May 6, 2018 -- 3:46PM, InsiderTrader wrote:
STUDYFORM06 May 18 12:21Joined: 26 Jan 05| Topic/replies: 18,471 | Blogger: STUDYFORM's blogI watched the video.It has no credibility.Anyone could stand in front of a map and rant for money.^Again hiding behind his prejudice and refusing to admit there is nothing in the video that he actually thinks is wrong.This one of the major problems with the western world now. People just refuse to engage in a meaningful conversation because they have made up their mind the video is wrong without even watching it because a leftist or globalist has told them to hate person x, y or z. They just naively believe what they are told to believe and never ask any questions.
I was just presented with a message which I think is quite apt.
Although this doesn't necessarily apply to Insider Trader, who is more committed to causing arguments.
You have no idea what my prejudices are.
Also, as I said - I probably know more about London and its issues than the rest of you put together.
May 6, 2018 -- 7:33PM, Foinavon wrote:
I've had tea at the Ritz, does that count?
May 6, 2018 -- 7:41PM, SlippyBlue wrote:
Fair enough STUDYFORM, I wasn't having a pop at you in the slightest mate. I'm proud to be a Londoner and now where I am I know that I'll never live anywhere else for the rest of my days which is South East London and I absolutely love it here.
It's weird how Sarf & Norf are always so separate.
I'm not as proud of it as you. Tbh, I don't really miss it either.
Not least the fact that you can't park anywhere any more.
May 7, 2018 -- 10:17AM, moisok wrote:
BOXING43 year old man stabbed in Perivale!!! just down the road from my drum(third cardboard box under the flyover)
Nowhere in Landan is safe
May 7, 2018 -- 10:19AM, posy wrote:
Kicked out of school ! The solution is to adopt the same policy to gang members that Duterte adopted to wipe out drug dealers in the Philippines. Call it target practice.
Looks good but you won't have the balls to step out of your house if it was a Duterte style govt. Remember, Duterte doesn't just kill the gang members. He also decides who is a gang member and who's not. With the way things are changing in London and UK, you'll probably be the target practice.