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04 May 18 19:28
Date Joined: 04 Jan 03
| Topic/replies: 17,864 | Blogger: Injera's blog
PJW at his best. He throws May and Khan in the same bin lorry..
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Report InsiderTrader May 6, 2018 9:09 AM BST
Studyform quotes media matters and other propaganda streams from the leftist/globalist alliance.

He still cannot say one thing in the video presented that is untrue.

He believes PJW has nothing useful to say because he believes media matters.

Why does he refuse to watch the actual video and debate the actual points made in the video???
Report Mikael D'Haguenet May 6, 2018 10:13 AM BST
Is this the same Paul Joseph Watson who said the Jo Cox murder was NOT political? He seems unbiased enough.
Report InsiderTrader May 6, 2018 10:27 AM BST
Another one making a view WITHOUT watching the video?
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 12:21 PM BST
I watched the video.
It has no credibility.
Anyone could stand in front of a map and rant for money.
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 12:21 PM BST
It's a propaganda stream.
Report Ibrahima Sonko May 6, 2018 12:30 PM BST
Taking away your leftist views, In what way does it have no credibility ?
Report aasbff May 6, 2018 12:30 PM BST
STUDYFORM, the baron, Johnny Mustang = delusional.
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 12:53 PM BST
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 12:59 PM BST
You have no idea how my views are, I.S.
I am as racist as I think everyone else is. There's no point in using it as an excuse for everything.

I give NO credence to any thread which starts "The real truth" or "What they're not telling you" or any other such conspiratorial nonsense.

What I believe or think is of no consequence, this doesn't mean I can't say what I think about people who broadcast shoite on YouTube.
Report Ibrahima Sonko May 6, 2018 1:08 PM BST
Why have you even mentioned race into this conversation, am I missing something ?
Report lfc1971 May 6, 2018 1:44 PM BST
Wish I hadn't watched that video, too frightening

London really is full of savage animals
Report Foinavon May 6, 2018 2:03 PM BST
I read earlier in this thread that Plod has been "decimated".
Even so, it's good to know that they are managing to keep on top of the important issues in the Provinces.
Report lfc1971 May 6, 2018 2:10 PM BST
Probably try and ban George Formby lyrics next
Report moisok May 6, 2018 2:34 PM BST
The stuff in landan is following cultural lines. It is how they did it at home and it is how they do it here.
A disregard for the polite way of conducting oneself then screaming racist when caught.

black lives gone missing
Report moisok May 6, 2018 2:42 PM BST
there are three distinct groups in this country who plod try to avoid as much as possible because of 1.  getting injured(our local police wouldn't come out to an 'incident' 'as an officer got hurt last time' - I quote the police response on the phone.
2. accusations of racism and not backed up by their seniors who are more intent on promoting nice nail varnish and arresting pensioners for protecting themselves.  Many plod are almost defenceless in the face of the sh!t that their bosses promote.
We have it daily in town - the number of duff notes being passed by one group is amazing.  That's the wheeled ones. Not the knives gangs or  drug gangs.
Why go and arrest any of this lot only to be thoroughly gone over protocol by the seniors and/or be attacked and defend yourself only to be accused of excessive violence or racism.  Who would want a job where you get so little back up?
Report moisok May 6, 2018 2:56 PM BST
latest promising rapper dead


She also criticised the police, saying: "We're not being protected because of the police. The police are the ones putting us in danger."
fk me  - now we know the reason - barstewerds
Report moisok May 6, 2018 3:07 PM BST
was GOING TO study 13 subjects before they kicked him out of school?????    wanted to be an architect and was a promising rapper

anyone pick up on the oddity of these statements   - I assume it is correct or is it the mirror misquoting

I hope his father will step forward and condemn the killers
Report moisok May 6, 2018 3:11 PM BST
This is so pathetic.  No reason for this boys death??!!  Simply a gang after him??  Coz he was a good rapper - jealousy??
A complete waste of a life.

