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27 Sep 18 23:58
Date Joined: 10 Jul 02
| Topic/replies: 738 | Blogger: Floccinaucinihilipilification's blog
Ant & Grasshopper, for me
Pause Switch to Standard View What's Your Fav Aesop Fable?
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Report Vubiant September 28, 2018 9:19 PM BST
Dead heat between Tortoise and Hare ( don't be complacent)
and Boy and Cookie Jar (Greed is not good).
Report STUDYFORM September 28, 2018 9:21 PM BST
There's possibly a limit to how many favourites of things we can have.
I reckon Aesops fables might be a fav too far.
Report Vubiant September 28, 2018 9:28 PM BST
Just because you don't know any Aesopian fables......Laugh
Report kenny mann September 30, 2018 2:10 PM BST
I remember the Lion and the Hare from school, don't recall any others.

While hunting, a lion spots a sleeping hare and prepared to pounce on it. Right before the lion pounced, however, it spots a stag, which would be a much more fulfilling meal. So the lion takes off after the stag, only to abandon the chase after realizing it could not catch the stag. But when the lion return to where it had found its initial prey, the hare was nowhere to be found. The lion then laments about not being content with what it had. There’s a lot of ways to interpret the moral of this fable, such as whether we should be content with what we have, or if we just need more realistic goals. Either way, I’m pretty sure the college equivalent of this fable is “C’s get degrees.”
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