Results for tag: General betting
Posted by: challenge500 on Jun 13, 2011 at 11:49:09 AM
Hi there, Well this last week has been better with an increase of bankroll from $421 to £440, which is better than a loss. I did have less bets which I said I would which I think helps. Still early days and I'm learning all the time. My target is to increase my bankroll by 5% per week which so far I have more than do this on most weeks. I limit my bets to between 2% and 5% of bank which is similar to the kelly system - reducing bet size as bank goes down and increasing bank as bank goes up. Glad to see the mavs won which I said some time ago. Stick to teams that perform well ATS and you make money, all good for next season. Anyway good luck!
Posted by: challenge500 on Apr 13, 2011 at 01:07:12 PM
Hi there, Anyone know the what or who about the 2% on betfair that make money? They say, or that's what I have read that only 2% of betfair patrons actually make money. That sounds bad....but 2 out of every hundred is still alot of people making money. Think about it? Anyway who are they and how do they do it, that's what I would like to know? Does anyone know? I have a theory on the subject, but I might be wrong.