But the pathetic bit is khan and dick's response.  A simple crackdown on the streets will work.  The khan/plod rhetoric has to change completely.  Everyone searched - take out the gangs etc - but its votes and racism that will win out and it will continue.
Report Injera May 6, 2018 3:41 PM BST
I wonder who the apologists would want to deal with London's gang culture?

D*ck (MET) Khan (Mayor), May (PM), JC (Leader of HM's Oppo) Rudd (Ex HS), Abbott (SHS) or Javid (HS)

Not a great line up is it?

Until we name the causes which PJW does, the problems will intensify and spread.
Report moisok May 6, 2018 3:46 PM BST
Report InsiderTrader May 6, 2018 3:46 PM BST
06 May 18 12:21
Joined: 26 Jan 05
| Topic/replies: 18,471 | Blogger: STUDYFORM's blog
I watched the video.
It has no credibility.
Anyone could stand in front of a map and rant for money.


Again hiding behind his prejudice and refusing to admit there is nothing in the video that he actually thinks is wrong.

This one of the major problems with the western world now. People just refuse to engage in a meaningful conversation because they have made up their mind the video is wrong without even watching it because a leftist or globalist has told them to hate person x, y or z. They just naively believe what they are told to believe and never ask any questions.
Report moisok May 6, 2018 3:47 PM BST
it is people like you injera and the police who are at fault for stirring up this hatred and bile

I bet you haven't even apologised for slavery yet.  You scamp!!Angry
Report moisok May 6, 2018 3:50 PM BST
you also do not want to look at studies made into mental health issues and schizophrenia - very worrying and frightening to contemplate
Report Dr Crippen May 6, 2018 4:24 PM BST
''Stab wounds, nasty stab wounds. Knives knives knives''
''he likened a London hospital to a 'military war zone' after a spate of stabbings in the capital.''

Trumpy on about London the other day.
Report moisok May 6, 2018 4:28 PM BST
what's the guardian's view on this today?

I know they are running an article on 'Why I lied to my analyst' 

hope this helps
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 5:41 PM BST

May 6, 2018 -- 3:46PM, InsiderTrader wrote:

STUDYFORM06 May 18 12:21Joined: 26 Jan 05| Topic/replies: 18,471 | Blogger: STUDYFORM's blogI watched the video.It has no credibility.Anyone could stand in front of a map and rant for money.^Again hiding behind his prejudice and refusing to admit there is nothing in the video that he actually thinks is wrong.This one of the major problems with the western world now. People just refuse to engage in a meaningful conversation because they have made up their mind the video is wrong without even watching it because a leftist or globalist has told them to hate person x, y or z. They just naively believe what they are told to believe and never ask any questions.

I was just presented with a message which I think is quite apt.


Although this doesn't necessarily apply to Insider Trader, who is more committed to causing arguments.
You have no idea what my prejudices are.
Also, as I said - I probably know more about London and its issues than the rest of you put together.

Report moisok May 6, 2018 5:51 PM BST
arrogance before the fall
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 5:52 PM BST
Are any of the others writing on this thread Londoners?
Report moisok May 6, 2018 5:54 PM BST
I know EVERYTHING abaht landan.  It is populated mainly by spivs and russians.
hope this helps

ps a few more acid attacks chucked into the multicultural enrichment experiment
Report moisok May 6, 2018 5:55 PM BST
I know a cab driver from brick lane

he lives in dorset now  ha ha

no idea why
Report moisok May 6, 2018 6:01 PM BST
anyone know The Gun - you can sit by the shake and actually touch the thames if you lean over the wall a bit when its high
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 6:09 PM BST
"I probably know more about London and its issues than the rest of you put together". Wow that's a  big assumption/assertion/ STUDY.

I have posted on this thread and lived in different parts of London over a 51 year period, I think I have a fair handle on things there but would never assume to know more that this or that poster. You're an East end lad, remind me what school you attended, Wink
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 6:11 PM BST
Rokeby. And it was a shoitehole
Report moisok May 6, 2018 6:11 PM BST
down our frog the increase of enrichers is very very slow I am glad to say but sure it will eventually change
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 6:15 PM BST
Thanks Study that rings a bell from years ago.
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 6:17 PM BST
The twosser at the centre of this thread, pontificating to the converted on youtube, is a student from Sheffield (who almost certainly lied about growing up on a council estate).
The other (real) Journalists telling us London all know about the tube, the coffee shop near their offices, or possibly their friends who live in newly fashionable Hackney.

