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The Leopard
16 Dec 18 13:50
Date Joined: 05 Apr 06
| Topic/replies: 47,769 | Blogger: The Leopard's blog
From Chit Chat pub :  (my line spacing for readability)

Culvin • December 15, 2018 1:16 PM GMT

Joel, I Thank you very much for your kindness, I now consider you a friend, joel so please likewise think that also of me. 

Ive heard a lot about you Joel so to be your friend would be an honour.

What are you drinking because I'm buying.

A Guinness for myself please and as I drink that in 10 mins or so I'll drink to a friend to many here who I now find has been missing in action.

I'm talking off course about guinness2dear.

Joel,I'm not ashamed to tell you that I've loved many a man in my life, all honest and good.

My friend guinn2dear was a true giant, but far more importantly he was a real giant in so many other ways.

So, please pour yourself a drink my friend and kindly join me in toasting guinness2dear.

I drink to Irish men, to irish women and to the fire in the irish belly that can produce guinness2dear and persons of his incredible kind
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Report The Leopard December 16, 2018 1:53 PM GMT
Culvin's next post in pub : ( one love-sick puppy ! )

I'm glad to be here even if it's only for one.Of late,i only,usually drink a guinness but I'll make an exception now,Barman,I would a glass of port please,any kind will do.

As I was walking over here I began to think about a person who I think is the sweetest person I've ever met in my long,long life and my thoughts about her,pure and good...

..... brought about an energy in myself that was forced to release itself by my vomiting,just before a step or so of entering your fine pub,I took care to make sure the puke landed in the gutter.

The port I ordered will hopefuly remove from my mouth the bitter taste of my sick.How are we,Barman,are we well? Please get yourself a drink.

Report Culvin December 16, 2018 2:18 PM GMT
Leopard I think you should have been a detective,sir.You and you alone has found out about my chitchat secret.You can can call me Guinness from now on if you wish.ExcitedHappy
Report The Leopard December 16, 2018 2:23 PM GMT
That makes me think you are not g2d....hmmmmm ?
Report The Leopard December 16, 2018 2:27 PM GMT
From the way you type you have a different personality to g2d.
Report Culvin December 16, 2018 2:33 PM GMT
In all seriousness,the chap is banned,I don't know why he was banned but I can guess.I don't believe in bans.One of the reasons I left this place about two years ago was because of the cull that took place at that time,Ron russian,guinness,etc..When crags got banned,even though he would constantly harangue me here, I didn't agree with him being given the boot.
Report The Leopard December 16, 2018 3:06 PM GMT
If there were no limits then you would get the kind of nasty rubbish there was in YT comments before the clamp down.
Report Culvin December 16, 2018 5:44 PM GMT
Yep,Lep,i understand that.
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