too?
Report lux June 4, 2020 11:49 PM BST
How about the two main sects in Islam, Sunni and Shia? Leading Sunni nation, Saudi - stones women to death for adultery. Leading Shia nation, Iran - executes children for being gay.

More "roguery" no doubt?
Report lux June 4, 2020 11:51 PM BST
Absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Islam is, by any reasonable standard, a 7th century death cult?
Report dukeofpuke June 4, 2020 11:59 PM BST
All religious beliefs are 'viruses of the mind'
Report lux June 5, 2020 12:12 AM BST
And to address the original point...

From birth, all races display in and out group preference as countless studies demonstrate. This is a natural and immutable law that no amount of ideological abstraction can deny. Therefore, inequality, or acting out that innate preference is an inevitable consequence of being human. instead of fighting it we should learn to accept and embrace it.

It is the only chance we have of ever attaining any kind of peace.
Report macarony June 5, 2020 1:14 AM BST
fashion is a funny thing it even spreads to death
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