The problems in London are not new. They are well entrenched. Like nearly everything else "in the news" it is being used as a political point-scorer.

btw, boxing, I don't tell lies.
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 6:19 PM BST
I never thought you lied for a second. Happy
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 6:20 PM BST
Ever! Wink
Report moisok May 6, 2018 6:20 PM BST
your having one study  ho ho ho  there has been a massive demographic disaster

hope this helps
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 6:23 PM BST
Personally I find one person speaking to camera and uploading it to Utube something to be wary of.
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 6:33 PM BST
Sort of what I've been saying, boxing.

I just looked at the old dump's website. When I went there it was in Stratford. Now it's in Barking Road.

I guess it was a part of changing Stratford into somewhere unrecognisable in readiness for the Olympics.
Report SlippyBlue May 6, 2018 6:39 PM BST
"Also, as I said - I probably know more about London and its issues than the rest of you put together."

Well that is quite a statement by you STUDYFORM, and having been born and bred in London, went to school here in Dulwich and had various properties all over the capital in the last 30 years or so I hardly think that you are the ultimate sage on all things London on here as I know London like the back of my hand. Not like you to make such a statement like that.
Report moisok May 6, 2018 6:57 PM BST
It is called a put down tactic - taking the moral high ground -

eg    I am a poole pirates supporter and know a lot more about them than you do
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 7:13 PM BST
Not on the forum, slippy, I was just talking about the people on this thread going on about what London is like, based on the ranting of a Sheffield student.

If you are a Poole Pirates supporter, moisok. Then you'd be right.
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 7:16 PM BST
Whoops, posted too early.
Now you've added to the thread, slippy, I'd say both you and I know more about London then the rest put together.

Most people on this forum are not from London (lucky barstewards - unless they're from Liverpool, in which case they're unlucky too)
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 7:27 PM BST
"Now you've added to the thread, slippy, I'd say both you and I know more about London then the rest put together".AngryAngryAngry I'm deeply offended LaughLaughLaugh
Report moisok May 6, 2018 7:30 PM BST
Creeping now he has been pulled up by slippy  yo ho ho

I done sumfink none have use lot done in landan and I know more about it than any of you

so there.!!!
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 7:31 PM BST
Right you, outside!! If I'm not there in 5 minuted start without me BlushLaugh
Report Foinavon May 6, 2018 7:33 PM BST
I've had tea at the Ritz, does that count? Confused
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 7:35 PM BST

May 6, 2018 -- 7:33PM, Foinavon wrote:

I've had tea at the Ritz, does that count?

Snap. Happy

Report moisok May 6, 2018 7:36 PM BST
I once moored alongside hms belfast - hows about that then

I thankyou (arthur askey)
Report moisok May 6, 2018 7:37 PM BST
yeah use woz the barsteward who gave me that dud coin when I held out my enamel mug
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 7:38 PM BST
Report SlippyBlue May 6, 2018 7:41 PM BST
Fair enough STUDYFORM, I wasn't having a pop at you in the slightest mate. I'm proud to be a Londoner and now where I am I know that I'll never live anywhere else for the rest of my days which is South East London and I absolutely love it here. Happy
Report moisok May 6, 2018 7:41 PM BST
write  it's barca v the brylcream boys
must go and plaice a bet
Report boxingthefox May 6, 2018 7:44 PM BST
Slippy I dated a girl from Greenwich, a long drive home every bl88dy night.
Report moisok May 6, 2018 7:58 PM BST
we woz there for the 2017  tall ships out of there
great weekend
Report woundedknee May 6, 2018 8:26 PM BST
South East London LoveCool
Report STUDYFORM May 6, 2018 10:47 PM BST

May 6, 2018 -- 7:41PM, SlippyBlue wrote:

Fair enough STUDYFORM, I wasn't having a pop at you in the slightest mate. I'm proud to be a Londoner and now where I am I know that I'll never live anywhere else for the rest of my days which is South East London and I absolutely love it here.

