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21 Jun 13 20:14
Date Joined: 19 Sep 09
| Topic/replies: 1,018 | Blogger: Shenanigans's blog
I received a letter advising me that a planning application had been made to create an eruv in my area.  Yes, an eruv.  I had no idea what the flip it was either.

Apparently they want put to put up some kind of fencing (seems like a wire wrapped round a large number of 5 metre-poles) which will apparently allow Orthodox Jews to go out on their sabbath while carrying man-made items (keys, prams, wheelchairs and so on).  Apparently their bible tells them this is not acceptable, unless it's within an eruv..

Well that's fine, and the erection (oo-err) of these posts won't bother me much - much like telegraph poles I guess, but I must ask...why the heck impose a rule (i.e. you can't go out carrying keys on the sabbath), and then completely artificially create another one (i.e. construct a supposed area with poles and a bit of wire) that allows you to break that rule? 

Any flippin ideas?
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Report brendanuk1 June 21, 2013 9:12 PM BST
house prices
Report Shenanigans June 21, 2013 9:25 PM BST
You're not the first person to mention prices.  I'm planning to sell this summer, but do you think I should wait until this eruv is in place?  Is it really that important?  Oy vey!
Report Makybe_Diva June 21, 2013 9:38 PM BST

You learn something new every day on chit-chat.

Report Shenanigans June 21, 2013 10:06 PM BST
Interesting, yes.  But why on earth do they impose these restrictions upon themselves, only to spend hours working out how to circumvent them?  And how on earth does the Old Testament tell them it's fine as long as you erect a flippin telegraph netwoprk around your propertird? 

It is so close to being, hang is utterly ridiculous.  Or is racist to say that?
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