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13 Nov 12 20:08
Date Joined: 14 Sep 04
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Leonard is shorter than his mother.  I'm very surprised Sheldon hasn't mentioned it.
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Report Tommy Toes November 13, 2012 8:09 PM GMT
Hahaha! That's made me laugh, PM!

Which reminds me of our conversation of some years ago: The little lad down the road now towers over his very tall mother. So - you were right.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:12 PM GMT
I know a couple of blokes that are shorter than their mother. Quite rare, but maybe her lack or nurture stunted his growth
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:13 PM GMT
BTW one has dwarfism
Report History Maker November 13, 2012 8:13 PM GMT
It's not really that much of an error now, is it?

I know a chap called Alex who's way shorter than his mum. He is only 2 years old, but I think that that's splitting hairs.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:14 PM GMT
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:15 PM GMT
Reminds me of meeting a Pakistani that thought we were all so educated because we could all speak english...
Report liamcol November 13, 2012 8:15 PM GMT
What height is/was Verne Troyers mother?
Report setup November 13, 2012 8:16 PM GMT
And why are none of them fat? They don't do any exercise and eat a lot of fast food and fizzy drinks.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:17 PM GMT
that's a better question, setup
Report Pokermonster November 13, 2012 8:19 PM GMT
The rule is:

No son is shorter than his mother, barring a medical anomaly on either side.
Report liamcol November 13, 2012 8:29 PM GMT
Found this on t'internet.

I've been told that a good way of predicting a child's height is the following:

Let the father's height be x and the mother's height be y (in inches).

For a boy, the most likely height is (x + y + 5)/2.

For a girl, the most likely height is (x + y - 5)/2.

This is because adult men are about five inches taller than adult women (and some other facts about the inheritance of height which I won't go into).

You can see then that the most likely height for a son is (x + y)/2 + 5/2.
Since the average difference between the mother's and the father's height is that the father is five inches taller, this means that on average the son will be taller than the mother.
Of course, this doesn't mean that sons will always be taller than their mothers, just that on average they will.
Indeed, there are (somewhat unlikely) circumstances where you can even predict that the son will probably be shorter than their mother.
Suppose the mother is nine inches taller than the father (so x = y - 9).
Then the formula predicts that the most likely height for the son is ((y - 9) + y + 5)/2, which equals (2y - 4)/2, which equals y - 2.
So if the mother is considerably taller than the father, the son will probably be shorter than his mother.
But, once again, this is only the most likely height, not what it will always be.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:31 PM GMT
that is not the rule. That is a rule that requires that the father is usually taller than the mother, and also further down the line. It is rare because a woman generally goes for a man that is taller than her. The Y chromosome usually dictates height.
Report Mr Eboue November 13, 2012 8:32 PM GMT
my dad is 6 foot 3. Mum is about 5 foot 4.

I'm 6'2.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:33 PM GMT
if your dad was 5'4 and your mother 6'3 I'd be very surprised if you were taller than your mom
Report Pokermonster November 13, 2012 8:35 PM GMT
I believe a son would still grow taller than his 6 foot 3 mum, MF.
Report SlippyBlue November 13, 2012 8:35 PM GMT
My sister in law is 6', both her sons are 6'4''

I don't know any bloke that is shorter than their mum.
Report Pokermonster November 13, 2012 8:36 PM GMT
My mum was six feet tall.  I'm only three inches taller.
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:37 PM GMT
how tall are the fathers?
Report SlippyBlue November 13, 2012 8:40 PM GMT
My bro is same as me, 5'10'' !
Report Nilsson Schmilsson November 13, 2012 8:40 PM GMT
Mr Eboue • November 13, 2012 8:32 PM GMT
my dad is 6 foot 3. Mum is about 5 foot 4.

has father eboue suffered from any neck problems ?
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:41 PM GMT
ma eboue definitely hasn't ;)
Report Tommy Toes November 13, 2012 8:44 PM GMT
TMF, I thought the same when I was talking to PM about this some years ago (father much shorter than the mother), as there was a little lad down the road from me whose dad is about 5'6" and his mother close to 6' (both guesses).
Josh (their son) was a very small child and his mates of the same age always towered above him.

PM, reckoned he would grow to be taller than his mother - and in the last couple of years he's grown like one of Jack's magic beans!
I'd say he's now aged 16-17 and about 6'1" or 6'2"
Report Pokermonster November 13, 2012 8:44 PM GMT
In my case I do not know, I'm afraid, MF.
Report Mr Eboue November 13, 2012 8:44 PM GMT
Report The Magic Flea November 13, 2012 8:50 PM GMT
TT than ofcourse can be the case as he took the genetics from his mother's side. But I can guarantee you if you have at least 2 generations of father's shorter than the mother, the male will be shorter. Poker I am sorry to hear that. Eboue, toungue in cheek felatio joke
Report Clungehungry November 13, 2012 8:54 PM GMT
I just watched Diff'rent Strokes. NOW I'm confused!
Report SlippyBlue November 13, 2012 8:55 PM GMT
Out of my 5 nephews they are all taller than me. My Dad was 6' and Ma 5'1''

I've given up doing arm wrestles for money against them at Christmas, far too embarrassing to keep losing! I get it back at trivial pursuit.
Report Nilsson Schmilsson November 13, 2012 9:09 PM GMT
what choo talkin bout clunge
Report TheBetterBettor November 19, 2012 5:20 PM GMT
Timothy Lumsden in Sorry!

much shorter than his mother.
Report judorick November 19, 2012 5:26 PM GMT
genetic not genealogical

genealogy is the study of family trees

Report treble November 19, 2012 10:28 PM GMT
I'm shorter than my mum. She's 5'6, i'm 5'5. Problem?
Report orioles November 19, 2012 11:00 PM GMT
Speak up, Grumpy, I can't hear you down there.

I'll get me stilts Plain
Report screaming from beneaththewaves November 20, 2012 8:03 AM GMT
I'd always assumed the unspoken implication was that she was not Leonard's biological mother. On the face of it you'd expect Sheldon to make a tactless comment; but remember that he and Leonard's mother are in constant correspondence behind Leonard's back. She's the only woman with whom we've seen Sheldon have any kind of respectful relationship.

A lot is left unstated in The BBT: I mean, Sheldon's obviously got Asperger's syndrome, but nobody ever comments on it.
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