It's weird how Sarf & Norf are always so separate.
I'm not as proud of it as you. Tbh, I don't really miss it either.
Not least the fact that you can't park anywhere any more.

Report wit-ham May 6, 2018 10:57 PM BST
Lived in Brockley was in the William Hills when it got held up
Moral of this is never go into a betting shop when i'm in one Laugh
Report woundedknee May 6, 2018 11:36 PM BST
3 bed house in Brockley .. 550 k  + Shocked  Thats near the hills rasta shop .. blood Laugh
Report wit-ham May 6, 2018 11:44 PM BST
Gone through the roof since moved out
had a one bed flat sold for 46 GRAND IN 1998
Bought in Essex for 64 now both about same price
Report InsiderTrader May 7, 2018 9:53 AM BST
Not sure where you are getting your info from.

'His mother, Pretana Morgan, said she "couldn't have asked for a better son". She said he was not in a gang and aspired to be an architect.'
Report moisok May 7, 2018 10:00 AM BST
sky news on the box over an hour ago

he was kicked out of school 'he was GOING to study thirteen subjects  - he wasn't actually studying - but it is made out to look like he was - wasn't even IN  school etc etc  -  - it is poor defensive 'someone else is to blame'  etc - understandable of course she is grieving for her son - but it ain't like it is portrayed
Report moisok May 7, 2018 10:01 AM BST
they are falling like nine pins
Report InsiderTrader May 7, 2018 10:02 AM BST
Let down by the system and lack of investment. Has the father been on?
Report moisok May 7, 2018 10:10 AM BST
'promising rapper'   all part of the culture -  no doubt the way some of them talk, behave, expect things. etc shows they are a culture distant and apart from the majority of the country.  A culture of entitlement and race card playing victims.
Report moisok May 7, 2018 10:17 AM BST

43 year old man stabbed in Perivale!!!Sad just down the road from my drum

(third cardboard box under the flyover)
Report moisok May 7, 2018 10:18 AM BST
Apparently now being introduced as 'A MIXED RACE WEDDING'  now being headlined on sky news  -
Report posy May 7, 2018 10:19 AM BST
Kicked out of school ! The solution is to adopt the same policy to gang members that Duterte adopted to wipe out drug dealers in the Philippines. Call it target practice.
Report boxingthefox May 7, 2018 10:53 AM BST

May 7, 2018 -- 10:17AM, moisok wrote:

BOXING43 year old man stabbed in Perivale!!! just down the road from my drum(third cardboard box under the flyover)

Nowhere in Landan is safe CryCryCry

Report detraveller May 7, 2018 1:31 PM BST

May 7, 2018 -- 10:19AM, posy wrote:

Kicked out of school ! The solution is to adopt the same policy to gang members that Duterte adopted to wipe out drug dealers in the Philippines. Call it target practice.

Looks good but you won't have the balls to step out of your house if it was a Duterte style govt. Remember, Duterte doesn't just kill the gang members. He also decides who is a gang member and who's not. With the way things are changing in London and UK, you'll probably be the target practice.

Report Dr Crippen May 7, 2018 1:55 PM BST
You can't beat a bit of iron fist.
Report STUDYFORM May 7, 2018 8:12 PM BST
Perivale. That's more or less London.
Mind you we've never really counted west London, just the other 3 compass points and the middle. At least it's on the central line.
Report boxingthefox May 7, 2018 8:32 PM BST
My daughter lives there Study. An innocent 13 year shut in the head walking with his parents 15 year old also shot in the head, in Harrow.
Report STUDYFORM May 7, 2018 8:49 PM BST
I have a mate, an occasional forum user, who lives in Wembley, I was working with him, at his office late one Sunday evening about 30 years ago when we heard a commotion outside and someone was brandishing a large kitchen knife about at some other young people. We called the police, who did actually turn up.
It's always been a bit horrible in most parts of London.
Report moisok May 7, 2018 9:36 PM BST
Most of you don't live in london so I probably know more about it than the rest..

is there anyone else bar slippy living here?   ho ho

Brixton don't count  Crazy
Report moisok May 7, 2018 9:37 PM BST
or Dulwich - too posh
Report STUDYFORM May 7, 2018 9:37 PM BST
London wakners.
Report moisok May 7, 2018 9:38 PM BST
I really don't know how people know what it is like on the ground if you ain't here.
Report moisok May 7, 2018 9:38 PM BST
two many nos
Report STUDYFORM May 7, 2018 10:04 PM BST
So, basically, everyone on here comes from or lives in London.
I stand corrected.
Report moisok May 8, 2018 11:11 AM BST
If use not living here study how can you know what it is like or pass comment on how it feels or looks??
Report STUDYFORM May 8, 2018 2:15 PM BST
Now you're being silly.
Report moisok May 8, 2018 2:19 PM BST
as I said if you don't live here how would you get a feel for the place

as we do here when we emerge from our trenches at the dawn 'stand to'
Report moisok May 8, 2018 7:49 PM BST
just a bit of acid(?)  this afternoon
Report fool proof May 8, 2018 8:38 PM BST
Acid sprayed on a bus,Would never have happened in Reg and Blakey's time
Report casemoney May 8, 2018 10:30 PM BST
Child poverty rates across the Capital are astounding over 40%  in west ham  .. Plain
Report Injera May 9, 2018 5:55 PM BST
Invite people from poorer parts of the world and you invite their poverty.

They were hardly gonna leave it at customs were they.

'Anything to declare sir/madam'? 'Yes, we'd like to leave our inbred inability to make a living or survive without aid. Oh and I want a receipt!'
Report TheBaron May 9, 2018 6:30 PM BST
inbred inability to make a living or survive without aid.

Report moisok May 9, 2018 6:40 PM BST
and a house and money now or I will get a lawyer  - it is hilarious - we are getting screwed

and the politicos and lawyers are making loads of money out of it
Report TheBaron May 9, 2018 6:46 PM BST
but on the bright side it gives you something to get worked up about
Report moisok May 9, 2018 6:59 PM BST
after all it only affects a few people - most of you don't even live here in london - it really is a minor issue in the general flow of things - does it affect you?

so quite a lot of 'the community' are killing one another it does not challenge the westmonster and the political establishment

plenty of noise as khan prays with the mother of known(now dead) ghangsta member

says it all  really

it is funny how they are really ramping up the stop and search now - I thought they said it didn't work and was largely racist and offensive to the community - now they are increasing it  - so what is it ? good or bad?  ho ho
Report TheBaron May 9, 2018 7:07 PM BST
Its definitely sending him Doolally
Report moisok May 9, 2018 7:23 PM BST
what we need to do is to send in more social workers and sociologists and to further improve community relations  -   

we should be applauding the royal family in its attempt to carry this forward

Sky are quite rightly promoting what it describes as the first royal multicultural wedding

now come on people - lets concentrate on the important things in life

thank me later
Report TheBaron May 9, 2018 7:27 PM BST
Thank you for the laughs.
Report moisok May 9, 2018 7:28 PM BST
in amongst all this hysteria over these isolated incidents(one woman just been acided by the way)  do you notice how rare descriptions emerge

I do wonder why.  Is plod that racist?? Or just avoiding the issue.
Report SlippyBlue May 9, 2018 7:41 PM BST
Acid attack in Brixton yesterday afternoon Cry
Report moisok May 9, 2018 8:03 PM BST
I hear there is an urgent probe into the violence.  Does that include the khan praying?   Good to see things are on the move over this issue.
Report posy May 9, 2018 8:35 PM BST
Start by taking out all the over-weight men wearing over-sized clothes and side/reverse facing caps and expensive trainers ,swamped in bling......and hey ho you've solved the problem.
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